Closed Auction

Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 2399 - österreich post i.d. levante vorphilatelie

Thursday Nov 28, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Austrian Feldpost 1854/57: Collection of covers/part covers (12 items) most with Austrian Feldpost markings used in Romania during and after the Crimean war, 1ith 1854 cover to Schwechat showing "K.K. FELDPOSTAMT No. 1" in black applied in Bucharest (Tchilinghirian fig. 712), part cover to Bucharest with superb "FELDPOST No. 2" cds applied in Jassy in black (fig. 756), large part cover with rare "K.K. ÖST.F.P. PITESCHTI" circular datestamp (fig. 765) in red-brown, 1856 cover to Rustchuk with "K.K.FELDPOSTAMT / 3s. Ae Cs" datestamp in black applied at Focsani (fig. 737) and further usages on 1857 covers (3) to Paris etc.

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