First Afghan War 1841 (Aug. 5): Second page of an entire letter, written by General Elphinston presumably from the camp outside Kabul, sent to Regents Park, London, there put in Poste Restante, on reverse with light strike of the rare intaglio "AFGHANISTAN / PAID" handstamp (Robson Lowe Asia HS1) in brownish red, dated in manuscript rather indistinctly, on obverse clear oval INDIA handstamp in red, reverse with London arrival datestamp (Oct....
Auction 309-320 - Europe & Overseas - Day 7
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Auction 309-320 - Europe & Overseas - Day 7
CORINPHILA AUKTIONEN AG · Wiesenstrasse 8 · 8032 Zürich · Schweiz / Suisse / Switzerland
Freitag 24. November 2023 / Friday 24 November 2023
9:00 h 30001 – 30330 320: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part III)
New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania
12:30 h 4001 4681 310: British Africa, St. Helena, Ascension, Seychelles, Bushire – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection
St. Helena, Ascencion, Seychelles, British East Africa, Nyasaland
Samstag 25. November 2023 / Saturday 25 November 2023
9:00 h 30331 – 30713 320: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part III)
Victoria, Westaustralia, Commonwealth of Australia
13:00 h 4682 – 5101 310: British Africa, St. Helena, Ascension, Seychelles, Bushire – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection
British Somaliland, Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Bushire
Montag 27. November 2023 / Monday 27 November 2023
9:00 h 1 – 463 309: Europe & Overseas Australia, Australian States Unused – The Peter Campbell Collection (part II)
14:00 h 464 – 1101 309: Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America)
- incl. South & Central America – The Brian Moorhouse Estate
Dienstag 28. November 2023 / Tuesday 28 November 2023
9:00 h 1102 – 1269 309: Europe & Overseas British Commonwealth, including Crash and Interrupted Mail
11:00 h 5201 5923 311: Egypt, including the Constantin Kelemenis & Ronny van Pellecom Collections
18:00 h 6001 6241 312: Haiti – “Liberty Head” Issue 1881–1887 – The Brian Moorhouse Collection
Mittwoch 29. November 2023 / Wednesday 29 November 2023
9:00 h 10001 10241 319: Great Britain 1840–1841 – The World‘s First Postage Stamps – The Simon Beresford-Wylie Collection (part I)
11:30 h 6501 6696 313: British Stamp Perforation – The Ray Simpson Collection
13:30 h 1270 – 1497 309: Europe & Overseas Great Britain, incl. some Surface Printed „Abnormal Plates“
- Rocket and Space Mail, incl. The Beatrice Bachmann Estate
15:30 h 1498 – 2137 309: Europe & Overseas Europe A –E, Greenland 1721–1938 – The ‘POLAR LIGHT’ Collection (part II)
- Togo Postal History – The John Mayne Collection
Donnerstag 30. November 2023 / Thursday 30 November 2023
9:00 h 2138 – 3365 309: Europe & Overseas Europe F – Z, Finland Revenue Issue 1881 and 1891 – The Jussi Tuori Collection
- Hungarian Post Offices in Romania – The Dr. Geza Homonnay Collection (part I)
- Spain 1850 – 6 cuartos black – Specialised Collection (part I)
Freitag 1. Dezember 2023 / Friday 1 December 2023
9:00 h 3366 – 3477 309: Europe & Overseas Asia / Africa
10:00 h 3478 – 3563 309: Europe & Overseas Collections & Accumulations, Literature
11:00 h 7000 7086 314: Europe‘s “Number 1” on cover – The ‘PENELOPE’ Collection
12:00 h 7501 7686 315: Incoming Mail to Spain 1850–1880 – The Luis Alemany Indarte Collection
14:00 h 9001 9179 317: Rotes Kreuz – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Jr.
15:30 h 9201 – 9567 318: Schweiz &
Schweiz ab 1907, Soldatenmarken, Flugpost Schweiz
Fürstentum Liechtenstein, Sammlungen und Posten Schweiz
Samstag 2. Dezember 2023 / Saturday 2 December 2023
10:00 h 8001 8053 316: Schweiz Bundespost – Seltene Frankaturen 1849–1854 – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Sr. (Teil I)
11:00 h 8101 – 8466 318: Altschweiz Vorphilatelie, Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayonmarken
15:30 h 8467 – 8613 318: Altschweiz Sitzende Helvetia (Strubel) bis UPU
- Ziffermuster 1882-1899 – Die Sammlung Dr. James Johnstone (Teil II)
Sale Terms
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Lot #3367 - Overseas Afghanistan
First Afghan War 1842 (Oct. 5/6): Entire letter no. 106 from to correspondence of Capt. William Riddell serving as Deputy Paymaster with General Pollock's Force, at that time in Kabul, to his wife in Indore, on reverse with nearly clear strike of the rare intaglio "AFGHANISTAN / Bearing" handstamp (Robson Lowe Asia HS3) in black, dated in manuscript "6 Oct. 42", making its way with the postage-free Fieldpost via Peshawar to FEROZEPORE, an...
Lot #3368 - Overseas Afghanistan
1872 (DEC): Combination cover from Mooltan franked by Afghan 1871/72 (dated 1288) Sanar black with slight manuscript cross and clipped at base, with India 1865 HALF ANNA pale blue, lightly tied at left.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 137, 5-8 April 2006, lot 1886.
Lot #3369 - Overseas Afghanistan
1877/78: Issued at Jalalabad, the full composite sheet of 40 subjects, issued in yellow with 25 shahi values (four with full date), 8 Sanar values, 3 Abasi types and two of each for the ½ and 1 rupee values, printed on medium white laid paper. Stuck down to backing paper at corners, otherwise generally fine, unused as issued, a scarce full sheet Gi = £ 400++.
Lot #3370 - Overseas Afghanistan
1871-1893: Album page with 18 tiger heads from various issues, used and unused and 24 rectangular stamps 1892-93, additionally one cover 1 Ab issue 1893 some adhesives questionable. Sold tel quel.
Lot #3371 - Overseas imperial china
1888: Small Dragon 3 ca. mauve, perf. 11½, two examples used on rverse of 1892 combination cover to Spandau, Germany tied by TIENTSIN chops with "CUSTOMS / TIENTSIN" cds adjacent (Aug 4); "CUSTOMS / SHANGHAI" cds in blue (Aug 9) and transferred to French P.O. Franked on obverse with Type Sage 25 c. pair for onward transmission (Aug 12). A scarce and attractive cover.
Lot #3372 - Overseas imperial china
1897: Dowager Empress with new currency overprint 30 c on 24 ca deep rose red "wide gap" overprint, very fresh bottom marginal copy with large part og. Fine and scarce.
Lot #3373 - Overseas imperial china
1897: Dragon 4 c. brown tied by "PEKING 9 SEP 09" cds to picture postcard with 'China - Japan' Geisha motif, directed "via Siberia" to Kolin in Bohemia, but making its journey with French shipmail, "PEKIN CHINE 10 SEPT 09" transit cds of the French P.O. and unusual "... PISA / CHINA-JAPAN / Anchor" handstamp.
Lot #3374 - Overseas imperial china
1901: Patriotic envelope endorsed "Feldpost" used to Heidelberg with "PAOTING" dollar chop in black and "K.D. FELD-POSTSTATION / No. 7" cds (April 11) in black, reverse with Heidelberg arrival cds (May 31). Attractive and unusual usage.
Lot #3375 - Overseas imperial china
1902: 1 c. rose postal stationery card, a used example sent registered to Berlin and up-rated with Coiling Dragon 1900 1 c. orange, 2 c. red and 10 c. green all tied on despatch at Chefoo with large "R" adjacent. Shanghai transits (Jan 20), framed "PIROSCAFI / ESTERI" in black and Berlin arrival all on obverse (Feb 25). An attractive usage.
Lot #3376 - Overseas imperial china
1902: 1 c. rose postal stationery card, a used example sent registered to Berlin cancelled by "Pa-kua" and up-rated with Coiling Dragon 1900 1 c. orange, 2 c. red and 10 c. green all tied on despatch at Chefoo with large "R" adjacent. Shanghai transits (Jan 20), framed "PIROSCAFI / ESTERI" in black and Berlin arrival all on obverse (Feb 25). An attractive usage.
Lot #3377 - Overseas imperial china
1900: Postcard (Feldpostkarte) from TIENTSIN, dated 17.12.00 bearing 7 different stamps all from different postoffices, of which Chinese post office of TIENTSIN and 6 other post offices, German CHINA stamp and fieldpostoffice cancel, regular Americain, French and Japanese stamps and a stamp for Russian post office in China, and C. E. F. British India military stamp - each stamp with it's suitable cancellation (Russian cancel in red)...
Lot #3378 - Overseas imperial china
1903: Registered cover bearing 8 stamps of the 1900-06 issue paying the postage and the registration of 20 Cents from PAOTING (oval cancel "MAY 5 1903") and rectangular registration cancel, via Peking (MAY 6), to SHANGHAI MAY 13, violet rectangular registration cancel from SHANGHAI. The letter passed to the Russian post office, where a vertical pair of the 10 Kop Russian-China issue 1899, blue on horizontally laid paper was added and...
Lot #3379 - Overseas imperial china
1878-1978: Fine lot beginning with two stamps from 'SHANGHAI L. P. O.', 6 and 12 CANDAREENS, both unused, both with old singatures, the 12 C. stamp signed Roumet and with a certificate BPB; a number 2 from China used and some more modern material with e.g. the horse set PRC from 1978. In addition a full set of Tibet 1933 and an envelope with ⅔ Tanka dark blue 1935 on envelope from BENARES India to DHAKHWA, and a few other stamps.
Lot #3380 - Overseas imperial china
1883/1984: Stockbook containing basic collection beginning with issue 1885, there are also some better stamps from the Cultural Revolution, all used. A few modern stamps are unmounted og.
Lot #3381 - Overseas imperial china
1894-1950ca.: Interesting group of covers and cards, illustrated Chinese style envelope with French P.O. stamp 1894 to England, Chinese 1-Cent stationery postcard with 10 Centimes French P.O. stamp to Germany, a true double franking with 5x 2 Cents + 25 Centimes French P.O. (a bit tired envelope with vertical bend). Nice envelope Manchukuo 1937 with special cancel, 500 Fen Mao green 1951 on cover to Switzerland. Archive of 19 Items to...
Lot #3382 - Overseas imperial china
1901/1951: The cover/card selection (19 items) with 1898/1905 Coiling Dragon usages on cards (7) including a regstered usage from Chungking, cards and stationry from Japanese P.O.'s (59 with Dairen, Hankow, Tongku; and an attractive 1901 'Round the Foreign Post Offices" card sent registered to Tientsin with six countries' stamps represented. An attractive and appealing lot.
Lot #3383 - Overseas imperial china
1910/14:Archive of 3 stationery 1 Cent postcards (two sorts) , each with a different uprating one from KIA SHING, one from CHENGTING, the last from PEKING, all addressed to Fribourg, Switzerland.
Lot #3384 - Overseas imperial china
1896/1909: Russian Post Offices, the group of covers/cards (5) with 1896 registered four colour franking cover to Erfurt, German cancelled by SHANGHAI datestamps in violet carried by French Packet, 1900 "KITAI" five colour franking cover to Spandau from Shanghai also mailed by French Packet, 1903 egistered cover franked "KITAI" 10 k. blue (3) with "Z" registered label sent via Siberia; and creased 1909 3 k. stationery card up-rated with 1 k...
Lot #3385 - Overseas People's Republic of China
1900-2000ca.: Three large stockbooks containig an accumulation on various material of most aereas of China, there are early issues of Popular Republic (often reprints) up to modern issues, some Republic of China including a philatelic folder from 1952, several better sets from Macao without gum per 5x each.
Lot #3386 - Overseas People's Republic of China
1949/99: A collection of used stamp including better sets in a China style stockbook-album all used (ca. 1949-63) plus several sets and stamps unused unmounted on stock cards, also including some good sets from Taiwan. Mi ca. € 2900.
Lot #3387 - Overseas People's Republic of China
1950/2000ca.: Collection (with a few duplication) unused unmounted or no gum, when issued as such with many good stamps and souvenir sheets. Mostly complete sets, According to consignor catalog value Michel (2015) = ca. €25'600, some material not counted. In four large stockbooks - a beautiful lot!
Lot #3388 - Overseas People's Republic of China
1890-2000ca. Lot of about 70 items including early Shanghai stationery, old picture postcards, China Republic with airpost to Switzerland, and finally, Peoples Repulic mostly commercial mail, the most recent have been addressed to the botanique garden of Chambesy in Switzerland.
Lot #3389 - Overseas People's Republic of China
1950/1997: Collection first day covers, maximum cards, postal stationery and booklets in 7 albums. Large variety and an excellent resource for topical material. There are also a cover China Republic from 1935 and another from 1950 with issue '1st Anniversary of Peoples Republic' (Mao Zedong in front of Tiananmen Square) $800 (3) + $2000+ etc. In total about 550 items.
Lot #3390 - Overseas People's Republic of China
1982/93: Collection containing first day covers from 1980-93 and maximumcards from 1982-90, about 580 items in 3 large cover-albums.
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More