
Mowbray Collectables

lot # 7 - collections and accumulations

Saturday Mar 07, 2020 13:00 Pacific/Auckland

Australia 1913-65 s/b, quite mixed incl Roos 4 x 4d & 3 x 5d used, 1/- mint 3rd wmk, 10/- used (C of A); Specimen ovpts, 10/- type B; £1 type D on 3rd wmk, 10/- to £2 type D on C of A wmk; 1932 Lyre Bird FD cancel (complete) on piece; 1935 1/- Anzac used x 2, Jubilee set used; BCOF set mint, also used to 1/- army cds. Over 1000 stamps. MUH/Mint/Used.


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