
Interasia Auctions Limited

lot # 2149 - 4: China taiwan

Sunday Jun 23, 2019 09:30 to Monday Jun 24, 2019 15:30 Asia/Hong_Kong

Taiwan, 1945-68, a valuable mint or unused collection with most issues complete, including 1949-50 surcharges on North-Eastern Provinces complete with additional values, 1950 (5 Jan.) Flying Geese $1 on (-) blue-green to $20 on (-) blue-green with both settings of $1 and printings of the $2, 1950 (25 Mar.) surcharges set of 12, 1950 Koxinga, 1951 Division of Country into Self-governing Districts 40c. to $2, perf. and imperf. with miniature sheet, 1951 (19 July) Flying Geese $5 on (-) blue-green to $50 on (-) blue-green, 1952 Land Tax Reduction perf. and imperf., 1952-53 Second and Third Anniv. of Re-election of President Chiang Kai-shek both issues perf. and imperf., 1952 (8 Dec.) Flying Geese $10 on (-) blue-green to $50 on (-) on blue-green, 1953 Anti-Tuberculosis Association, 1953 Chiang Kai-shek Definitives imperf. 10c. to $20 perf. and imperf. in souvenir folder, 1954 Silo Bridge perf. and imperf. in souvenir folder, 1954 Afforestation Campaign, 1954 Relief Fund for Chinese Refugees from North Vietnam, 1955 First Anniv. of Second Re-election, Armed Forces and President's Birthday miniature sheets (all three with tabs), 1955 First Anniv. of Second Re-election and Armed Forces miniature sheets (both with tabs), 1960 Inauguration of Cross-Island Highway miniature sheet, 1962 Ancient Chinese Paintings from the Palace Museum Collection (2nd Series, toned perfs.), 1962 Postal Savings, 1965 Carp granite paper, and both 1958 "Map of China" Booklets complete and unexploded (2), generally fine apart from light tones. A fantastic opportunity to acquire what is, in essence, a practically complete collection in highly collectible quality. (approx. 750).
Estimate HK$ 35,000 - 40,000

Estimate: HK$ 35,000 - 40,000


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