By: Gert Mueller Auktion
lot # 5602 - deutsche kolonien dt.kol.deutsch-ostafrika
5 Pfg. auf farbiger Ansichtskarte "SWAKOPMUND POSTSTRASSE MIT ANTONIUS-HOSPITAL, POST UND LEUCHTTURM" mit Schiffspoststempel "DEUTSCHE SEEPOST OSTAFRIKA-LINIE p 12.9.13." nach Wilsdruff.
5 Pfg. on colored ppc " SWAKOPMUND post officeSTRASSE with ANTONIUS'S HOSPITAL, post office AND LIGHTHOUSE " with Ship postmarks " GERMANS SEEpost office OSTAFRIKA-line P 12/9/13. " After Wilsdruff.
Michel 25
Gert Müller Stamp Auctions
Gert Müller Stamp Auctions was established in 1951 and has become well known by holding philatelic ambitions auctions. Numerous collection of important collectors have been auctioneered in the... Read More