
lot # 40185 - Military Mail - British Empire WWI

Wednesday May 17, 2017 22:00 Asia/Jerusalem
Last date for bids: 
May 17, 22:00 IDT

British WWI military mail in Egypt: 20 AP 1918 civilian business stationary cv ex FPO 231 (231 Bgd. 74th Div, KANTARA) to CAIRO, pre-franked 5m per local letter rate & tied by DC Proud-D6 pmk (1 mth later than his LKD); cv endorsed by officer; passed local & EEF Base censor (FB-PBC1); b/s next day CAIRO-G arr.; slit open at top, vert fold. Dispatch pmk on 1st day of use in locale; in use there only 9 days, to 28 AP (next day Div. sent to France).
Feldpost - Britisches Weltreich Erster Weltkrieg
דואר צבאי - אימפריה בריטית במלחמת העולם ה-1