Closed Auction

lot # 2195 - europe France

Thursday Nov 30, 2023 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Ballon monté 1870 (Oct 26): Entire letter carried probably on board of balloon no. 19 'Le Vauban' to Luty, Moselle in the occupied zone, bearing Napoléon laureated 20 c. blue type II, a fresh and fine single adhesive, tied by light Étoile de Paris '36' lozenge and framed "P.P." with Paris / Bd du Prince-Eugene despatch cds alongside. Taxed upon arrival with '30' due in blue crayon. A most interesting item from this interesting bureau with the additional PP cancellation, ex Provera, cert. Robineau (2004) Maury = € 450 + 4'750 for the additional PP.


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