
lot # 6597 - europe Great Britain

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023 09:00 Europe/Zurich

1854, 1 d. red-brown, plate 204, lettered AF-BG, perf. 16, die I, alphabet II, small crown wmk., unused, top marginal block of four, with part inscription and showing Type 3 pin marks, one of seven plates originally engraved with this type, original gum, perf. separation in places has been reinforced by hinges, some tone marks top, small diagonal crease in marginal, just the odd perf. pulled, very appealing and rare, especially with selvedge, a scarce plate, standard "used" C1 catalogues at £30, this plate at £225, standard mint block of four catalogues at £2'500, making this a rare and valuable piece. SG Spec. C1 = £2'500 standard plate, plate 204 is approx. x8 more scarce. rnProvenance: Pat Lyon Collection, illustrated and discussed in The GB Journal May/June 1997, page 39.rnRemark: The block of four AF/BG originally adjoined the famous "Seymour" corner plate number block AH/BL (1951).rn     


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