
Phoenix Auctions Pty Ltd

lot # 1106 - Australia

Friday Jan 29, 2016 10:30 Europe/London

1940-46 Censored Mail various destinations [1] USA x8 - six reseals and two handstamped only, frankings incl 1941 AIF set, 1942 with 3½d surcharge solo, 1941 (Apr 4) use of uprated QM 1d green PSE; [2] GB x10 incl Airmail x2, all reseals ex one handstamp only, includes 1943 (Sep 20) 2/1d Air to Edinburgh by 2/- Roo CofA wmk + 1d QM, 1944 (Feb 21) with Lady Gowrie Red Cross Appeal label; [3] S. Africa 1940 (June 1) to East London; [4] AIF Malaya 1942 (Feb 13) censored and returned to sender (did not leave Australia); [5] Australia addresses 1940-44 x19 mostly written up, low value KGVI era stamps with concession, censor (one USA) and other markings, few Tatts, odd registered. Lots to look at here, excellent value. (40)More Scans

Postal History
