
Status International

lot # 63 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS

Thursday Feb 02, 2023 12:00 Australia/Sydney

Australian Philatelist comp set of 14 1987-91 inc scarce '1991 Year Book'. NSW 'The Postal History 1788-1901' (JS White, pub 1988) & Houison 'History of the PO'. Australian Commonwealth mix inc 'Cumulative Index of Australian Source Material' Vols 1-4 (Kellow). Rosenblum 'Stamps of the Commonwealth' (1947 edition). ACCC 'Frama imprint' Nos 30-44 (1991-94). Australian States Specialist Catalogue (5th edition, G&R Philately), plus Malaya/Straits Settlements bound photocopies on Postage Stamps/Postal History.
Estimate A$150


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