2015 SG Stamps of the World Catalogue. 6 vol set, Used, overall VGC with laminated covers. Current edition retail $700.
Estimate A$150
Status International - Sale 378
By: Status International
Status International Status International - Sale 378
Status International - Sale 378 February 2nd, 2023.
Auction 378 has 8,488 lots, catering for all types of collectors & dealers - from bulk accumulations and intact collections to desirable single items. This auction offers a huge range of material, with special emphasis on lotting stamps to cater for collectors with varying types of interests and budgets. Items range from $10 to $60,000 so there's something for everybody. This auction offers strong representation of Australia & Colonies, strong British Empire material of all areas & periods, as well as General Foreign including small and large collections. There is almost 2,500 lots of Australia which consist of collections, singles, sets and covers including Australian colonies The Australian lots cover all periods, from the Kangaroo issues up to Decimal and contains numerous number of mint & used £1 & £2 top values.
This auction includes a C of A Watermark £2 Black & rose Ash imprint gutter pair, inc variety 'open mouthed Kangaroo' at right' (R55). F-VF fresh MLH, with nice original gum & deep colours. SG 138(var) cat £8500++ for singles plus premium for imprint pair. ACSC 58Aza cat $25,000. Very rare & desirable (Lot 1223). There are over 5,600 lots of World stamps, covers and single country collections. Numerous other British Empire, European, The Americas and Asia.
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Lot #51 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Lot #52 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
2022 SG British Commonwealth 1840-1970 catalogue 700+pgs full colour & lists every stamp issued by all Empire/Commonwealth. Countries inc wmk/perfs & varieties. As new. Retail was $185.
Estimate A$120
Lot #53 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
2022 SG British Commonwealth 1840-1970 catalogue 700+pgs full colour & lists every stamp issued by all Empire/Commonwealth. Countries inc wmk/perfs & varieties. New. Retail $185.
Estimate A$150
Lot #54 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Acklands 1936 Catalogue of Stamps, British Empire & Foreign Countries, 234pgs with green covers plus KGV Silver Jubilee Supplement (inside cover splits, GC). A scarce Australian pre-WWII publication.
Estimate A$50
Lot #55 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Ackland's 1938 Catalogue of Stamps, British Empire & Foreign Countries, 262pgs with red covers (inside cover splits, GC). A scarce Australian pre-WWII publication.
Estimate A$50
Lot #56 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Airmails: Musson's Airmail (Stamp) catalogue. Part One - Europe. 1946 edition with 83pgs. Minor spine wear, VGC.
Estimate A$20
Lot #57 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Album Weeds or How to Detect Foreign Stamps, by RB Earee, 2nd Edition with 726pgs, pub by Stanley Gibbons 1892. Front is peace damaged o/w G-VG condition. A monumental classic work still relevant in the C21st!
Estimate A$200
Lot #58 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Asia: The Paquebot Marks of Asia & of Japan's Sea Posts by E Drechel. 64pgs with many illustrations. Pub ca 1995.
Estimate A$40
Lot #59 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Asia: The Paquebot Marks of Asia & of Japan's Sea Posts. By E Drechsel. 60 pgs (Landscape format) & illustrated throughout. VGC.
Estimate A$50
Lot #60 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Australia: 1928 Melbourne Metropolitan postal area - Names of Streets & Places showing the relative postal district numbers. An observe PMG Dept publication & possibly very rare!! VGC.
Estimate A$30
Lot #61 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Australia 1964 Australian Stamp Catalogue 5th Edition, Review Publications Dubbo. 32 pgs inc set of 54 Melbourne Olympics pmks. VGC. Philatelic History.
Estimate A$10
Lot #62 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Australia: 1971 Stamp Catalogue (ASC) inc States & Dependencies. Pub by Review Publications Dubbo NSW with 1970 Cook Bi-Cent Essays illustrated on (slightly worn) front cover, 46pgs. G-VGC.
Estimate A$15
Lot #63 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Australian Philatelist comp set of 14 1987-91 inc scarce '1991 Year Book'. NSW 'The Postal History 1788-1901' (JS White, pub 1988) & Houison 'History of the PO'. Australian Commonwealth mix inc 'Cumulative Index of Australian Source Material' Vols 1-4 (Kellow). Rosenblum 'Stamps of the Commonwealth' (1947 edition). ACCC 'Frama imprint' Nos 30-44 (1991-94). Australian States Specialist Catalogue (5th edition, G&R Philately), plus...
Lot #64 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Ackland's Special Catalogue of Australian Stamps. 1943 Edition with 28pgs inc adverts. Cover flts o/w G/VGC. Philatelic history.
Estimate A$25
Lot #65 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Australia: Acklands Special Catalogue of Australian Stamps 1941-42 Edition with 24 pgs. Minor cover foxing, G/VG condition.
Estimate A$40
Lot #66 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue - Kangaroos. Latest 2021 Edition revised & updated inc details on CTO cancels ex Specimen sets FDC, proofs & essays. Expanded section Roos on cover, listing both solo frankings & mixed frankings, plate varieties, inc positions - some yet to be plated (many cat nos changed or reorganised). Price revisions (nearly all UPWARD), especially MNH & OS perfins, reflecting current...
Lot #67 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
- KGV latest 2022 edition with 326 pgs in A4 format, inc Proofs & Colour Trials, CTO, cancels ex Specimen sets, FDC, usages on cover, both solo & mixed frankings, shades, plate varieties, monograms, imprint blks of 4, OS perfins/opts, & all Pics/Commems f
Estimate A$160
Lot #68 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
- KGVI: Latest 2019 Edition with 232 colour pgs in A4 format, fully revised inc additions & illustrations. Cover prices re-assessed with separate value for solo or for mixed frankings. Also same period Postage Dues inc value on cover. Essential reference.
Estimate A$100
Lot #69 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
- Decimals 1966-2001. New 2021 two volume set in A4 format with coverage of all things decimal inc PO Year Album valuations, essays, proofs, plate varieties, marginal markings, missing colours, perforation errors inc imperfs, reprints, Framas, booklets, F
Estimate A$300
Lot #70 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
- Postage Dues Catalogue inc NSW & VIC, latest (2020) edition 151 colour pgs in A4 format inc specialised listing of the Colonial issues & the Commonwealth types. Essential reference.
Estimate A$110
Lot #71 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
- Booklets: Current 2020 Edition with 186 colour pgs in A4 format, fully revised inc additions & extra photographs with in depth coverage from 1904 to 2001 Christmas with all sub-types & edition/advert combinations of the popular 1960s-70s 5d-7c types, pl
Estimate A$110
Lot #72 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
- Postal Stationery: Latest Edition (2018), 464 pgs in bound A4 format, with in depth coverage to late 1970s. Illustrated throughout inc sections on PTPO formats, plus Territories inc GRI opts in DNG cards & un-stamped 'Formula types' Essential reference,
Estimate A$220
Lot #73 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Australia: ACSC 8th Edition, 1945, pub by Orlo-Smith & Co, 72pgs inc Ackland advert insert. VGC.
Estimate A$50
Lot #74 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Australia: ACSC 9th Edition, 1946, pub Orlo-Smith & Co, 72 pgs. VGC.
Estimate A$50
Lot #75 - accumulations LITERATURE & REFERENCE BOOKS
Australia: ACSC 12th Edition, 1948, pub by Orlo-Smith & Co, 68pgs. VGC.
Estimate A$50
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More