Roman Coins & Their Values. Vols I & II by D R Sear. 1228 pgs from the Republic to the death of Carinus. Current 2000, 2002 editions. Near new, retail $240. (2) Estimate A$180
Public Auction #310 - Coins and Banknotes on
By: Status International
Status International Public Auction #310 - Coins and Banknotes on
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Lot #8230 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Roman: Coins of the Roman Empire by R Carson 1990. 367 pages plus 64 plates. Hard bound in slipcase. Important work by one of the best known 'Ancient' writers. Highly recommended. Advertised retails between US$595 & $950 on the net. Estimate A$300
Lot #8231 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Roman Coins & Their Values Vol II. The Accession of Nerva to the Overthrow of the Severan Dynasty AD96-AD235. By D R Sear, 2002. 696 pgs illustrated throughout. New. Retail $195. Estimate A$150
Lot #8232 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Roman Coins & Their Values Vol III. The Accession of Maximinus I to the death of Carinus 235-285AD by D R Sear 2005. 536 pages illustrated throughout. New. Estimate A$120
Lot #8233 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Roman Coins & Their Values Vol III. The Accession of Maximinus I to the death of Carinus 235-285 AD. By D R Sear 2005. 536 pgs illustrated throughout. New. Estimate A$100
Lot #8234 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Roman: Description Generale des Monnaies Antiques de L'Espange by A Heiss 1870. 548 pages plus 68 plates Rebound with soft cover. Huge book covering the Roman Colonial coins of Spain. GC. Rare book. Estimate A$250
Lot #8235 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Roman: Description Historique des Monnaies Frappees Sous L'Empire Romain by H Cohen. 1995 update of this famous 8 volume series originally published in 1880-92. Most volumes 500+ pages. A standard reference with much new information added. Estimate A$750
Lot #8236 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Roman: Description Historique des Monnaies Frappees Sous L'Empire Romain by H Cohen. 1983 reprint of the original 1880-92 work in 8 volumes. Most volumes 500+ pages. A classic set & still used as a reference. Estimate A$750
Lot #8237 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Roman: Katalog Der Antiken Munzen In Der Hamburger Kunsthalle (Catalog of Ancient coins in the Hamburg Kunsthalle) Volume 1 Text 347 pages. Vol 2 Plates by R Postel 1976. 130 pages illustrated & describes over 2000 Ancients, principally Roman with some Byzantine. (2 Volumes) VGC. Estimate A$60
Lot #8238 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Roman: The Syrian Tetradrachms of Caracalla & Macrinus by A R Bellinger. 1981. 116 pages. 26 plates. New. Estimate A$60
Lot #8239 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Scotland & Ireland: Standard Catalogue of Coins of Scotland, Ireland & the Islands. Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man & Lundy. Pre-decimal issues c995AD to 1968. 2nd & current edition by Spink. 2003. 219 pages illustrated throughout. New. Estimate A$60
Lot #8240 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Scotland. Catalogue of Scottish Coins in the National Museum of Antiquities Edinburgh by Adam B Richardson. 1977 reprint of the original 1901 work. 397 pages & 12 plates. Invaluable reference guide. New with price guide. Estimate A$60
Lot #8241 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Scotland, Coinage in Scotland by J D Bateson 1997, 175 pgs, Scottish Coins. A new edition of the Catalogue of Scottish Coins in the National Museum of Antiquities Edinburgh by A B Richardson 1977 reprint of 1901 edition, 397 pgs & 22 plates. Coins of Scotland, Ireland & the Islands by Seaby 1984. Coins & Tokens of Ireland by Seaby 1970. (4) Estimate A$100
Lot #8242 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Scotland, Ireland & the Islands Jersey, Guernsey, Man & Lundy catalogue. Pre Decimal Issues. 2nd Edition by Spink 2002 (current edition). New Estimate A$60
Lot #8243 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Silver-Novelties in the Gilded Age 1870-1910 with price guide by D Crosby 2001. A Schiffer publication 230 pages. Large impressive book. Illustrates & prices, vestas, boxes, scissors, spoons, pens, thimbles, small dishes, brushes, boot hooks & lots of other items. D/J minor scuffs. Very useful reference. New. Estimate A$90
Lot #8244 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Singapore & Hong Kong Taisei-Baldwin-Gillio Coin Auction Catalogues nos 5 to 39 (18), plus 5 other auction catalogues featuring Asian coins & banknotes. Invaluable references for Asian coins. Retail $20 ea or more. Heavy (23) Estimate A$50
Lot #8245 - literature and catalogues byzantine
South East Asia: The Land of Water. Coinage & History of Bangladesh & Later Arakan circa 300 BC to the present day by M Mitchiner 2000 160 pages. 200 coins pictured & illustrated with valuations. Traces & catalogues the history & coinage of Bangladesh with over 400 coins. Best available for the earlier periods superseding other catalogues. New. Estimate A$180
Lot #8246 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Standard Catalogue of World Coins 1601 -1700 4th edition, pub by Krause, 1439 pgs with values & 22,000 illustrations. Also with DVD included. Brand new, retail $150. Estimate A$95
Lot #8247 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Thailand: Notes Sur des Amulettes Siamoises par M P Lefevre-Pontalis, pub Paris 1926. 49 pgs, 26 plates. Very minor cover colour change o/w new. Scarce book. Estimate A$50
Lot #8248 - literature and catalogues byzantine
The Early Dated Coins of Europe 1234-1500. An illustrated catalogue & guide inc rarity ratings to dated medieval coinage. By Robert A Levinson 2007. 279 pgs plus 4 colour plates & separate price supplement. Brand new, shrink wrapped. Essential reference. Estimate A$100
Lot #8249 - literature and catalogues byzantine
The Sigtuna Coinage c995-1005 Commentationes De Nummis Saeculerum IX-XI in Suecia Repertis. Noval Series 4 by Brita Malmer. 120pg, 36 plates. 1989. Important "Sylloge". Dist by Spink. Estimate A$75
Lot #8250 - literature and catalogues byzantine
The Standard Guide to South Asian Coins & paper Money Since 1556AD by C Bruce, J Deyell, N Rhodes, W Spengler 1981. 608 pages Inc India Indian States Afghanistan Andaman Islands, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, Maldive Islands, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Ceylon & Tibet. Lists coins, banknotes, Hundis, cheques, bonds & share certificates. Still a very useful catalogue as it covers the period 1556 to 1600 & includes Hundis, much...
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More