1913-1988 MLH & used collection on Seven Seas hingeless pages. Various kangaroos to 2/- used with 5d fine but needs soaking. Pages present for perf "OS" but no stamps, ditto "Specimen" pages. KGV vals to 1/4d x 3, 1914 6d engraved with parcel cancel, 1931 Kingsford Smith MUH, 1932 5/- SHB postally used but light vertical crease, 1937 9d NSW MUH, 1937/49 Robes in thick paper used with average later. Mixed cond, but reasonable pickings. (100s)
Ace Stamp Auctions
I began this public auction format in 2008 following an apparent demand for a regular Western Australian based auction that is held on a frequent basis with pre-determined dates and... Read More
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