By: Doron Waide
lot # 278 - Judaica, Holocaust, Anti Semitic, Autographs & related material
Judaica Holocaust - Nazi court investigation document dated 31.3.1943. Translation : Based on the preliminary Investigation, the main proceedings before the district court of honour are open against the federal member Dipl.Kfm Rudolf Heyan. Vienna, 4. Seisgasse No.18, B. M.Nr. A 33 834 and oral main hearing for the April 9 1943 4pm. in the Gaudienststelle NSRB - Vienna 1st Rptenturmstr, 13 (Entrance: Ertlg. 2). The hearing will also be held if the accused does not appear despite being properly summoned. The accused is accused of Having represented the Jew Wahrmann in court against the liquidator Karl Schneider, Vienna, 3rd district/ Baumanngasse No. 14. Appointed by the property transfer office, withoutthe permission of the Gau legal office, presu,ably for profit - seeking reasons. To substantiate this fact, a letter from the accused to the liquidator Karl Schneider and transcript recorded with the accused and Schneider were presented as avidence. The accused knew that he needed the permission of the Gau legal office to represent the Jew Wahrmann. Despite this, you did not relinquish your power until March 20 1940. The district court of honour considers this conduct of the accused and the results of the investigation to be sufficient grounds to open the main proceedings before the district court of honour. The Gau honor court Chairman NSRB Dr. Ernest Heffmann (sign). The document with middle horizontal splits on 2 sides, otherwise in VF condition
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