DINAMARCA. (1863 CA.). Cover to BOGENSE franked by rouletted 1863 4 sk. brown tied by bold strike of 221 numeral with superb FELTPOST Nº1 cds alongside. Very rare and fine Military cover. Sc 9.
Stamps and Postal History of Spain, featuring China, Colombia – Prephilatelic Spanish period –, British Colonies, Japan, Portugal and Switzerland
By: Soler Y Llach
Soler Y Llach Stamps and Postal History of Spain, featuring China, Colombia – Prephilatelic Spanish period –, British Colonies, Japan, Portugal and Switzerland
Tuesday, July 9th 2024
Session I - 2 pm | Lots 1 - 1304
Wednesday, July 10th 2024
Session II - 2 pm | Lots 1305 - 1953
Session III - 5:30 pm | Lots 2001 - 2369
July 3rd to 8th | 10 am – 1 pm / 3 pm – 5:30 pm
Saturdays and Sundays closed
Lots can be collected from July 12th
* New clients must register at least 5 days before the auction and provide business references from other auction houses
Sale Terms
Lot #469 - Denmark Denmark
DINAMARCA. (1865 CA). Embossed Ladies´ envelope to Holte franked by 1864 4sk. red tied by Copenhagen target numeral ´1´, reverse with Railway ´229´ transit duplex of the same day. A delightful and scarce cover. Scott 13.
Lot #470 - Denmark Denmark
DINAMARCA. 1866 (April 27). Cover to London with three colour mixed issue franking of imperforate 1858-62 8sk. green and 1864-65 2s. blue and 4s. red tied by ´30´ target cancel. Horsens cds below and London red arrival on front. Scott 8,11,13.
Lot #471 - Denmark Denmark
DINAMARCA. 1870. AALBORG a LONDRES. 3 s. rosa, pareja (defecto en un sello) y 16 s. oliva. Carta certificada, fechador de entrada DENMARK/REGISTERED.
Lot #472 - Denmark Denmark
DINAMARCA. 1871. COPENHAGEN a LONDON. 2 sk. azul y gris, 4 sk. rojo y verde (3).
Lot #473 - Denmark Denmark
DINAMARCA. 1871(Sept 7th). Registered cover from Horsens to London, carried at 22 skilling rate and franked by 1870-71 2sk and five 4sk all tied by Horsens numeral cancellations in black, also struck by very scarce oval ´REGISTERED LONDON-FROM DENMARK´ datestamp in red (Sept 16th). Few small faults but a very scarce and attractive cover. Scott 16,18.
Lot #474 - Denmark Denmark
DINAMARCA. 1886. HORSHOLM to BANGKOK (Thailand). Cover franked with 10 ore red and 20 ore blue (corner fault). Arrival on reverse, some crease and ting toned spots, arrival cds on reverse. Rare destination.
Lot #475 - Denmark Denmark
DINAMARCA. 1892 (Feb 22). Cover to BENDIGO (Victoria, Australia) franked by 1885 10ö. carmine strip of three tied by COPENHAGEN cds´s, struck on arrival in Bendigo (April 1, held until Oct 8) with framed UNCLAIMED/BENDIGO in black. Reverse with MELBOURNE RETURNED LETTER OFFICE cds in purple and front with NOT CALLED FOR bilingual cachet. A rare and appealing cover. Certificate NEILSEN. Afa 35.
Lot #476 - Denmark Denmark
DINAMARCA. 1898. COPENHAGEN to ST. PETERSBURG. 4 ore and 8 ore strip of four, redirected in Russia and with instruction label on back.
Lot #477 - Denmark danish west indies
DINAMARCA. 1865 (18 Junio). REMEDIOS (Cuba) a FRANCIA circulada con sello de 1/2 real verde, mat. PARRILLA COLONIAL, al dorso fechadores de transito de ST. THOMAS local y británico, tránsito por Londres y marca de intercambio GB/1F 60. Rarísimo tránsito por St. Thomas de la correspondencia procedente de Cuba salida por el correo español, única que conocemos.
Lot #478 - Denmark danish west indies
ANTILLAS DANESAS. 1875 (May 15). Cover from St. Thomas to Marseille franked by Great Britain 3d. rose pl. 16 and 4d. vermilion pl. 14 tied by bold strike of ´St. Thomas/Paid/C51´ duplex. London transit in red (May 31). An attractive cover. SG Z8,Z10.
Soler Y Llach
SOLER Y LLACH Subastas Internacionales, S.A. was founded in October 1989 by two families closely linked to the world of collecting: SOLER y LLACH initially specialized in stamp collecting auctions... Read More
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