GRECIA. 1865. Entire letter to SYROS franked by 1864 perf 9 10 s. blue tied by METELINE AUSTRIAN PO cds in blue; taxed on arrival with four margined 2 nd. Athens 20 L. blue tied by SYROS cds. Transit cds of Lloyd Agency in Smirne on reverse of rare cover.
Stamps and Covers of the World - Day 1
By: Soler Y Llach
Soler Y Llach Stamps and Covers of the World - Day 1
Part One
Tuesday, February 6th 2024
2.30 pm (local time)
Lots 1 - 1227
Part Two
Wednesday, February 7th 2024
3 pm (local time)
Lots 1501 - 1767
To the total price a 22% will be charged as buyer's premium
February 1st - 5th
9.30 am – 1 pm | 2.30 pm – 5.30 pm
Saturdays and Sundays closed
Lots can be collected from February 9th
Sale Terms
Refine Your Search
Фильтр по
- Albania (3) Apply Albania filter
- Argentina (12) Apply Argentina filter
- Austria (15) Apply Austria filter
- austrian levant (5) Apply austrian levant filter
- Belgium (9) Apply Belgium filter
- bolivia (6) Apply bolivia filter
- bosnia and herzegovina (7) Apply bosnia and herzegovina filter
- brazil (26) Apply brazil filter
- british colonies (166) Apply british colonies filter
- Bulgaria (4) Apply Bulgaria filter
- Chile (9) Apply Chile filter
- China (11) Apply China filter
- Colombia (24) Apply Colombia filter
- Costa Rica (4) Apply Costa Rica filter
- Crète (2) Apply Crète filter
- Cuba (89) Apply Cuba filter
- Czechoslovakia (2) Apply Czechoslovakia filter
- danish west indies (8) Apply danish west indies filter
- Denmark (7) Apply Denmark filter
- dominican republic (15) Apply dominican republic filter
- Ecuador (2) Apply Ecuador filter
- Egypt (10) Apply Egypt filter
- Ethiopia (5) Apply Ethiopia filter
- Finlland (2) Apply Finlland filter
- France (55) Apply France filter
- french colonies (143) Apply french colonies filter
- German Colonies (13) Apply German Colonies filter
- german states (18) Apply german states filter
- germany (12) Apply germany filter
- Great Britain (15) Apply Great Britain filter
- Greece (8) Apply Greece filter
- guatemala (9) Apply guatemala filter
- haiti (11) Apply haiti filter
- Honduras (7) Apply Honduras filter
- Hungary (3) Apply Hungary filter
- Iceland (2) Apply Iceland filter
- Ionian Islands (3) Apply Ionian Islands filter
- irak (1) Apply irak filter
- iran (16) Apply iran filter
- Israel (1) Apply Israel filter
- italian colonies (40) Apply italian colonies filter
- italian states (27) Apply italian states filter
- Italy (14) Apply Italy filter
- Japan (12) Apply Japan filter
- korea (1) Apply korea filter
- Liberia (5) Apply Liberia filter
- Mexico (33) Apply Mexico filter
- Morocco (4) Apply Morocco filter
- Nepal (48) Apply Nepal filter
- Netherlands (6) Apply Netherlands filter
- netherlands colonies (3) Apply netherlands colonies filter
- nicaragua (3) Apply nicaragua filter
- Norway (6) Apply Norway filter
- palestine (3) Apply palestine filter
- Panama (12) Apply Panama filter
- Paraguay (2) Apply Paraguay filter
- Peru (25) Apply Peru filter
- Philippines (17) Apply Philippines filter
- Poland (2) Apply Poland filter
- Portugal (20) Apply Portugal filter
- portuguese colonies (32) Apply portuguese colonies filter
- Puerto Rico (34) Apply Puerto Rico filter
- Russia (5) Apply Russia filter
- russian levant (2) Apply russian levant filter
- salvador (11) Apply salvador filter
- serbia (34) Apply serbia filter
- Sweden (8) Apply Sweden filter
- Switzerland (8) Apply Switzerland filter
- thailand (3) Apply thailand filter
- Turkey (15) Apply Turkey filter
- United States of America (12) Apply United States of America filter
- Uruguay (10) Apply Uruguay filter
- Venezuela (7) Apply Venezuela filter
- Viertnam (1) Apply Viertnam filter
- zeppelin (3) Apply zeppelin filter
Lot #701 - Greece
GRECIA. 1867. ARGOSTOLION a KERKYRA. 1 l. chocolate, 5 l. verde y 20 l. azul. (Mi. 16,18,20). PRECIOSA. Vl.28,30,32.
Lot #702 - Greece
GRECIA. 1873 (Jan). Outer letter sheet from Syra to Marseille with attractive three colour franking of 1870-72 10l. orange, 20l. blue and 40l. rosy mauve on blued paper, all tied by ´Syra-67´ cds´s in black. Red ´Grece-Marseille´ entry marking (Feb 5th) alongside. Scott 35,41,42.
Lot #703 - Greece
GRECIA. 1899. Registered envelope to CONSTANTINOPLE bearing Turkey 20 para lilac (strip of 5) (Yvert 84) tied by bilingual PORT- LAGOS datestamp in violet (Coles & Walker 26) with GALATA arrival. This is one of the rarest cancels from Turkish Post Office in Adrianople.
Lot #704 - Greece
GRECIA. 1899-1916. Lot of 9 covers and cards, diverse frankings.
Lot #706 - Crète
CRETA. 1900. Cover to CANDIA franked by 1899 10 pa. brown and 20 pa. rose tied by CANDIA Austrian PO cds´s with straight line HERAKLION handstamp in black on reverse. Scarce cover. Sc 4, 5.
Lot #708 - Ionian Islands
GRECIA: ISLAS JONICAS. 1852 (March 31). Rare registered entire letter from ZANTE to TRIESTE endorsed ´Col Vapore Austriaco Assicurata´ and struck with hooded oval ZANTE datestamp in green and framed FRANCA; reverse with RECOMANDIRT - TRIEST arrival datestamp (April 4) in black. Rare registered cover from Ionian Islands.
Lot #709 - Ionian Islands
GRECIA: ISLAS JONICAS. 1863. Cover from CEFALONIA to PATRAS with oval hooded CEFALONIA despatch, framed FRANCA and oval rate handstamp with ´1´ inserted struck in green; franked by Large Hermes 20l. blue on arrival tied by PATRAS cds for inland rate. Scott 20.
Lot #710 - guatemala
GUATEMALA. 1791 (2 Junio). GUATEMALA a INGLATERRA. Circulada via La Coruña, Bordeaux y Londres. Tasada con 16 sous en Francia y en Inglaterra 1sh. 11p. RARA circulación transatlántica en siglo XVIII.
Lot #711 - guatemala
GUATEMALA. (1800 CA.). ENVUELTA circulada desde ESPAÑA a GUATEMALA. Marca ovalada en negro de la FRANQUICIA REAL y manuscrito POR EL REY, tasada a la llegada con 5 reales.
Lot #712 - guatemala
GUATEMALA. 1814 (16 septiembre). Envuelta circulada a GUATEMALA. Marcas FRANCO EN/GUATEMALA y R. AUDIENCIA/D. GUATEMALA (Tizón nº 10 y 14). RARA.
Lot #713 - guatemala
GUATEMALA. 1855 (May 15). Entire letter written from SAN JOSE (Guatemala, Port of the Pacific Coast) sent unpaid to HOYER in the Duchy of Schleswig, with reverse showing manuscript ´Forwarded Belize, Honduras, 16 June 1855 by your obdient servants N. Wesselhoeft´ and mailed from there via British Post Office with BELIZE double arc cds in black. LONDON transit cds (July 23) in red and Danish P.O in Hamburg transit (July 27) in black. Plethora...
Lot #714 - guatemala
GUATEMALA. 1881 (Aug. 20). Cover, somewhat tired and with minor corner fault at upper left, used to BRISTOL franked by provisional sucharge 5 c. on 1/2 r. yellow green, slight stain, cancelled by blue fancy handstamp (Goodman CF46) with octogonal CORREOS-GUATEMALA datestamp in violet at left. Reverse with Bristol arrival cds (Sept 26). An extremely rare issue on letter, this rate is only valid from August 1st until October 8th 1881. Cert....
Lot #715 - guatemala
GUATEMALA. 1885 (Dec. 11). Cover from GUATEMALA CITY to LISBON (Portugal) endorsed ´via Livingston´ franked by Quetzal 1 ct. on ¼ ct. green & brown and 10 ct. on 1 real black & green tied by target handstamps in violet with octagonal despatch datestamp alongside. An attractive and famous usage. Only three covers recorded with the 10 ct. on 1 r. and in this combination, unique. Sc.17, 19.
Lot #716 - guatemala
GUATEMALA. 1894. EL PROGRESO a SAN MARCOS. Sobre de 5 cts. azul con franqueo adicional de 1 ctvo. azul y 1/4 de sello de 1 cto. para completar un franqueo de 6 1/4 ctvos. equivalente a 1/2 real, al dorso llegada. MUY RARO. Sc.43.
Lot #717 - guatemala
GUATEMALA. 1897. RETALHULEU a ALEMANIA. Entero Postal de 3 ctvos. con sello alemán de 10 pf. carmín aceptado por el correo de Guatemala para el pago del sobreporte al exterior. MUY RARA.
Lot #720 - haiti
HAITI. 1881. 20 cents. castaño rojo. Reconstrucción de los 50 tipos de la hoja en usado, conteniendo una pareja. Muy rara reconstrucción. Sc.6 (50).
Lot #721 - haiti
HAITI. 1882. PORT AU PRINCE a PARÍS. 5 cents. verde (2) pl. II, 1ª Tirada. Mat. PORT-AU-PRINCE/HAITI. Sc.10 (2).
Lot #722 - haiti
HAITI. 1883. PORT AU PRINCE a FRANCIA. 3 cts. bistre y 7 cts. azul (márgenes ajustados), mat. PORT. AU. PRINCE/HAITI, al dorso llegada.
Lot #723 - haiti
HAITI. 1886. 20 cts. castaño claro, pl. III. Bloque de 47 ejemplares (consolidado en algunas partes). EXCEPCIONAL y MUY RARO. Segundo bloque más grande conocido (existe una hoja completa de 50 sellos). Cert. B. MOORHOUSE. Sc.13.
Lot #724 - haiti
HAITI. 1886. PORT AU PRINCE a ALEMANIA. Tarjeta Postal Oficial franqueada con sello de 3 cts. bistre, mat. PORT-AU-PRINCE/HAITI. Sc.9.
Soler Y Llach
SOLER Y LLACH Subastas Internacionales, S.A. was founded in October 1989 by two families closely linked to the world of collecting: SOLER y LLACH initially specialized in stamp collecting auctions... Read More
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