ancient greek coins - Coin Auctions

Lot 3123 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Lot 3123 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Crete, Knossos. Ca. 220 BC. AE 17 (3.24 gr). Europa seated on bull prancing left., her veil billowing out behind; two dolphins beneath; border or rays. Reverse: KNΩΣI, around square Labyrinth; star above. Sear 3228; BMC 9. 36. A well defined Labyrinth and unusually well centered. Uniform chocolate brown patina. Choice Very Fine.

This type records an alliance between Knosos and Gortyna.
Estimated Value $250 - 300.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

ancient greek coins
Lot 3139 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Lot 3139 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Ionia, Uncertain mint. Electrum 1/24 Stater (0.72 g), ca. 650-600 BC. Lydo-Milesian standard. Flattened striated surface. Reverse: Incuse square. Weidauer -; Karwiese type I.6; Elektron II 15. Choice Very Fine.
Estimated Value $500 - 700.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

ancient greek coins
Lot 3050 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Lot 3050 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Celtic. Eastern Europe, Central and southern Hungary. 'Zickzackgruppe'. Silver Tetradrachm (12.36 g), 2nd century BC. Imitating Philip II of Macedonia. Laureate head of Zeus left. Reverse: Horseman riding left; before, annulet-in-square; above, square and zig-zag pattern formed from four Λs, and thick annulet behind head of rider. Kostial 738; OTA pl. 37, 459; CCCBM S132. A scarce sub-variety of the 'Zopfreiter' type. Lightly toned and excellent metal. Superb Extremely Fine.
Estimated Value $3,000 - 3,500.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

ancient greek coins
Lot 3066 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Lot 3066 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Sicily, Lilybaion. Silver Tetradrachm (17.04 g), ca. 325-305 BC. ['RSMLQRT'] in exergue, charioteer, holding kentron and reins, driving fast galloping quadriga right; above, Nike flying left, crowning charioteer with wreath. Reverse: Head of Arethusa right, wreathed with grain ears, wearing triple-pendant earring, and necklace; around, four dolphins. Jenkins 81 (O18/R39); SNG ANS -; SNG Lloyd 1603 (same dies). Nicely toned. Fine style. Choice Very Fine.
Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,300.
Ex M&M Numismatics Ltd. FPL 2 (April-May 1998), 2.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

ancient greek coins
Lot 3082 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Lot 3082 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Sicily, Syracuse. Hipparinus and Nysaeus to Hiketas I. Silver Stater (8.38 g), 352-344 BC. Pegasos flying left. Reverse: ΣYPAKOΣION, head of Athena right, wearing Corinthian helmet. Pegasi 1; SNG ANS 494-5. Toned. Choice Very Fine.
Estimated Value $400 - 500.
Purchase from Pegasi, July, 1997.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

ancient greek coins
Lot 3098 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Lot 3098 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Macedonian Kingdom. Alexander III 'the Great'. Silver Tetradrachm (16.79 g), 336-323 BC. Odessos, ca. 280-200 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin headdress. Reverse: AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and scepter; in left field, AΣ above OΔ monogram. Cf. Price 1157-8 and 1158A (each with third control); Topalov 30. Lightly toned with underlying luster. NGC grade AU; Strike: 5/5, Surface: 3/5.
Estimated Value $600 - 700.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

ancient greek coins
Lot 3061 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Lot 3061 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Sicily, Entella. Silver Tetradrachm (17.38 g), ca. 320/15-300 BC. Head of Arethusa left, wreathed with grain ears, wearing triple-pendant earring and necklace; four dolphins around. Reverse: ['MMHNT] below, horse's head left; behind, palm tree. Jenkins 200 (O59/R176); SNG Lloyd 1632 (same dies); SNG Lewis 428 (same dies). Excellent metal and pleasing old cabinet toning. Superb Extremely Fine.
Estimated Value $3,500 - 4,000.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

ancient greek coins
Lot 3077 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Lot 3077 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Sicily, Syracuse. Second Democracy. Silver Tetradrachm (17.46 g), 466-405 BC. Ca. 420-415 BC. Charioteer, holding kentron and reins, driving slow quadriga right; above, Nike flying left, crowning charioteer with wreath. Reverse: ΣYRAK-OΣIO-N, head of Arethusa right, hair tied with ribbon and bound at back with sakkos; around, four dolphins clockwise. Boehringer series XXIV, 721 (V355/R492); SNG ANS 243 (same dies). Lightly toned. Edge crack from strike. Very Fine.
Estimated Value $900 - 1,100.
Purchased from Freeman & Sear Dec. 2003.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

ancient greek coins
Lot 3093 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Lot 3093 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Macedonian Kingdom. Alexander III 'the Great'. Silver Tetradrachm (17.20 g), 336-323 BC. Pella, ca. 323-318/7 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin headdress. Reverse: BAΣI-ΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and scepter; in left field, bee alighting on rose. Price 206; Moore 23-43. Superb detail. Lustrous. Struck in high relief with crisp details. Mint State.
Estimated Value $1,200 - 1,500.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

ancient greek coins
Lot 3056 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Lot 3056 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

Sicily, Aitna. Æ Tetras (15.34 g), 354/3-344 BC. A[I]TAIΩ-N, head of Athena right, wearing Corinthian helmet. Reverse: Bridled horse galloping right; above, M. Castrizio series I, 3 (D1/R3); CNS 1; SNG ANS 1301. Uniform dark green patina. Very Fine.
Estimated Value $250 - 300.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #90

ancient greek coins