
lot # 2197 - europe France

Thursday Nov 30, 2023 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Ballon monté 1870 (Oct 27): Entire newspaper letter 'Gazette des Absents' no. 1 carried on board of balloon no. 21 'Colonel Charras' to Antwerpen, franked with Napoléon laureated 30 c. brown, a fresh and fine example, tied by Étoile de Paris '35' numeral obliterator with Paris Ministère des Finances despatch cds as well as framed PD in red alongside. Reverse with "FRANCE EST" ambulant (Nov 2) and ANVERS arrival (Nov 3) cds's. An appealing and rare gazette to Belgium, ex Provera. Maury = € 450 + 1'500 + 250.


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