1923: clean round cancelled choice copy inventory of more than 100 values, provenance no. 89-98, including 7x 94, all stamps expertized, Michel 670.-
1923: sauber rundgestempelter Kabinettbestand von über 100 Werten, ex Nr. 89-98, inkl. 7x 94, alle Marken geprüft, Mi. 670.-
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #139 on
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #139 on
The 139th auction nearly 11.000 lots, including the special “Horst Kühner Collection” will be on sale September 5/6, 2014.
The “Horst Kühner” collection of numerous rarities from the “German Colonies and Post Offices Abroad” and the “German Occupation WW II” including Sudetenland, field post and propaganda forgeries. One can find among many others items, a 50 Pfg China with double handstamp overprint, Heydrich-Block with protective cover, protective jacket and tissue paper!, OSS propaganda block in red, just to name only a few of the great rarities.
The philatelic section includes:
German states: more than 1,400 lots, with Bavaria two Schwarzer Einser, Prussia - interesting cancellation section, Saxony - cancellation collection. The second part of a Thurn & Taxis exhibition collection, including recently certified rarities! Numerous country and general collections.
German Empire: offerings of among others - interesting “breast plate” lots; all periods with types, colours, rare records and varieties, “se-tenants and stamp booklets”. Zeppelin philately selection of rare items.
German colonies / Post offices abroad: over 1,200 lots, including numerous mnh issues, unusual features, and full sheets, full sheets; DOA 39IIAIIa mnh (500); interesting forerunner issues, covers and cancellation from all areas.
Occupation World War I./Plebiscites/Danzig/Memel/
WW II./Fieldpost: contains an attractive supply of many varieties and unusual features, GG I/IIIL mnh (1,200), Kotor I/VI mnh (2,000), Laibach 45/60 cancelled (750), Alexanderstadt 12X cancelled (1,800), Fieldpost 6DD mnh (850), 6K mnh (850) , 8A cancelled (1.350), Cuban package stamp Type I (*) (2,400) and numerous propaganda forgeries WW II.
German local issues: interesting supply with Spremberg, forerunner covers, Bad Schmiedeberg, Grossräschen, etc.
West zones/Bund/Berlin: varieties, rarities, sought-after initial issues, stamp booklets Bund/Berlin with many rare types
SBZ/DDR: specialized types, colours, varieties including Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 26b mnh (1,500), block issues, Mi.-Nr. 86xb and 86yb each mnh; furthermore, postmaster divisions, proofs, and so on.
Europe: interesting offers form Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Italy, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Switzerland, Yugoslavia and more.
Overseas: lots from the People's Republic of China, “Peony” block; “British Colonies” collection with numerous items, many of the offered items are scarcely to be found.
The Numismatic section includes:
Coins: approximately 600 lots, including investment gold, collectors’ coins from antiquity to modern times and a section of medallions.
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Lot #12666 - liquidationslose deutsches reich dienstmarken
Lot #12667 - liquidationslose deutsches reich dienstmarken
1942: party offical stamp eagle on base o. Watermark, clean round cancel small superb lot with complete set, some also double Michel provenance 155-65 500.-
1942: Parteidienstmarke Adler auf Sockel o. Wz., sauber rundgest. kl. Prachtposten mit kpl. Serie, einiges auch doppelt Mi. ex 155-65 500.-
Lot #12668 - liquidationslose deutsches reich zusammendrucke
1934-41: clean round cancel very fine inventory se-tenants with gutters from KZ20-23 multiple with 2x KZ 21b etc., Michel 2000.-
1934-41: Sauber rundgest. Prachtbestand Zusammendrucke mit Zwischenstegen ab KZ20-23 mehrf. mit 2x KZ 21b etc., Mi. 2000.-
Lot #12669 - liquidationslose deutsches reich zusammendrucke
1933-41: clean round cancel: superb lot Zus. Prints with good combinations, as well w 46, S 125 (2x), S 126, KZ 21 b (2x) and so on, Michel 1450
1933-41: Sauber rundgest.: Prachtposten Zus. drucke mit guten Kombinationen, dab. w 46, S 125 (2x), S 126, KZ 21 b (2x) etc, Mi. 1450
Lot #12670 - liquidationslose deutsches reich zusammendrucke
1934: mint never hinged superb in every respect (choice copy) inventory "trades" with W 101, S 219-222.227-230, K23-24, mostly in small numbers of pieces, Michel 940,-
1934: Postfr. Kab.-bestand "STÄNDE" mit W 101, S 219-222, 227-230, K23-24, meist in kl. Stückzahlen, Mi 940 ,-
Lot #12671 - liquidationslose vignetten
1850-1864, superb collection on hingeless text, including 1 reprints, 2-6.9-16.18-23, Michel 1300.-
1850-1864, Prachtsammlung auf Falzlos-Text, inklusive 1 ND, 2-6, 9-16, 18-23, Mi. 1300.-
Lot #12672 - liquidationslose vignetten
Superb lot, mostly neat cancelled, including better values alike 3 (6), 4-5 (2), 9-12 multiple, 13.16.23 (2), and so on. Stamp treasure trove, Michel at least 550.-
Prachtposten, allermeist sauber gestempelt, inklusive besseren Werten wie 3(6), 4-5(2), 9-12 mehrfach, 13, 16, 23(2), etc. Stempelfundgrube, Mi. mindestens 550.-
Lot #12673 - liquidationslose danzig
1924: neat cancelled very fine inventory from approximate 300 values coat of arms, provenance no. 193-201, as well 200 (18), 201 (4), many colour shades, treasure trove, Michel approve 530.-
1924: sauber gestempelter Prachtbestand von ca. 300 Werten Wappen, ex Nr. 193-201, dabei 200(18), 201 (4), viele Farbvarianten, Fundgrube, Mi. billigst 530.-
Lot #12675 - liquidationslose saargebiet
Umfangr., neat cancelled very fine inventory coat of arms provenance 47-75, much medium material more multiple, also 70-74 in addition to it 75** corner margin VB with Platten-no. 37 etc., specialists treasure trove, Michel 930.-
Umfangr., sauber gest. Prachtbestand Wappen ex 47-75, viel mittl. Material mehr-vielfach, auch 70-74 dazu 75** Eckrand-VB mit Platten-Nr. 37 etc., Spezialistenfundgrube, Mi. 930.-
Lot #12676 - liquidationslose saargebiet
1925-35: Umfangr., clean round cancel superb lot, the permanent issues often more multiple, amongst other things no. 103 (3), 124.160 (2), in addition to it airmail and so on. Michel 820 .--
1925-35: Umfangr., sauber rundgest. Prachtposten, die Dauerserien oft mehr-vielfach, u.a. Nr. 103 (3), 124, 160 (2), dazu Flugpost etc. Mi. 820 .--
Lot #12677 - liquidationslose saargebiet
1921-22: unused. Superb lot permanent issues, the smaller items often multiple and on Pf and so on. Not be searched, also 67-69 (3), 83 (3), 89 proof in black and so on.
1921-22: Ungebr. Prachtposten Dauerserien, die kleineren Werte oft vielfach und auf PF etc. undurchsucht, auch 67-69 (3), 83 (3), 89 Probedruck in schwarz etc.
Lot #12679 - liquidationslose serbien
1941-1943, in total 22 legitimate used documents, as well postal stationery card, registered covers, various censorships, propaganda vignettes, partly small places and some more, of it 15 documents with in detail certificate Ercegovic
1941-1943, insgesamt 22 bedarfsgebrauchte Belege, dabei GSK, R-Briefe, diverse Zensuren, Propaganda-Vignetten, teils kleine Orte und einiges mehr, davon 15 Belege mit ausführlichem Attest Ercegovic...
Lot #12680 - liquidationslose serbien
1941-1944, round 10 different KGF documents, all "Offlag" from prisoner of war Serbian officers from German Store and in the occupied Serbia used, much text respectively with spannendem contents, very interesting postal history! (former starting price 90 )
1941-1944, rund 10 verschiedene KGF-Belege, alle "Offlag" von kriegsgefangenen serbischen Offizieren aus deutschen Lagern und in das besetzte Serbien gelaufen, viel Text bzw. mit...
Lot #12681 - liquidationslose zensurpost
Austria 1947 / 1953, lot with 11 documents, of it 6 from abroad coming and 5 to Germany outbound, as well 3x "Military Censorship", 4x "allied Censorship place" and 4x "Austrian Censorship place"
ÖSTERREICH 1947/1953, Partie mit 11 Belegen, davon 6 aus dem Ausland kommend und 5 nach Deutschland abgehend, dabei 3x "Military Censorship", 4x "Alliierte Zensurstelle" und 4x "Österreichische Zensurstelle"
Lot #12682 - liquidationslose ddr
1974-1990, complete mint never hinged collection in 7 Lighthouse binders, in addition to it an extensive First Day Cover collection, clean brought up on ifself designed pages, the catalogue value without accessories was 1999 over 6,000.- DM
1974-1990, komplette postfrische Sammlung in 7 Leuchtturmbindern, dazu eine umfangreiche FDC-Sammlung, sauber aufgezogen auf selbstgestalteten Blättern, der Katalogwert ohne Zubehör betrug 1999...
Lot #12683 - liquidationslose ddr
1965-1986, in the number of a major listing obviously complete mint never hinged collection, by years in glassine-bags sorted, Michel approximate 1. 000.-
1965-1986, in den Hauptnummern offensichtlich komplette postfrische Sammlung, Jahrgangsweise in Pergamintüten sortiert, Mi. ca. 1.000.-
Lot #12684 - liquidationslose ddr
1965-1986, in the number of a major listing obviously complete mint never hinged collection, by years in glassine-bags sorted, Michel approximate 1. 000.-
1965-1986, in den Hauptnummern offensichtlich komplette postfrische Sammlung, jahrgangsweise in Pergamintüten sortiert, Mi. ca. 1.000.-
Lot #12685 - liquidationslose ddr
1969-1990, two volumes cancelled collection, except for cheap Michel no. 1476-1478 in the number of a major listing (Michel. No. 1434 -3343) evident complete with all souvenir sheet issues etc., very high catalog value and acquisition price!
1969-1990, 2-bändige gestempelte Sammlung, bis auf billige Mi.Nr. 1476-1478 in den Hauptnummern (Mi.Nr. 1434 -3343) augenscheinlich komplett mit allen Block-Ausgaben etc., sehr hoher Katalogwert...
Lot #12686 - liquidationslose ddr
Souvenir sheets, 1967-1990, complete mint never hinged collection from in total 76 souvenir sheets provenance. Souvenir sheet 26-101, nothing calculated
BLOCKAUSGABEN, 1967-1990, kpl. postfrische Sammlung von insgesamt 76 Blockausgaben ex. Bl. 26-101, nichts gerechnet
Lot #12687 - liquidationslose ddr
1986: unhinged mint superb in every respect (choice copy) inventory, almost everything from 1986 about the 10x in complete 10-er (margin) strips with Bogenvermerken, Michel 500.-
1986: Postfrischer Kabinett Bestand, fast alles aus 1986 um die 10x in kpl. 10-er (Rand)streifen mit Bogenvermerken, Mi. 500.-
Lot #12688 - liquidationslose ddr
1953 / 1965, collection sender¦s meter cancel on 12 covers and 15 letter cut, in the supplement still numerous further letter sections with sender¦s meter cancellations from later years till 2002, as well different stamp pad ink and motives
1953/1965, Sammlung Absenderfreistempel auf 12 Briefen und 15 Briefabschnitten, im Anhang noch zahlreiche weitere Briefabschnitte mit Absenderfreistempeln aus späteren Jahren bis 2002,dabei...
Lot #12689 - liquidationslose ddr
1987: unhinged mint choice copy inventory, almost everything 10x in margin units (mostly 3 sides), with corresponding note, these not be charged, Michel 460.-
1987: postfrischer Kabinettbestand, fast alles 10x in Randeinheiten (meist 3 Seiten), mit entsprechenden Vermerken, diese unberechnet, Mi. 460.-
Lot #12690 - liquidationslose ddr ganzsachen
1954-1990, mint collection from Pieck / Ulbricht with over 60 postal stationeries including reply cards, from P 75 in the number of a major listing including P 57, P 64 I / II and special postal stationeries complete
1954-1990, ungebrauchte Sammlung ab Pieck/Ulbricht mit über 60 Ganzsachen inkl. Antwortkarten, ab P 75 in den Hauptnr. inkl. P 57, P 64 I/II und Sonderganzsachen kpl.
Lot #12691 - liquidationslose ddr zusammendrucke
1919-21, unhinged mint superb lot, mostly better combinations, as well booklet pane 23, W7, RL 1.3.9, etc., Michel 1060.-
1919-21, postfrischer Prachtposten, meist bessere Kombinationen, dabei H-Blatt 23, W7, RL 1, 3, 9, etc., Mi.1060.-
Lot #12692 - liquidationslose ddr zusammendrucke
92 LD combinations from 901 / 1219 including four and blocks of six, youth, fair (all 4 different Blicks) Olympic Games and costumes on stock pages, Michel 1. 400.-
92 LD-Kombinationen aus 901/1219 inklusive Vierer- und Sechserblocks, Jugend, Messe (alle 4 versch. Blicks) Olympia und Trachten auf Einstecktafeln, Mi. 1.400.-
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More