TAR-43O, 5c. redish chestnut, on back portrait of "Manuel Padilla" (congressman, Jujuy)
Auction # 2445 ARGENTINA: Special auction with very low starts and lots for collectors of every level!
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2445 ARGENTINA: Special auction with very low starts and lots for collectors of every level!
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Lot #1277 - Argentina Postal stationery
TAR-44Ñ, 5c. greenish blue, on back view of "Lago Inferior lake - Chubut"
Lot #1278 - Argentina Postal stationery
TAR-65, double postal card, with map of South America and inside statistics of Argentina 1933
Lot #1279 - Argentina Postal stationery
TAR-65/6, cmpl. set of double cards, with statistics of Argentina of the year 1933 inside
Lot #1280 - Argentina Postal stationery
TAR-65, double postal card, with map of South America and inside statistics of Argentina 1933, sent from Buenos Aires to La Plata in JA/1935, scarce in used
Lot #1281 - Argentina Postal stationery
TAR-92, postal card with view of Bonete mountain, sent from Quilmes to La Plata in DE/1943
Lot #1283 - Argentina forerunners
SIN3, entire letter sent from San Nicolás to Buenos Aires, dated 24/SE/1859, with the mark "RENTA DE CORREOS - SAN NICOLÁS" in blue double ogive perfectly applied, rating of 4 Rs, the text is about a shipment of goods, with small defects
Lot #1284 - Argentina postal history
Letter sent by relay system from San Pedro to Buenos Aires, dated 30/NO/1809, with text about some events that took place at a cattle establishment
Lot #1285 - Argentina postal history
1c. Wrapper with violet cancel of PARANA
Lot #1286 - Argentina postal history
½c. Wrapper with cancel of "Of Expedición - Rosario", other marks on back, including "Devuelto - Ofa de Impresos"
Lot #1287 - Argentina postal history
½c. Wrapper with violet 4-wedge cancel (rare), sent to San Carlos Centro (Santa Fe)
Lot #1288 - Argentina postal history
½c. Wrapper (FAJ-10) uprated with 1½c., sent to Paris in SE/1889
Lot #1289 - Argentina postal history
½c. Wrapper with blue cancel to be identified, and backstamped "PLAZA 6 DE JUNIO" 25/DE/1889 among other marks
Lot #1290 - Argentina postal history
1c. Wrapper uprated with 1c. (GJ.98), sent from B.Aires to Germany on 30/AP/1890
Lot #1291 - Argentina postal history
Cover used in Buenos Aires on 12/JUN/1891 franked with ½c. (GJ.97), with large advertising on back, small faults
Lot #1292 - Argentina postal history
Cover sent by steamshp "Citta di Genova" from Rosario to Italy in 1892, franked with 12c. (GJ.129, perf 11½ x 12¼)
Lot #1293 - Argentina postal history
1c. Wrapper uprated with 1c. (GJ.175) (mixed postage Liberty + 3 Proceres)
Lot #1294 - Argentina postal history
Cover franked with 12c. (GJ.180), sent from B.Aires to Paris (France) on 16/JUN/1899, along hexagonal cancel "Buenos Aires a Bordeaux-L.J. N°16"
Lot #1295 - Argentina postal history
2c. Wrapper with additional postage of 1c. (GJ.218), sent from B.Aires to Germany
Lot #1296 - Argentina postal history
4c. Lettercard sent from Buenos Aires to San Juan on 16/JUN/1900, with printed text annoucing the relocation of the warehouse of soap, candels
Lot #1297 - Argentina postal history
4c. Lettercard sent from Mendoza to San Juan on 20/NO/1900, with printed text about the visit of a salesperson from a steam-operated shoe factory, VF
Lot #1298 - Argentina postal history
1c. Wrapper used in Buenos Aires circa 1902, postage due mark of $0.02, on back mark "Buenos Aires against trafficking in women"
Lot #1299 - Argentina postal history
Cover with postmark "CERTIFICADOS - S. JUAN" and sent to B.Aires on 12/SE/1902, arrival backstamp
Lot #1300 - Argentina postal history
Cover used in Buenos Aires on 26/OC/1902, with attractive multicolor postage of 10c.