RARE USE OF WRAPPER: Wrapper of 2c. "San Martin in medalion" uprated with Seated Liberty stamps of 2c., 5c. and 20c., (total postage 29c.), sent by EXPRESS mail from Buenos Aires to San Juan on 21/JUN/1909 (arrival backstamp of 24/JUN), excellent quality, very rare rate and very scarce express use of a wrapper!!
Auction # 2436 ARGENTINA: Special September auction - part 2
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2436 ARGENTINA: Special September auction - part 2
Outstanding selection of rare, significant and scarce material, from classics to modern, also a lot of postal history, and much more!! As our clients know, looking through this sale you will find rarities that are almost impossible to find on the market, all with very low and attractive prices!
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Lot #177 - Argentina postal history
RARE RATE FOR INTERNATIONAL PRINTED MATTER: Unsealed cover (it contained printed matter) sent from B.Aires to England on 3/JUL/1910, franked with 3c. (Centenary 1c. + 2c.), very fine quality!
Lot #178 - Argentina postal history
MIXED POSTAGES and SHIPS: 6 Covers sent to England between 1912 and 1913 with very varied postages that combine stamps of the issues San Martin in oval and Plowman. All with the names of the ships that carried them: Re Vittorio, Duca Degli Abruzzi, Psa. Asturias, Tomaso di Savoia and Konig Friedrich August, very fine quality! IMPORTANT: please view ALL the photos of the lot, because all the covers have been scanned (both sides)
Lot #179 - Argentina postal history
MIXED POSTAGES: 2 Covers + 1 front of registered parcel post sent to England between 1912 and 1913 franked with 12c, 25c and 27c. combining stamps of the issues San Martin in oval and Plowman, very fine quality! IMPORTANT: please view ALL the photos of the lot, because all the covers have been scanned (both sides)
Lot #180 - Argentina postal history
12 Covers + 1 front of parcel post used between 1912 and 1916, most sent to England, there are varied postages consisting of stamps of the Plowman issues, some registered, very fine quality, interesting lot! IMPORTANT: please view ALL the photos of the lot, because all the covers have been scanned (both sides)
Lot #181 - Argentina postal history
4 Covers (2 registered) sent to England between 1912 and 1922 with attractive postages, with the name of the ships: Psa. Mafalda, Massilia, Lutetia and Cap Vilano, excellent quality! IMPORTANT: please view ALL the photos of the lot, because all the covers have been scanned (both sides)
Lot #182 - Argentina postal history
Corner with corner card of "Mercería Alemana, Buenos Aires", sent to San Juan on 11/FE/1915 franked with 2c. (GJ.321), excellent quality!
Lot #183 - Argentina postal history
Cover sent from Mendoza to San Juan on 28/MAR/1916 franked with 20c. (GJ.367 strip of 4), excellent quality!
Lot #184 - Argentina postal history
Commercial cover of Vaugheret & Wienert co., importers of DRUGS and PERFUMES, franked with 5c. (GJ.403) and sent to San Juan in 1916, excellent!
Lot #185 - Argentina postal history
Registered cover sent from Buenos Aires to San Juan on 4/OC/1916 franked with 17c., excellent!
Lot #186 - Argentina postal history
RARE CANCEL: Registered cover sent from ALTO DE SIERRA (San Juan) to San Juan on 3/AU/1921 franked with 40c., with other 2 backstmps of origin, very rare!
Lot #187 - Argentina postal history
Registered cover with AR sent from "AGENCIA 20" in Buenos Aires to England on 16/FE/1923 franked with 36c., very fine quality!
Lot #188 - Argentina postal history
Front of a large cover sent by steamer "Duquesa" from B.Aires to England on 5/AU/1925 with very attractive franking of 1.96P., very fine quality, rare!
22/OC/1926 RÍO CUARTO - Córdoba, official envelope of Banco Hipotecario Nacional flown without postage, arrival backstamp, very fine quality, rare!
17/MAY/1927 Buenos Aires - Asunción, airmail cover sent by Aeroposta, arrival backstamp of 19/MAY, very nice!
20/OC/1927 Cover signed by French pilots COSTE and LE BRIX on they day they arrived in Buenos Aires, after crossing the Atlantic in a direct flight for the first time. The flight started in Paris on 10/OC, with stops in San Luis, Natal Rio, Pelotas and Buenos Aires, excellent quality!
25/MAR/1929 Buenos Aires - Asunción, airmail cover franked with 25c., arrival backstamp of 26/MAR, second official flight of Aeroposta, VF quality!
UNUSUAL DESTINATION: Airmail cover sent from Buenos Aires to FREE CITY OF DANZIG on 5/DE/1932 franked with 1.60P, very nice!
Airmail cover sent from Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro on 3/MAR/1934, to be delivered a passenger of ship CAP ARCONA on route to Europe, on back it bears several arrival marks of 4/MAR, VF!
Lot #195 - Argentina Lots and Collections
PRÓCERES & RIQUEZAS 1935: Huge stockbook with LARGE NUMBER (hundreds and hundreds) of stamps, most MNH and of very fine quality. There are many examples with retouches and varieties (even some important varieties for example printed on gum), various shades and papers, and many more that the specialist will appreciate, good opportunity! IMPORTANT: please view ALL the photos of this lot, because all the stamps have been scanned. Heavy lot,...
Lot #196 - Argentina Lots and Collections
DEFINITIVE STAMPS: Large stockbook with thousands of stamps (mostly MNH and of very fine quality), with study of the papers (ex-MALATEK), shades, impressions, etc., including interesting varieties, different printings, rare papers and much more. HUGE CATALOG VALUE, this is a fantastic opportunity for the specialist, who will surely find rare and valuable material for their collection or for retail resale, low start! ATTENTION: please view ALL...
Lot #197 - Argentina other items
OLD CANCELS: Page with 17 fragments with old genuine cancels (pre-stamp mail and classics) perfecly applied, possibly proofs, excellent quality, very rare lot!