10.8.1902 registered double weight cv sent by "Augusto Parodi - Caifa" mailed to Hamburg, franked on back, 4 colors Turkish franking - 10 stps: 4x5pa + 4x10pa + 20pa + 1pi total 3pi: 1pi basic rate + 1pi addit weight + 1pi Registration fee all tied by HAIFFA 10.8.902 pmk (PM 7), UPU R cachet #450 (RC 1) - this on front, Hamburg 20.8.02 arrival pmk on back; light peripheral creases, f - vf early regist. cv
Sale Terms
About The Seller
Ing. Yacov TSACHOR
Member A.I.E.P. - International Association of Philatelic Experts
Current Areas of Specialisation: Israel, including Doar-Ivri, 1948 Interim Period; British Mandate Palestine: postal... Read More