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Status International

lot # 4034 - militaria Australia

Friday Oct 16, 2020 12:00 Australia/Sydney

Books: Vietnam War Literature collection with around 15 diff books inc 'The Team Australian Army Advisers in Vietnam 1962-1972' (McNeill), 2 books original hard cover (1984) & revised soft cover (1992) edition (both only good condition). Then Contact (Lex McAulay), Ghost Platoon (Walker), Mine Fields & Miniskirts (McHugh - 2 diff editions, inc omissions & corrections). The Battle of Coral (McAulay), The Battle of Long Tan (McAulay), The Vietnam Years (Caulfield), Tigermen (Barry Peterson) & Vietnam-The Australian War (Ham). Also other books inc SAS (Phantoms of War) - a history of the Australian Special Air Service (Horner), 'The Crossroad' (Mark Donaldson, VC), Victoria Cross-Australia's Finest & The Battles They Fought (Staunton). Mixed hard/soft cover editions. Mostly VG-near new. Retail $350. (26)


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