Einstein Albert 1923 translation to YIDDISH of his Theories of Relativity: "Spetsyele un algemeyne relyativitets teorye", Yiddish translation by K. Guntnboym, E. Gitlin edition Warsaw, 14x21 cm, 109 pages, additional calligraphic title w/small vignette of Einstein, 13 figs w/graphs & formulas; hardcovers changed, all inner leaves vf & Rare, sold in 2019 by Christie's for $1450
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About The Seller
Ing. Yacov TSACHOR
Member A.I.E.P. - International Association of Philatelic Experts
Current Areas of Specialisation: Israel, including Doar-Ivri, 1948 Interim Period; British Mandate Palestine: postal... Read More