641-668, solidus, Constans II., Constantinople. Av: bust me orb from the front, therefore circumscription. Rev: crutch cross on three steps, therefore circumscription. 4.47g, Sear 956, extremley fine
641-668, Solidus, Constans II., Konstantinopel. Av: Büste mir Kreuzglobus von vorn, darum Umschrift. Rev: Krückenkreuz auf drei Stufen, darum Umschrift. 4,47g, Sear 956, vz.
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #138 on
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #138 on
German states: extensive supply with many cancelled lots, including covers, Bavaria with Mi.-Nr. 1IIa cancelled (1,200), Schleswig-Holstein Mi.-Nr. 1 unused with “missing silk thread” variety (1,000). Furthermore, the collections’ supply includes numerous country collections from Bavaria - W?rttemberg, also some general collections.
German Empire: high-value supply from breast plate issues to se-tenants and stamp booklets, also including superb condition 2 Kr. large breast plate * item (300), 2 Pfg Deutsches Reich Germania imperforated, Iposta-Block mnh, varieties, gum ribbing, colours and unusual features, etc.
German colonies / Post offices abroad: valuable supply with numerous mnh pieces, furthermore interesting forerunner issues with, among others, 2 rare Marshall Island covers, trial proof 2 Pesa German East Africa, imperforated * (900)
Occupation World War I./Plebiscites/Danzig/Memel/Saar: including, among others, cancelled Danzig “gro?er Innendienst” (3,500), Saar with Urdrucksatz mnh (1,200), furthermore types, unusual features and numerous interesting Memelgebiet pieces with current expertizations!
WW II./Fieldpost: interesting supply with sought-after standard values and scarce items, including Montenegro 5 Lire Verwaltungsausschuss mnh, Alexanderstadt with many scarce items, such as, among others, Mi.-Nr. 8III cancelled (1,500), 9III cancelled (600), 12YIII mint never hinged condition (650), field post with, among others, Mi.-Nr. 6 K mnh (1,000), U-Boot Hela cancelled (800), etc.
Germany post-1945: comprehensive supply with numerous unusual features, types, varieties and sought-after standard issues, also including Mei?en 25/26 cancelled (450), SBZ 39zb mnh* (500), 43Ac cancelled (900), 66Y mnh (1,300), Berlin with, among others, 59X mnh (1,900), 71Y cancelled (700). Many interesting varieties of Federal Republic of Germany issues can be purchased, for example an mnh Posthorn set (700), or an 80 Pfg Posthorn from an upper left sheet corner with plate number 4 (1,500).
Europe: a selection of ca. 500 lots with interesting Yugoslavia and Liechtenstein offerings, a broad, diverse supply from collections comprising nearly 600 lots, mainly from private ownership.
Coins: more than 600 selected lots with numerous collectors’ coins and gold coins. An extensive number of antique articles also available!
You can "inspect" more than 187 collections entirely on the internet – the images of all the album pages convey a very accurate impression.
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Lot #101 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
Lot #102 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
641-668, solidus, Constans II., Constantinople. Av: bust from the front, therefore circumscription. Rev: crutch cross on three steps, therefore circumscription. 4.43g, Sear 942, whack, very fine to extremly fine.
641-668, Solidus, Constans II., Konstantinopel. Av: Büste von vorn, darum Umschrift. Rev: Krückenkreuz auf drei Stufen, darum Umschrift. 4,43g, Sear 942, Schlag, ss-vz.
Lot #103 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
641-668, solidus, Constans II., Constantinople. Av: bust from the front, therefore circumscription. Rev: crutch cross on three steps, therefore circumscription. 4.44g, Sear 947, slight embossing at the edge, very fine.
641-668, Solidus, Constans II., Konstantinopel. Av: Büste von vorn, darum Umschrift. Rev: Krückenkreuz auf drei Stufen, darum Umschrift. 4,44g, Sear 947, Prägeschwäche am Rand, ss+.
Lot #104 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
641-668, solidus, Constans II., Constantinople. Av: bust from the front, therefore circumscription. Rev: crutch cross on three steps, therefore circumscription. 4.45g, Sear 953, small margin fault, extremley fine
641-668, Solidus, Constans II., Konstantinopel. Av: Büste von vorn, darum Umschrift. Rev: Krückenkreuz auf drei Stufen, darum Umschrift. 4,45g, Sear 953, kl. Randfehler, vz.
Lot #105 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
641-668, solidus, Constans II., Constantinople. Av: bust from the front, therefore circumscription. Rev: crutch cross on three steps, therefore circumscription. 4.47g, Sear 938, Stamp mistake?, extremley fine
641-668, Solidus, Constans II., Konstantinopel. Av: Büste von vorn, darum Umschrift. Rev: Krückenkreuz auf drei Stufen, darum Umschrift. 4,47g, Sear 938, Stempelfehler?, vz.
Lot #106 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
641-668, solidus, Constans II., Constantinople. Av: bust from the front, therefore circumscription. Rev: crutch cross on three steps, therefore circumscription. 4.47g, Sear 953, slight embossing at the edge, extremley fine
641-668, Solidus, Constans II., Konstantinopel. Av: Büste von vorn, darum Umschrift. Rev: Krückenkreuz auf drei Stufen, darum Umschrift. 4,47g, Sear 953, Prägeschwäche am Rand, vz.
Lot #107 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
641-668, solidus, Constans II., Constantinople. Av: bust from the front, therefore circumscription. Rev: crutch cross on three steps, therefore circumscription. 4.47g, Sear 954, slight slight embossing at the edge, a little billowy, very fine to extremly fine.
641-668, Solidus, Constans II., Konstantinopel. Av: Büste von vorn, darum Umschrift. Rev: Krückenkreuz auf drei Stufen, darum Umschrift. 4,47g, Sear 954, leichte Prägeschwäche...
Lot #108 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
641-668, solidus, Constans II., Constantinople. Av: bust from the front, therefore circumscription. Rev: crutch cross on three steps, afield right "H", in section beneath "CONOB ", therefore circumscription. 4.49g, Sear 952 var., f. Extremley fine
641-668, Solidus, Constans II., Konstantinopel. Av: Büste von vorn, darum Umschrift. Rev: Krückenkreuz auf drei Stufen, im Feld rechts "H", im Abschnitt darunter "CONOB+", darum Umschrift....
Lot #109 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
641-668, solidus, Constans II., Constantinople. Av: the busts from Constans II. and Constantinus IV. from the front, therefore circumscription. Rev: crutch cross on three steps, therefore circumscription. 4.42g, Sear 959, slight embossing at the edge, f. Extremley fine
641-668, Solidus, Constans II., Konstantinopel. Av: Die Büsten von Constans II. und Constantinus IV. von vorn, darum Umschrift. Rev: Krückenkreuz auf drei Stufen,...
Lot #110 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
641-668, solidus, Constans II., Constantinople. Av: the busts from Constans II. and Constantinus IV. from the front, therefore circumscription. Rev: crutch cross on three steps, therefore circumscription. 4.44g, Sear 959, margin fault, extremly fine .
641-668, Solidus, Constans II., Konstantinopel. Av: Die Büsten von Constans II. und Constantinus IV. von vorn, darum Umschrift. Rev: Krückenkreuz auf drei Stufen, darum Umschrift. 4,44g...
Lot #111 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
641-668, solidus, Constans II., Constantinople. Av: the busts from Constans II. and Constantinus IV. from the front, therefore circumscription. Rev: crutch cross on three steps, therefore circumscription. 4.44g, Sear 959, extremly fine .
641-668, Solidus, Constans II., Konstantinopel. Av: Die Büsten von Constans II. und Constantinus IV. von vorn, darum Umschrift. Rev: Krückenkreuz auf drei Stufen, darum Umschrift. 4,44g, Sear 959, vz...
Lot #112 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
668-685, solidus, Constantinus IV. Pogonatus, Constantinople. Av: bust me spear and shield from the front, therefore circumscription. Rev: crutch cross on three steps, therefore circumscription. 4.43g, Sear 1157, small scratch, very fine.
668-685, Solidus, Constantinus IV. Pogonatus, Konstantinopel. Av: Büste mir Speer und Schild von vorn, darum Umschrift. Rev: Krückenkreuz auf drei Stufen, darum Umschrift. 4,43g, Sear 1157, kl....
Lot #113 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
692-695, solidus, Justinianus II., Constantinople. Av: bust christi from the front, behind the pauper of the Cross, therefore circumscription. Rev: Justinianus frontally standing, in the right a crutch cross on two steps, therefore circumscription. 4.47g , Sear 1248, small scratch, small planchet, very fine.
692-695, Solidus, Justinianus II., Konstantinopel. Av: Büste Christi von vorn, dahinter die Arme des Kreuzes, darum Umschrift....
Lot #114 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
868-879, solidus, Basil I. Macedonicus, Constantinople. Av: enthroned Christ from the front, therefore circumscription. Rev: the breast images from Basil and Constantinus from the front, in between patriarchal cross, therefore circumscription. 3.84g, Sea r 1704, margin fault, very fine.
868-879, Solidus, Basilius I. Macedonicus, Konstantinopel. Av: Thronender Christus von vorn, darum Umschrift. Rev: Die Brustbilder von Basilius und...
Lot #115 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
920-944, Mittelbronze, Romanus I. Lecapenus, Cherson. Av: Monogram. Rev:-. 3.10g, Sear 1764, very fine.
920-944, Mittelbronze, Romanus I. Lecapenus, Cherson. Av: Monogram. Rev:-. 3,10g, Sear 1764, ss.
Lot #116 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
920-944, Mittelbronze, Romanus I. Lecapenus, Cherson. Av: monogram. Rev: crutch cross, left and right in each case a ball. 7.20g, Sear 1764, very fine.
920-944, Mittelbronze, Romanus I. Lecapenus, Cherson. Av: Monogramm. Rev: Krückenkreuz, links und rechts jeweils eine Kugel. 7,20g, Sear 1764, ss.
Lot #117 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
969-976, Miliaresion, Johannes I. Tzimisces. Av: cross me in each case a cross after all each Kreuzarmes on Globe and 2 steps standing, in the center a medallion with bust of the emperor. Rev: 5 lines characters. 2.57g, Sear 1792, very fine.
969-976, Miliaresion, Johannes I. Tzimisces. Av: Kreuz mir jeweils einem Kreuz am Ende jedes Kreuzarmes auf Globus und 2 Stufen stehend, im Zentrum ein Medaillon mit Büste des Kaisers. Rev: 5...
Lot #118 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
977-989, Miliaresion, Basil II. Av: cross with in each case a cross after all each Kreuzarmes on Globe and four steps standing, left the bust Basil, right the of the Constantinus. Rev: 5 lines characters. 2.44g, very fine.
977-989, Miliaresion, Basil II. Av: Kreuz mit jeweils einem Kreuz am Ende jedes Kreuzarmes auf Globus und vier Stufen stehend, links die Büste Basilius, rechts die des Constantinus. Rev: 5 Zeilen Schrift. 2,44g, ss...
Lot #119 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
1028-1034, Histamenon nomisma, Romanus III. Argyrus, Constantinople. Av: enthroned Christ from the front, therefore circumscription. Rev: standing emperor with orb becomes from virgin Mary crowned, therefore circumscription. 4.45g, Sear 1819, very fine.
1028-1034, Histamenon Nomisma, Romanus III. Argyrus, Konstantinopel. Av: Thronender Christus von vorn, darum Umschrift. Rev: Stehender Kaiser mit Kreuzglobus wird von Jungfrau Maria...
Lot #120 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
1081-1118, Billon-Skyphat, Alexius I. Comnenus. Av. Bust christi from the front. Rev: the bust of the emperor with cross crown from the front, in the right Kreuzzepter, in the left orb. 3.57g, compare Sear 1894,
1081-1118, Billon-Skyphat, Alexius I. Comnenus. Av. Büste Christi von vorn. Rev: Die Büste des Kaisers mit Kreuzkrone von vorn, in der Rechten Kreuzzepter, in der Linken Kreuzglobus. 3,57g, vergl. Sear 1894,
Lot #121 - münzen - banknoten and orden münzen byzanz
1183-1185, Billon-Skyphat, Andronicus I. Comnenus. Av: the Mother of God frontallyly on pedestal standing. Rev: Christ right segnet with the right the emperor left, both frontallyly standing. 4.47g, very fine.
1183-1185, Billon-Skyphat, Andronicus I. Comnenus. Av: Die Gottesmutter frontal auf Podest stehend. Rev: Christus rechts segnet mit der rechten den Kaiser links, beide frontal stehend. 4,47g, ss.
Lot #122 - münzen - banknoten and orden antike münzen - griechenland
389-369, didrachm, Amyntas III., Macedonia. Av: Herakles head to the right. Rev: horse to the right. 9.99g, SNG Cop. 512, s very fine.
389-369, Didrachme, Amyntas III., Makedonien. Av: Herakleskopf nach rechts. Rev: Pferd nach rechts. 9,99g, SNG Cop. 512, s-ss.
Lot #123 - münzen - banknoten and orden antike münzen - griechenland
334-323 BC, drachm, Alexander III., Macedonia, Sardes. Av: Herakles head with skin of a lion to the right. Rev: enthroned Zeus left. 4.17g, prize 2576, very fine
334-323 v. Chr., Drachme, Alexander III., Makedonien, Sardes. Av: Herakleskopf mit Löwenfell nach rechts. Rev: Thronender Zeus nach links. 4,17g, Price 2576, ss
Lot #124 - münzen - banknoten and orden antike münzen - griechenland
325-320 BC, 1/2 drachm, Alexander III., Macedonia, Side. Av: Herakles head with skin of a lion to the right. Rev: enthroned Zeus left. 2.06g, prize 2962, very fine.
325-320 v. Chr., 1/2 Drachme, Alexander III., Makedonien, Side. Av: Herakleskopf mit Löwenfell nach rechts. Rev: Thronender Zeus nach links. 2,06g, Price 2962, ss.
Lot #125 - münzen - banknoten and orden antike münzen - griechenland
325-323 BC, tetradrachm, Alexander III., Macedonia, Babylon. Av: Herakles head with skin of a lion to the right. Rev: enthroned Zeus left. 16.74g, prize 3635, s.
325-323 v. Chr., Tetradrachme, Alexander III., Makedonien, Babylon. Av: Herakleskopf mit Löwenfell nach rechts. Rev: Thronender Zeus nach links. 16,74g, Price 3635, s.
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More