1873-2014ca. collectie gestempeld, later */** w.b. iets betere series, Sint-Maarten en Caribisch Nederland in 3 Davo albums en envelop in doosje
Auction 258 - Day 1 Netherlands and Colonies and Coins
By: Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen Auction 258 - Day 1 Netherlands and Colonies and Coins
- 'Ramones' Collection of Great Britain
- Field post WWII, Legion issues and Propaganda forgeries (including Dr. Keizer collection)
- Extensive collection of Turkey
- Postal Stationery Netherlands (including change of address cards Verhoeven collection)
- Many original country collections including British Commonwealth
Auction order
Thursday 14 March
09:00 1-314 Netherlands and Colonies, collections & stock
350-420 Netherlands and Colonies, collections & stock in large boxes
13:00 450-953 Coins
Friday 15 March
10:00 1000-1064 Picture Postcards
10:30 1100-1611 Foreign countries, collections & stock
1800-1936 Foreign countries, collections & stock in large boxes
Saturday 16 March
09:00 2000-2367 Netherlands and colonies single lots
11:00 2500-2633 Foreign countries single lots
13:00 3000-3261 Ramones Collection of Great Britain
15:00 3500-3588 WWII Collection of Dr. Keizer
Sale Terms
Refine Your Search
- Coins and Paper Money (76) Apply Coins and Paper Money filter
- dutch colonies (33) Apply dutch colonies filter
- Dutch West Indies (15) Apply Dutch West Indies filter
- foreign coins (63) Apply foreign coins filter
- literature (3) Apply literature filter
- medals (3) Apply medals filter
- Netherlands (344) Apply Netherlands filter
- netherlands and colonies (332) Apply netherlands and colonies filter
- Netherlands and Dutch Colonies (8) Apply Netherlands and Dutch Colonies filter
- numismatics (12) Apply numismatics filter
Lot #299 - Dutch West Indies curacao
1943-1943, Stempelproeven Koninklijke Familie 1½ cent oranje PC nr. 73b (5x) en 6 cent zwart PC nr. 75 (5x) ** in envelop
Lot #300 - Dutch West Indies curacao
1872-1888, Ongetande Haarlemse kleurproeven PC nrs. 8c, 8d, 9a en 9b in veldeeltjes in map
Lot #301 - Dutch West Indies curacao
1873-1968 collectie gestempeld, later */** w.b. iets betere series (o.a. Jubileum 1923 *, 300 Jaar Gezag, Van Konijnenburg *, Bernhardfonds) in Davo album
Lot #302 - Dutch West Indies curacao
1929-1929, LP1-LP3 met extra LP1x, LP2f, LP3f en LP2fa, ongebruikte pracht ex. w.b. LP3f ** in envelop
Lot #303 - Dutch West Indies Netherlands-Antilles (1954-2010)
Nederlandse Antillen 1960-2008, collectie postfris (tevens klein deel gebruikt) met variëteiten, blokken, vellen en veel keerdrukparen, vanaf 2005 veel in strippen van 5, in 6 albums in doos
Lot #304 - Dutch West Indies Netherlands-Antilles (1954-2010)
1985-2010 collectie **, tevens Curaçao 2010-2016, Sint-Maarten 2010-2016, Aruba 1986-2016, Caribisch Nederland 2010-2016 en iets doubletten in 4 Davo albums en op losse bladen in doos
Lot #305 - Dutch West Indies Netherlands-Antilles (1954-2010)
Nederlandse Antillen 1996-2000, 21 zegels en series en 3 blokken, alle ongetand postfris in pracht kwaliteit in map
Lot #306 - Dutch West Indies aruba
1986-2015 collectie ** in Davo album en envelop
Lot #307 - Dutch West Indies surinam
1873-2004, collectie */** met beter materiaal in 2 Leuchtturm klembanden
Lot #308 - Dutch West Indies surinam
en Republiek, 1973-2015 collectie meest */** in 4 Davo albums in doos
Lot #309 - Dutch West Indies surinam
1873 en later voorraad meest gestempeld en rolzegels Nederland ** meest in strippen in dik insteekboek
Lot #310 - Dutch West Indies surinam
1892-1975ca. kleine voorraad */** w.b. betere ex. zoals 21Cf, Jubileum 1923 ** in Importa winkelboek
Lot #311 - dutch colonies indonesia
1945-1949 stock */** and used including some varieties (double inking) and better items (imperforate, DN 046-047, 52pd, 053pa) in 2 stockbooks
Lot #312 - dutch colonies indonesia
1945-1949ca. stock mainly */** and used including some better items, covers etc. in 3 albums/stockbooks
Lot #313A - dutch colonies indonesia
1950-2000ca. including collection Japanese Occupation, Vienna Printings, some errors/printer's waste, covers/fdc's. Added some sheets Netherlands Antilles, private issues Bonaire, St Eustatius) and some China in 3 albums and on album pages in small box
Lot #313 - dutch colonies indonesia
1949-2007, collectie */** in 4 luxe Davo albums
Lot #314 - dutch colonies indonesia
1950-1965c. proofs in pairs including 7 metal printing plates showing pairs (negative images) in envelope
Lot #350 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1982-2009 collectie postzegelmapjes en collectie Nederland op Davo bladen w.b. nominaal ca. €800 in 16 albums in 2 dozen
Lot #351 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1982-2011 collectie postzegelmapjes w.b. nominaal ca. €460 en NL1 (ca. 170x) in 8 Leuchtturm albums in verhuisdoos
Lot #352A - netherlands and colonies Netherlands and Dutch Colonies
1900-2018ca. collecties en voorraad gestempeld en */** w.b. iets beter Antillen, Aruba t/m 2010, fdc's Nederland t/m 2011, eurowaarden gestempeld, kinderzegels (inclusief nominaal) etc. in ca. 40 (Leuchtturm) albums/insteekboeken in 4 verhuisdozen
Lot #352 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands and Dutch Colonies
1860-2005ca. w.b. collecties, voorraden, post(waarde)stukken, luchtpost, plaatfouten etc. in 7 verhuisdozen
Lot #353 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1852-2000ca. collectie en voorraad plaatfouten meest op Leidraad en Mast gesorteerd w.b. iets betere ex. (o.a. 171Af in strip van 3), tevens iets stempels (o.a. puntstempel 253 Raalte op nr. 35), fdc's, vellen en veldelen etc. in 12 albums/insteekboeken in verhuisdoos
Lot #354 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1940/2002 meerdere collecties en voorraad, meest */** w.b iets Nederlands Indie en nominaal op insteekkaarten en in 17 (Davo) albums en 13 insteekboeken in 3 verhuisdozen
Lot #355 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1867-2010 ca., met o.a. puntstempels, prestigeboekjes, automaatboekjes etc. (w.b. iets nominaal) in insteekboeken, op bladen, in doosjes etc.
Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen is one of The Netherlands' leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.
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