"CARPI", so-called 'Cuore' cancel, clear central strike on Sardegna 5 c. light olive yellow on piece, very fine, certificate Colla (2022) (Sassone 13Ca)
Heinrich Köhler Auction 380 - Day 3 Single Lots: Europe and Colonies
By: Heinrich Koehler Auktionen
Heinrich Koehler Auktionen Heinrich Köhler Auction 380 - Day 3 Single Lots: Europe and Colonies
Viewing times of the 380th Heinrich Köhler auction and
The ERIVAN Collection – 9th auction
Viewing at any time by prior appointment in our office in Wiesbaden.
27 February – 10 March 2023 Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
13 – 24 March 2023 Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
25 March 2023 Saturday starting 8.30 a.m.
Heinrich Köhler Auktionshaus GmbH & Co. KG
Hasengartenstr. 25, 65189 Wiesbaden
Telefon +49 (0)611 34 14 9-0
E-Mail [email protected]
Auction Schedule
Thursday, 16 March 2023 from 9:00 a.m. Lot 10001–10832
Country Collections: Europe and Overseas: A – Z, including Great Britain and British Commonwealth
Collections and Lots: General collections All World / Europe / Overseas, Airmail and Zeppelin, Thematic collections, Picture Postcards, Literature, Coins
Special offer: Liquidation of a „long-established“ shop
Friday, 17 March 2023 from 9:00 a.m. Lot 10833–11538 Collections Germany: German States, German Empire, German post offices abroad and Colonies, German Occupation WWI, German Areas and Plebiscites, Danzig, Memel, German Occupation WWII, General collections Germany, Germany after 1945
Monday, 20 March 2023 from 9:00 a.m. Lot 1001–1692 Single Lots: Europe and Colonies: A – Z, incl. Great Britain and British Commonwealth
Monday, 20 March 2023 from ca. 3:00 p.m. Lot 1693–2005
Single Lots: Overseas countries, Transatlantic Mail, Shipmail, Airmail, Zeppelin, Olympics, Thematics and Coins, including
Special offer: El Salvador · The Michael Peter Collection
Special offer: Guadalajara
Tuesday, 21 March 2023 from 9:00 a.m. Lot 2010–2554
Single Lots: German Empire 1872 – 1945
Special offer: German Private Posts – The Peter Rogers Collections
Tuesday, 21 March 2023 from ca. 2:30 p.m. Lot 2555–3070
Single Lots: German post offices abroad and colonies, including
Special offer: Registered letters of the German Foreign Post Offices and Colonies (part I)
Wednesday, 22 March 2023 from 9:00 a.m. Lot 3071–3620 Single Lots: German Occupation WWI, German Areas and Plebiscites, Saar, Danzig, Memel, German Occupation WWII
Wednesday, 22 March 2023 from ca. 3:00 p.m. Lot 3621–3830 Single Lots: Germany after 1945: Local issues, Allied Forces issues, Soviet Occupation Zone, German Democratic Republic, Berlin, Bizone, Federal Republik of Germany
Thursday, 23 March 2023 from 9:00 a.m. Lot 6001–6933 Special Catalogue: Germany 1849–2000 – German States and German Colonies with Occupation Issues (G.R.I. and MAFIA) · The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part I)
Friday, 24 March 2023 from 9:00 a.m. Lot 3831–4283 Single Lots: German States Baden –
Wuerttemberg, North German Confederation
Friday, 24 March 2023 from ca. 1:30 p.m. Lot 7001–7122 Special Catalogue: Bavaria from 1849 · The Eliahu Weber Collection (part IV)
Friday, 24 March 2023 from ca. 3:00 p.m. Lot 8001–8060 Special Catalogue: Free Hanseatic City of Bremen · The Karl-Hillard Geuther Collection (part I)
Friday, 24 March 2023 from ca. 4:00 p.m. Lot 9001–9248 Special Catalogue: American Trans Atlantic Mail Carriers 1800–1870 · The Graham Booth Collection
Saturday, 25 March 2023 from 10:00 a.m. Lot 1–307 Special Catalogue: German States – The ERIVAN Collection – 9th Auction
Breaks when appropriate. We expect to auction off 50-120 lots per hour, depending on the area.
Sale Terms
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Фильтр по
- airmail (33) Apply airmail filter
- Albania (6) Apply Albania filter
- Australia (1) Apply Australia filter
- Austria (11) Apply Austria filter
- azerbaijan (12) Apply azerbaijan filter
- belgian colonies (1) Apply belgian colonies filter
- Belgium (2) Apply Belgium filter
- Bhopal (2) Apply Bhopal filter
- British Commonwealth (13) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- british occupation of italian colonies (1) Apply british occupation of italian colonies filter
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- China Empire and Republic (1) Apply China Empire and Republic filter
- Denmark (1) Apply Denmark filter
- el salvador (14) Apply el salvador filter
- europe (126) Apply europe filter
- Expenditure of the Republic (2) Apply Expenditure of the Republic filter
- Former German occupation area (1) Apply Former German occupation area filter
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- french colonies (59) Apply french colonies filter
- French occupation WW I (1) Apply French occupation WW I filter
- Great Britain (48) Apply Great Britain filter
- Hong Kong (1) Apply Hong Kong filter
- hyderabad (3) Apply hyderabad filter
- india (55) Apply india filter
- India Convention and Feudatory States (218) Apply India Convention and Feudatory States filter
- india used abroad (14) Apply india used abroad filter
- Italian occupation 1941/43 (1) Apply Italian occupation 1941/43 filter
- italian states (5) Apply italian states filter
- Italy (4) Apply Italy filter
- jaipur (12) Apply jaipur filter
- levant (2) Apply levant filter
- Liechtenstein (2) Apply Liechtenstein filter
- Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland (16) Apply Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland filter
- local issues (33) Apply local issues filter
- Main catalogue (33) Apply Main catalogue filter
- malaysia (1) Apply malaysia filter
- New Zealand (2) Apply New Zealand filter
- Nigeria and territories (1) Apply Nigeria and territories filter
- north borneo (1) Apply north borneo filter
- Offices Abroad in China (1) Apply Offices Abroad in China filter
- Overseas (133) Apply Overseas filter
- People's Republic of China (1) Apply People's Republic of China filter
- Poland (1) Apply Poland filter
- Poonch (2) Apply Poonch filter
- Portugal (1) Apply Portugal filter
- portuguese colonies (2) Apply portuguese colonies filter
- Post in Egypt (1) Apply Post in Egypt filter
- prussia (1) Apply prussia filter
- Romania (10) Apply Romania filter
- Russia (5) Apply Russia filter
- Russian Post abroad (2) Apply Russian Post abroad filter
- Saudi Arabia (1) Apply Saudi Arabia filter
- Second Republic from 1945 (4) Apply Second Republic from 1945 filter
- siberia (1) Apply siberia filter
- sirmoor (3) Apply sirmoor filter
- SORUTH (3) Apply SORUTH filter
- south africa (3) Apply south africa filter
- sovjet union (3) Apply sovjet union filter
- Spain (1) Apply Spain filter
- spanish colonies (4) Apply spanish colonies filter
- stamps (6) Apply stamps filter
- Switzerland (1) Apply Switzerland filter
- thematics (30) Apply thematics filter
- Travancore -Cochin (1) Apply Travancore -Cochin filter
- Turkey (10) Apply Turkey filter
- un (1) Apply un filter
- United States of America (9) Apply United States of America filter
- USA Issues (2) Apply USA Issues filter
- VII. Malaysian States (1) Apply VII. Malaysian States filter
- zeppelin (3) Apply zeppelin filter
Lot #1125 - italian states sicily
1859, Ferdinand II ½-50 Gr., nice and fresh colors, 20 gr. touched at top, otherwise normal to large margins all around, unused, ½-1 gr. signed Diena, 50 gr. with certificate Raybaudi (2008)
Lot #1126 - italian states sicily
1859, Ferdinand II. 5gr. scarlet ("rosso sangue"), deep and fresh color, close to good margins all around, very fine and attractive, signed E. Diena with certificate (1977) (Sassone Nr. 9c)
Lot #1127 - italian states toscana
1851, Lion 2 so. brown-red ("scarlatto chiaro"), fresh color and mostly good margins, just touched at upper left corner, used with grid of diamonds, fine and attractive for this, certificate Raybaudi (1995) (Sassone Nr. 3a)
Lot #1128 - Italian occupation 1941/43 Laibach (Slowenien - Lubiana)
1941, Airmail 50p. brown, top sheet margin, perforated 12¾:12½ instead of 12¾:11½, unused full original gum, very fine and very scarce (Sassone 1 variety, uncatalogued in Michel), certificate Colla
Lot #1129 - Italy italian libya
1934, Oasi Tripoli, 50c. to 4,50l., complete set neatly tied by cds "TRIPOLI POSTA AERO CIRCUITO OASI 18 5 34" to small fragments, very fine and scarce, signed Diena
Lot #1130 - Italy italienisch-somaliland
1905, 15c. on 5a. orange-yellow and 40c. on 10a. lilac, used, 15c. one perf. short otherwise very fine, signed Diena
Lot #1131 - Italy Italy and Areas
ITALIAN POST IN TUNIS: 1868, 40c. carmine, horizontal pair (a few short perf.), tied by numeral dotted cancel "235" to front of a folded letter to Italy, departure cds "TUNISI POSTE ITALIANE 12 2 68" alongside, reverse arrival cds "GENOVA 10 2 68", very fine and scarce double weight step rate
Lot #1132 - Italy Italy and Areas
ITALIAN POST IN TUNIS: 1868, 40c. carmine tied by numeral dotted cancel "235" to front of a folded letter to Italy, departure cds "TUNISI POSTE ITALIANE 22 7 68" alongside, reverse arrival cds "GENOVA 26 7 68", usual horizontal file fold away from the adhesive, very fine
Lot #1133 - europe latvia
1780, "MITAU" Posthorn cancel clean and clear on small folded cover from Mitau via Nimmersatt to St. Quentin, good condition.
Lot #1134 - europe latvia
1780, "MITAU" posthorn cancel clean and clear on small folded letter from Hodiment to the known address Peter de Thier, fine
Lot #1135 - Liechtenstein forerunners
"VADUTZ 9 MAI" sauber und klar auf Franz Joseph 5 Kr. rot, Type II, tadellos
Lot #1136 - Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland Liechtenstein
1912, Fürst Johann II. 5-25 H. auf gestrichenem Papier, im 4er-Blocks farbfrisch, 10 H. und 25 H. je zwei Werbe postfrisch, sonst ungebraucht, einwandfrei
Lot #1137 - Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - Postage due
1920, 5 H. ungezähnt im 16er-Block mit Druckfalte, ungebraucht, und 5 Kr. im 15er-Block mit stark verschobener Zähnung, postfrisch, gute Erhaltung
Lot #1138 - europe Lithuania
1918, Second Vilnius issue 20sk. and 30sk., tied by German cds. "FELDPOST -4 1 19" to a commercial envelope to Berlin, with adjacent violet circular handstamp "GRODNO POST TELEGRAPH OFFICE", adhesives toned and cover corner missing, otherwise fine
Lot #1139 - europe Lithuania
1918, Second and Third Kaunas issues 10sk.-60sk. tied by cds. "KAUNAS 28.III.19" to an envelope endorsed "Einschreiben" to Berlin, with its registration receipt, also First Kaunas issue 10sk. and 15sk., tied by violet circular handstamp "GRODNO POST TELEGRAPH OFFICE", with adjacent German cds. "Deutsche Feldpost 27.2.19", and Second Kaunas issue 10sk.-50sk. tied by cds. "KAUNAS -6.III.19"; fine to very fine
Lot #1140 - europe luxemburg
1865/75, rouletted in colour, 12½c. rose in block of 4, unused with original gum, roulettings slightly split and strengthened by hinges, still fine and very scarce, certificate Böttger BPP (2018)
Lot #1141 - europe Monaco
1972, Albrecht Dürer 2fr. with "Albert" error, mint never hinged, very fine, certificate Calves & Jacquart (2013)
Lot #1142 - Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland Austria
Joseph I., eigenhändige Unterschrift auf komplettem Brief 1704 an den Landeshauptmann von Troppau
Lot #1143 - Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland Austria
Handpapier 2 Kr. schwarz und Maschinenpapier 1 Kr. orangegelb und 6 Kr. braun, alle farbfrisch und voll- bis meist breitrandig mit jeweils sauber aufgesetztem EKr. "PESTH 9/8" (1855) auf komplettem Faltbrief nach Wien. Sehr schöne und einwandfreie Erhaltung (im Briefpapier vorderseitig kleine unauffällige Fehlstelle). Ein attraktiver Brief mit aus Ungarn seltener DreifarbenfrankaturProvenienz: Sammlung Provera (189. Corinphila-Auktion 2014)...
Lot #1144 - Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland Austria
Handpapier 3 Kr. dunkelzinnoberrot, Type Ia auf geripptem Papier, waagerechtes Paar als vorderseitig verklebte Reco-Frankatur neben 9 Kr. blau, alle farbfrisch und voll- bis breitrandig mit sauber aufgesetztem Rahmenstempel "PESTH 7/3" (1851) auf komplettem Faltbrief nach Lonigno in Lombardei-Venetien. Die rechte Marke des Paares zeigt eine für geripptes Papier typische Papierrunzel, im äußeren rechten Rand der 9 Kreuzer verläuft eine...
Lot #1145 - Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland Austria
1850, 9 Kr. hellblau, farbfrisch und allseits schön gleichmäßig breit gerandet, links mit deutlichem Randdruck, weitester Abstand 1,2mm zwischen 9 und KREUZER (Frey Pos 27), sauber mit klarem Schreibschrift-L2 "Dornbi(rn) 29 DE" entwertet, tadellos, ein besonders schönes Stück dieser seltenen Variante, u.a. sign. Köhler mit Attest (1927) sowie Fotoattest Goller BPP (2014)
Lot #1146 - Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland Austria
1850, 3 Kr. karmin auf Maschinenpapier, Type 1b (Gravurtypen), vier Einzelwerte mit L2 "EIBENSCHÜTZ 18.JUL" vorder- und rückseitig auf kpl. Reco-Faltbrief mit schwarzem L1 "RECOM:" via Brünn nach Fulnek, Faltbrief mit Knitterspuren, Marken allseits breitrandig und farbfrisch, nicht häufige Mehrfachfrankatur der Type 1b auf eingeschriebenem Brief, Fotoattest Goller BPP (2022)
Lot #1147 - Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland Austria
1867, 10 Kreuzer blau und senkrechtes Paar 15 Kreuzer braun, mit sauberem Fingerhutstempel "ALA BAHNHOF 11/8 70" auf komplettem Faltbrief nach Yokohama; rückseitig Transitstempel von Triest (12.8.) und Hongkong (19.9.) sowie blauer Ankunftsstempel des britischen Auslandspostamtes vom 27.9.. Bei der 10 Kreuzer kleine Transportmängel behoben, sonst sehr gute und frische Erhaltung, insbesondere für diese sehr seltene Destination.
Lot #1148 - Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland Austria
1945, Unverausgabt Hitler 3 Pfg. im waagerechten Paar, mit kopfstehendem und verschobenen Aufdruck, postfrisch, tadellos, sign. Wallner
Heinrich Koehler Auktionen
Since 1913 the name of Heinrich Koehler has stood for outstanding auctions in the philatelic world. Such a reputation cannot simply be acquired or assumed;... Read More