Stamps and Covers of the World - Day 1
By: Soler Y Llach
Soler Y Llach Stamps and Covers of the World - Day 1
Part One
Tuesday, February 6th 2024
2.30 pm (local time)
Lots 1 - 1227
Part Two
Wednesday, February 7th 2024
3 pm (local time)
Lots 1501 - 1767
To the total price a 22% will be charged as buyer's premium
February 1st - 5th
9.30 am – 1 pm | 2.30 pm – 5.30 pm
Saturdays and Sundays closed
Lots can be collected from February 9th
Sale Terms
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Фильтр по
- Albania (3) Apply Albania filter
- Argentina (12) Apply Argentina filter
- Austria (15) Apply Austria filter
- austrian levant (5) Apply austrian levant filter
- Belgium (9) Apply Belgium filter
- bolivia (6) Apply bolivia filter
- bosnia and herzegovina (7) Apply bosnia and herzegovina filter
- brazil (26) Apply brazil filter
- british colonies (166) Apply british colonies filter
- Bulgaria (4) Apply Bulgaria filter
- Chile (9) Apply Chile filter
- China (11) Apply China filter
- Colombia (24) Apply Colombia filter
- Costa Rica (4) Apply Costa Rica filter
- Crète (2) Apply Crète filter
- Cuba (89) Apply Cuba filter
- Czechoslovakia (2) Apply Czechoslovakia filter
- danish west indies (8) Apply danish west indies filter
- Denmark (7) Apply Denmark filter
- dominican republic (15) Apply dominican republic filter
- Ecuador (2) Apply Ecuador filter
- Egypt (10) Apply Egypt filter
- Ethiopia (5) Apply Ethiopia filter
- Finlland (2) Apply Finlland filter
- France (55) Apply France filter
- french colonies (143) Apply french colonies filter
- German Colonies (13) Apply German Colonies filter
- german states (18) Apply german states filter
- germany (12) Apply germany filter
- Great Britain (15) Apply Great Britain filter
- Greece (8) Apply Greece filter
- guatemala (9) Apply guatemala filter
- haiti (11) Apply haiti filter
- Honduras (7) Apply Honduras filter
- Hungary (3) Apply Hungary filter
- Iceland (2) Apply Iceland filter
- Ionian Islands (3) Apply Ionian Islands filter
- irak (1) Apply irak filter
- iran (16) Apply iran filter
- Israel (1) Apply Israel filter
- italian colonies (40) Apply italian colonies filter
- italian states (27) Apply italian states filter
- Italy (14) Apply Italy filter
- Japan (12) Apply Japan filter
- korea (1) Apply korea filter
- Liberia (5) Apply Liberia filter
- Mexico (33) Apply Mexico filter
- Morocco (4) Apply Morocco filter
- Nepal (48) Apply Nepal filter
- Netherlands (6) Apply Netherlands filter
- netherlands colonies (3) Apply netherlands colonies filter
- nicaragua (3) Apply nicaragua filter
- Norway (6) Apply Norway filter
- palestine (3) Apply palestine filter
- Panama (12) Apply Panama filter
- Paraguay (2) Apply Paraguay filter
- Peru (25) Apply Peru filter
- Philippines (17) Apply Philippines filter
- Poland (2) Apply Poland filter
- Portugal (20) Apply Portugal filter
- portuguese colonies (32) Apply portuguese colonies filter
- Puerto Rico (34) Apply Puerto Rico filter
- Russia (5) Apply Russia filter
- russian levant (2) Apply russian levant filter
- salvador (11) Apply salvador filter
- serbia (34) Apply serbia filter
- Sweden (8) Apply Sweden filter
- Switzerland (8) Apply Switzerland filter
- thailand (3) Apply thailand filter
- Turkey (15) Apply Turkey filter
- United States of America (12) Apply United States of America filter
- Uruguay (10) Apply Uruguay filter
- Venezuela (7) Apply Venezuela filter
- Viertnam (1) Apply Viertnam filter
- zeppelin (3) Apply zeppelin filter
Lot #951 - netherlands colonies
INDIA HOLANDESA. 1843. SOURABAYA to HOLLAND. Folded letter with oval FRANCO/ZEE BRIEF/SOURABAYA, blue BATAVIA cds. and lineal FRANCO mark. Some erosions on the front of the envelope.
Lot #952 - netherlands colonies
Lot #953 - nicaragua
NICARAGUA. 1883. NICARAGUA a BERLÍN (Alemania). Sobre del SERVICIO OFICIAL de la Dirección General del Correo de Nicaragua al Jefe de Correos del Imperio Alemán. Sello en seco al dorso del correo de Nicaragua y al frente manuscrito ´Officiel´. Fechador marítimo francés PANAMA-UNION/PAQ. F. A. Nº1 en rojo. RARO.
Lot #954 - nicaragua
NICARAGUA. 1908. Intact 10pf. + 10pf. postal stationery card to JINOTEGA, Nicaragua, cancelled M. GLADBACH. Routed via New York. Return includes violet transit handstamps of Grenada and Managua. A rare piece and fine.
Lot #956 - Norway
NORUEGA. 1856 (Nov 27). Cover to Sinderod, near Tonsberg franked by very fine 1855 4sk. blue tied by ´253´ ringed numeral cancel in blue (rare) and fine Sandefjord cds in blue at right. A fine cover. SG 1.
Lot #957 - Norway
NORUEGA. 1870. Envelope to France bearing 3 skill grey (Facit 13), 4 skill blue (Facit 14) and 8 skill red (Facit 15) tied by CHRISTIANIA cds with NORWEGH-ERQUELINES French entry cachet in blue with LA ROCHELLE arrival. Fine three colour franking.
Lot #958 - Norway
NORUEGA. 1869 (May 6). Cover to Bordeaux franked by scarce usage of 1867-68 3sk3. dull lilac tied by Christiania cds´s. Reverse with Sandosund transit and both Paris and Bordeaux cds´s (May 10). Addressee´s name lightly erased but a rarity. Scott 13.
Lot #959 - Norway
NORUEGA. 1871. Cover to FRANCE franked by 1863 24 sk. brown and 1868 3 sk. dull lilac pair tied by CHRISTIANIA cds¦s with blue NORWEGE-ERQUELINES entry marking. Arrival on reverse of scarce cover. Sc 10,13.
Lot #960 - Norway
NORUEGA. 1906 (Aug 14). Postcard from advent Bay to France franked by Posthorn 10ö. carmine tied by Tromso cds´s; front of card franked by Spitzbergen Local 5ö. on 20ö. carmine rose tied by ´BELLSUND´ cachet in violet. Rare and appealing item.
Lot #961 - Norway
NORUEGA. 1850-1913. 6 covers and cards, one with Spitsbergen stamp.
Lot #962 - palestine
PALESTINA. 1823 (21 Abril). JERUSALEM a MAHON. Carta de un fraile Franciscano desde Tierra Santa al Comisario General de los Franciscanos en Mahón. Muy interesante texto y muy rara destinación en esta época.
Lot #963 - palestine
PALESTINA. 1895 (May 29). 20pa. on 5kr. rose on buff postal stationery card (Michel P10) used to BERLIN tied by superb strike of CAIFA / OESTERR. POST cds in blue-black. Berlin arrival cds at left (10/6). Certificate MUENTZ.
Lot #964 - palestine
PALESTINA. 1927. Postcard from NAZARETH to JERUSALEM underpaid with single 1922 3m. greenish blue tied by NAZARETH cds; framed TO PAY/2/MILLIEMES in black and Postage Due 2m. yellow tied by JERUSALEM cds (April 12). Scarce use. SG.D7.
Lot #966 - Panama
PANAMA. 1866 (May 11). PANAMA BAY. U.S.S. ´ST. MARYS´. Envelope with full contens, fascinating letter mentioning ´the existing war betwen Spain and the South American States... You have heard ere this all about the bombardment of Valparaiso...´ Franked with two horizontal pairs and single of 2 cts. black (Sc. 73) tied by N. YORK STEAMSHIP cds. Very rare cover used from Panama. Ex. Allen and ilustrated in Lane book p. 104.
Lot #967 - Panama
PANAMA. 1874 (March 27). Entire letter on ´Hamburg-Amerikanische´ stationery, some tropicalisation, used from Colon to Buenaventura franked by Colombia imperforate 1868 10c. lilac and very scarce usage of 1870 5c. orange yellow tied by serrated ´PANAMA´ oval handstamp. An extremely rare cover.
Lot #968 - Panama
PANAMA. 1880. Cover from British Vice-Consul in COLON with blue cachet at left and on reverse, franked by USA Taylor 1879 5c. blue, two horizontal pairs, all tied in transit by NEW YORK /1 duplexes in black (May 20). London / Paid arrival cds on front (May 31) in red. Some envelope faults but scarce. Sc.185.
Lot #969 - Panama
PANAMA. 1881 (23 Febrero). Sobre dirigido a FRANCIA. Marca marítima francesa COR. D. ARM./LIG. D. PAQ. FR. Nº 3 (Salles 1519) aplicada en la escala de COLON (Panama) en el buque ´Colombie´. Tasada a la llegada con ´30´, al dorso llegada a París (21-Mar). Sobre levemente reducido al dorso. MUY RARO.
Lot #970 - Panama
PANAMA. 1881. PANAMÁ a HAMBURGO. 20 ctvos. azul de Colombia (Sc. 75) bisectado para ser usado como 10 ctvos. Mat. PANAMÁ en un óvalo y fechador marítimo francés LIGNE D / PAQ. FR. Nº1. MUY RARO bisectado, probablemente único usado en Panamá.
Lot #971 - Panama
PANAMA. 1888. PANAMÁ a NEW YORK. Tarjeta postal con respuesta comercial franqueada con sello de Colombia de 1 ctvo. (Sc. 129). Mat. AGENCIA POSTAL NACIONAL/PANAMA. RARÍSIMA.
Lot #972 - Panama
PANAMA. 1892. Ocho FAJAS DE PRENSA del ´The Colon Telegram´ circuladas a PANAMÁ sin sello con el franqueo prepagado y fechador AGENCIA POSTAL PANAMA/COLON. INTERESANTE.
Lot #973 - Panama
PANAMA. 1892 (April 18). 1891 1 1/2 on 2d violet postal stationery postcard with red UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION surcharge, from WILLIAMSTOWN (Victoria) to PARAMARIBO (Dutch Guiana) tied by WILLIAMSTOWN duplex with two strikes, dated 1st and 2nd June 1892, of BRITISH PACKET AGENCY/PANAMA cds alongside (Parmenter BPA CDS. 1), and arrival at left, backstamped at Melbourne. One of fewer than five examples recorded of the use of the Panama British...
Lot #974 - Panama
PANAMA. 1900 (March 27). Registered cover to Germany via New York franked by vertical strip of five 1892 2c. rose tied by Agencia Panama cds´s. Colombia 10c. black on light green registration label and New York registered label on front; Hamburg arrival (April 16) on reverse of fine cover. Scott 16.
Soler Y Llach
SOLER Y LLACH Subastas Internacionales, S.A. was founded in October 1989 by two families closely linked to the world of collecting: SOLER y LLACH initially specialized in stamp collecting auctions... Read More
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