
HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG

lot # 1330 - jugoslawien europe

Saturday Apr 29, 2017 11:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Apr 28, 12:00 BST

Jugoslovenska Brodogradilišta D.D. ; Sušak, 01.03.1922, Aktie über 25 x 200 Dinar, #5626-50, 25 x 34,3 cm, blau, braun, DB, KR, grandiose Fotovignetten mit Schiffen. Die 1921 gegründete Gesellschaft betrieb die Schiffswerften von Kraljevica und Zurkovo. Bereits 1928 ging die Firma in Konkurs. Sušak, 1 March 1922, Share of 25 x 200 Dinar, #5626-50, 25 x 34.3 cm, blue, brown, 4 pages, some coupons remaining, superb photo vignettes with ships. The company was incorporated in 1921. It owned the shipyards in Kraljevica and Zurkovo. In 1928, the company went bankrupt.

