By: Corinphila Auction AG
lot # 2590 - türkei ganzsachen
Lots & Collection, Ottoman Post Office in Smirna 1827/1922c.: The Exhibit collection on leaves (95+ covers/cards on exhibit leaaves) with Dulos issue cover with 20 pa. green and 1 pi. yellow cancelled by boxed "Izmir 81" handstamp, 1869 3 pi. orange staionery envelope up-rated with 2 x 10 pa. lilac to Kutaia, Empire issue covers/postal stationery (17) with framed "Izmir" handstamps (C&W fig. 20) and circular datestamps, Official usage from Sanitary Office, 1892 issue covers/cards (18) incl. 20 pa. card with "Izmir Pazari Posta Subesi 1303" negative seal handstamp in black with French Postage Dues; 5 pa. brown on complete Newspaper, unusual card from Lemnos written on board Greek ship in quarantine in "Glazomenes" with unlisted cds in blue; covers/cards with destinations including Albania, Austria, Chios, Crete, Egypt, France, Germany, GB, Indo China, Italy, Metelino, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Syria, USA; the collection showing nearly all the Coles & Walker listed cancels (figs 8-34) and material from the Smyrne suburbs incl. Bashmahane, Chadurvaan-Alti card and reg'd cover, Cordelio, Karapinar, 1907 cover from Kemeralti, 1910 card with "Rue Franque" cds in blue, 1918 cover registered from "La Pointe", card from "Quarantina", small collection of Dulos issues off cover, also including wonderful ancillary material incl. Maps, Bills of Lading, Cheques, engraved prints, voluminous postcards of Smyrna (100+) incl. Smyrne in flames in 1922, Passport issued in 1827 by British Consul etc. Careful viewing recommended.
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Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
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