
Status International

lot # 183 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia

Thursday Apr 29, 2021 12:00 Australia/Sydney

Kangaroos: ½d- 5/- accumulation on 1950s loose leaf stocksheets with ½d green (34) inc 'ROSTAGE' varieties states II & III (ACSC cat $325), 3 other ACSC listed flaws ($150) & wmk inverted ($75), 3d olive CTO Dec 1913 (cat $50), 4d orange (7) inc perf large OS (2) & private perfins (ACSC cat $415), 5d chestnut (6) inc Large OS ($425). Other 1st wmk stamps inc 6d blue strip of 4 with Vic 'English Mail TPO' pmks ($150+) & 1/- (5) inc perf Large OS ($240). 2nd wmk 2d (3 inc pr), 2½d (3 inc pr), 9d, 1/- (5 inc pr) with Vic 'Stock Exchange' pmks & 2/- brown (total ACSC $1135). 3rd wmk 2d (18, cat $270), plus wmk inv (2, $120), 3d olive wmk inv ($150), 6d blue (6), 9d (4), 1/- (18, $540) inc blk of 4, 2/- brown (10, $350) & 5/- pale yellow ($225). SM wmk 6d (10), 9d (4) & 1/- (10) cat $700. CofA wmk 9d (20) & 5/- cat $270. Usual sl mixed condition, G-F/VF U, total listed cat $5600. (270)
Estimate A$500

Sale Terms