hungarian commemorative medallions - Coin Auctions

Lot 30635 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Lot 30635 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Lapis András (1942-) 1988. 'Wesselényi Miklós, az árvízi hajós / A pest-budai nagy árvíz 150. évfordulójára 1838-1988 - Magyar Vízügyi Múzeum, Vép' Br emlékérem (43mm) T:1,1-

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions
Lot 30603 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Lot 30603 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Csikai Márta (1939-) 2003. 'A Szent István Bazilika felújítása' Br emlékérem (42,5mm) T:1-,2

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions
Lot 30614 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Lot 30614 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Fülöp Zoltán (1951-) 1978. 'Budapest - Parlament / Királyi szent ereklyék' Ag emlékérem tokban tanúsítvánnyal (27g/0.925/42,5mm) T:PP

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions
Lot 30630 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Lot 30630 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Kiss Sándor (1925-1999) 1977. 'A nagy októberi szocialista forradalom 60. évfordulójára' Br plakett eredeti tokban (120x81mm) + Csúcs Viktória (1934-) 1975. 'Eredményes propaganda munkáért' Br plakett eredeti tokban (69mm) T:2,1

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions
Lot 30598 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Lot 30598 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Bognár György (1944-) 1993. 'Antall József A Magyar Köztársaság Miniszterelnöke Emlékére' Ag emlékérem (31,23g/0.925/42,5mm) T:PP

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions
Lot 30609 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Lot 30609 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Csíkszentmihályi Róbert (1940-) DN 'Szőlő' egyoldalas Br plakett (74,5mm) T:2

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions
Lot 30625 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Lot 30625 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Kiss György (1943-) 1994. 'Dr. Antall József / Szabad Választás 1990' Ag emlékérem tanúsítvánnyal (10,12g/0.500/30mm) T:PP patina

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions
Lot 30593 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Lot 30593 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Berán Lajos (1882-1943) 1941. 'Magyar Sí Szövetség' fém plakett 'LUDVIG' gyártói jelzéssel (55,5x48mm) T:2-

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions
Lot 30620 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Lot 30620 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Kiss György (1943-) 1989. 'Szent Kristóf / Magyar Autóklub' fém emlékérem (42,5mm) T:2 ph.

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions
Lot 30636 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Lot 30636 - numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

Lebó Ferenc (1960-) 2000. '50 éves az MKB / A legnagyobb magyar - Széchenyi István' Ag emlékérem eredeti tokban (31,1/0.999/42,5mm) T:PP

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #253

numismatics hungarian commemorative medallions