11th public Auction
By: Arbeiter Philately
Arbeiter Philately 11th public Auction
At his 11th. floor auction, Arbeiter Philatelie offers a selection of 5,100 stamps and postal history worldwide.
Germany with sheet rarities, Prussia and all aspects of German philately.
Europe with Old Italy, Belgium and other countries.
Extensive selection of Collections, estates and major items.
Wide range of Zeppelin single lots.
Coins with Gold & Silver in untouched estate collections.
Miscellaneous: rare enamel signs and a great airdrop leaflet propaganda collection .
Numerous collections and bequests from private collectors.
Christian Arbeiter Auction includes a selection of coins including gold.
Very attractive start prices.
Arbeiter Auktionshaus
Arbeiter Auktionshaus befindet sich in der Innenstadt von Bamberg. WIR SUCHEN: - Ladengeschäftsübernahmen inkl. Kundenstamm - Großposten jeder Art - Händlerlager - Ländersammlungen von Nr. 1 bis... Read More
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