1913 & 1915 two Junk Issues covers,one from Shanghai to Spain, censored with seal and Russian censor mark, on reverse with Tientsin to Pukow and Peking to Moukden Railway PO cds. The other from Shanghai via Shanghai I.J.P.O. to Yokohama. F-VF.
The 2024 Winter Auction - Sale 344 - Day 3
By: John Bull Stamp Auctions
John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Winter Auction - Sale 344 - Day 3
The 2024 Winter Auction - Sale 344 (Dec 14 - Dec 17, 2024)
Sale 344
December 14th - December 17th 2024, Hong Kong
Sale Terms
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Фильтр по
- 1912-1949 ROC (363) Apply 1912-1949 ROC filter
- All China (18) Apply All China filter
- asia (1) Apply asia filter
- customs post (14) Apply customs post filter
- foreign po in china (78) Apply foreign po in china filter
- Hong Kong (4) Apply Hong Kong filter
- imperial post (337) Apply imperial post filter
- japanese occupation (3) Apply japanese occupation filter
- literature (1) Apply literature filter
- local post (30) Apply local post filter
- Provincial Issues (6) Apply Provincial Issues filter
- taiwan (52) Apply taiwan filter
Lot #5521 - 1912-1949 ROC
Lot #5522 - 1912-1949 ROC
1913 (Jul 6) AR receipt from Shansi Fancheng to Sianfu, returned to Fancheng,f.w. Junk 5c, bearing Shensi Fangchen (Kui Chou Year lunar cds.), Tungchowfu, Sianfu (Ping) cds. Rare usage of Junk issue. Except the Fangcheng cds. dated lunar year, all other cds. dated ROC 2nd year while the month and date on all cds. were in Gregorian calendar. Ex Stephen Yen's collection.
Lot #5523 - 1912-1949 ROC
1913 Kansu Kanchoufu AR double registered to Belgium,mixed franking with CIP, CIP ovpt ROC and Junk issues x 8, total 42c postage, tied by Kanchoufu cds., along with Shanghai registered cachet, Mukden transit cds., on reverse with AR receipt attached, Lanchow, Shanghai transit and Saint-Nicolas, Belgium arrival cds. VF-F. Rare international AR cover.
Lot #5524 - 1912-1949 ROC
1913 (Apr 30) Szechuan Liangshanhsien to Shanghai cover,f.w. Revolution Issue 3c, tied by rare Liangshanhsien Kuichow Year lunar year cds., on reverse with Wanhsien (ROC) 2nd Year transit and Shanghai bisected arrival cds. VF-F.
Lot #5525 - imperial post
1913 (Jul 9) Kwangtung Hin Kong to U.S.A. cover,f.w. ROC ovpt. CIP 10c, tied by Hin Kong lunar cds. With Canton, Sunchong, Shanghai and Shanghai I.J.P.O. transit cds. on both side and “Wah Hin Co. Drugs – Noyping Hin Kong Canton China” oval postal agency marking, on reverse, rare. VF-F.
1913年7月9日廣東峴崗寄美國西式封, 正面單貼中華民國加蓋倫敦版蟠龍1角票,銷廣東峴崗二年七月初九腰框戳,正背面有廣州、新昌 、上海及上海日本客郵局中轉戳。另有一枚少見中英“開平峴崗華興藥房代理郵政”橢圓形戳。上品。
Lot #5526 - 1912-1949 ROC
1915 western style cover franked on front Junk 10c, canceled Shekchuenhsien 1915.2.16 cds., addressed to England and endorsed Via Siberia at top left,with a fine array of transit backstamps of CHUNGKIANGHSIEN showing MIN GUO FOURTH YEAR 1915.2.19, Mienchuhsien, Wanhsien, Hankow, Peking-Moukden Bureau Ambulant datestamp, arriving Ramsgatge 29 MR 1915. It took 29 days for the cover to travel from Peking-Mpoukden Railway to destination,...
Lot #5527 - 1912-1949 ROC
1915 Shanghai to Barcelona, Spain registered cover, via Siberia, then forwarded to several places,f.w. Junk issues x 5, tied by Shanghai cds., along with Shanghai registered cachet and Kuanchengtze transit cds., on reverse showing numerous transit and arrival cds., including Peking to Moukden and Tientsin to Pukow Railway PO cds. Rare and interesting.
Lot #5528 - 1912-1949 ROC
1916 Ireland to China registered cover then redirected back to Ireland,f.w. GB stamps first, tied by Dublin cds., then sent back to Ireland, f.w. Junk Issue 20c, tied by Nanking City cds., on reverse with Peking to Moukden Railway PO, Dublin, Nanking transit and arrival cds. VF-F.
Lot #5529 - 1912-1949 ROC
1917-19 a group of 4 Junk Issues registered covers,2 sent to Java, Netherlands Indies, one from Beijing to London and one from Tientsin to France. VF-F.
Lot #5530 - 1912-1949 ROC
1917 & 1918 a gorup of 3 Junk Issues covers,from Beijing to Anhui, Canton to Hong Kong and Beijing to Shanghai. All bearing unusal Letter Box cachet.
Lot #5531 - 1912-1949 ROC
1919-20 two used ROC 3c Postal Letter Sheet,one from Soochow to Hsuchow and one from Wuhu registered to Nanking. VF-F.
Lot #5532 - 1912-1949 ROC
1920 (Mar 23) large size official cover from Kwangtung Tunghing double registered to French Embassy in Lianchow,f.w. Junk Issue x 5 on reverse, tied by Tunghing cds., along with R.R. and Tunghing registered cachet, bearing on both sides three "Tunghing Foreign Affairs Officier seals", on reverse with Pakhoi transit cds. VF-F.
Lot #5533 - 1912-1949 ROC
1920 (Jul 2) (Chinese calander date May 14) Chang Hsun Restoration period Peking local registered cover,franked on reverse Junk 3c x 2, matching the local registered rate, tied Peking bisected cds., along with Peking mail box cachet, transit cds. and arrival cds. Extremely rare.
Lot #5534 - 1912-1949 ROC
1920 (Nov 10) large size official cover from Canton registered to French Embassy in Lianchow,f.w. Junk Issue x 4, tied by Canton cds., along with rare boxed "Canton City Official Mail Matter Registered" cachet. On reverse with Pakhoi transit cds. VF-F.
Lot #5535 - 1912-1949 ROC
1923-32 a group of 5 covers f.w. Junk Issues,including two sent from Manchuria Kean Cheng Tze and Kalun. Rare.
Lot #5536 - 1912-1949 ROC
1923 Shanghai International Exchange Club to Germany cover,bearing a Emergency Postal Service stamp, plus a SYS 25c for oversea address. Attached a used piece and a booklet cover of these emergency stamps. VF-F.
Lot #5537 - 1912-1949 ROC
1924 (Jan 21) Shanghai to Germany Insured Letter cover,f.w. Junk Issues Reaper 30c x 3, tied by Shanghai cds., on reverse with German arrival cds. Rare. VF-F.
Lot #5538 - 1912-1949 ROC
1933 Peiping regsitered to Sweden cover,franked on both sides Northwest Scientific Expedition complete set, SYS x 1 and Martyr x 1, tied by Peiping cds., on reverse with Shanghai transit and Sweden arrival cds., also with Sven Hedin signature at flap.
Lot #5539 - 1912-1949 ROC
1936 (Jul 2) Hupeh Provincial Government large size official cover from Wuchang to Laifeng,f.w. Junk, SYS & Martyrs issues x 3, tied by Wuchang cds., along with Laifeng arrival cds. VF-F.
Lot #5540 - 1912-1949 ROC
1936 (Oct 10) Postal Service 40th Anniv. stamps set and FDC,the FDC sent from Hunan Yiyang double registered to Changsha. VF-F.
Lot #5541 - 1912-1949 ROC
1940s two East Szechuan to USA registered airmail covers,both f.w. SYS issues ovpt. East Szechuan anti-bandit cachet. VF-F.
Lot #5542 - 1912-1949 ROC
1940 & 42 WWII period Chungking and Chengtu to USA airmail covers,both f.w. SYS issues ovpt. Chungking or Chengtu anti-bandit cachet. The Chungking cover endorsed "DIPLOMATIQUE" without censoring, while Chengtu one censored and resealed. VF-F.
Lot #5543 - 1912-1949 ROC
1941 Honan Chinyang to Tientsin Express cover,franked on reverse SYS Surch. of 4c stamps x 4. Plus a Chungking to USA cover with full set of commemorative issue on reverse (stamps off on front). VF-F.
Lot #5544 - 1912-1949 ROC
1943 (Jul 29) Chengtu to USA registered express airmail censored cover,f.w. SYS $3, $5 x 3 and SYS Surch. of 20c on reverse, tied by Chengtu cds. USA transit and arrival cds. alongside. Rare usage of Surch. of 20c stamp on cover.
Lot #5545 - 1912-1949 ROC
1943 (Oct 7) Chengtu to USA registered censored cover,f.w. SYS $4, $10 and Martyrs Surch. of 20c, tied by Chengtu cds. USA transit and arrival cds. on reverse. Rare usage of Surch. of 20c stamp on cover.