

lot # 10762 - gambia 1922-29

Price: £ 498.00
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025 17:00 Europe/London

Comprehensive study of the GV wmk Script elephant issue. Neatly written up & presented on Exeter album pages, entirely mint or u.m. with most being very fine & fresh. Incls specialised shades, printing flaws, blocks, perf changes & colour shifts. ½d x 42 + part sheet block of 12. 1d x 39. 1½d x 36 + marginal block of 4. 2d x 15. 2½d x 13 + 2 blocks of 4. 3d x 15. 4d x 6. 5d x 8 + 2 blocks of 4. 6d x 24. 7½d x 8. 10d x 11 + block of 4. 1/- x 18. 1/6d x 5. 2/- x 4. 2/6d x 4. 3/- x 3. 4/- x 4. 5/- x 3. Plus 4 further pages of used values to 6d. Cat £1700 (image available) {CC} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £398.40)

SG 122-41


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