Saturday Nov 29, 2014 12:00 to Sunday Nov 30, 2014 18:00 Europe/Belgrade
Last date for bids:
Nov 29, 09:00 GMT
1918. I porto pomocno izd. za Bosnu, šest vrednosti - 4 h, 6 h, kljucna 15 h, 25 h, 40 h i 1 k sa CIRILICNIM umesto latinicnim pretiskom, atest Ercegovic.
1918 1st postage due provisional issue for Bosnia, six denominations - 4 h, 6 h, key 15 h, 25 h, 40 h and 1 k with CYRILLIC instead of Latin overprint, certificate Ercegovic.
SFK - auctioneer & dealer of stamps, postal history, coins, banknotes, shares, badges, insignia and other ephemera items with emphasis on Balkan area.
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