JALIL Guillermo & GOTTIG José Luis: Specialized Catalogue of Postage Stamps and Postal History of Argentina (2018/2019 edition), 2 volumes, hardbound, 728 pages. Free downloadable updates will be available for later issues. It includes ALL the Argentina stamps issued up until late 2018, with errors, varieties in perforations, papers, watermarks, etc., with photographs of catalogued varieties, and explanations to help the readers identify...
Auction # 2448 ARGENTINA:"Budget" auction with very good lots, low starts!
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2448 ARGENTINA:"Budget" auction with very good lots, low starts!
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Lot #2 - Argentina books
"Joyas Filatélicas de la República Argentina 1862-1867", 337 pages, fantastic book recently published, author Pablo Reim, editor Guillermo Jalil. Excellent work with illustrations in full color of the great pieces and letters of the "Escuditos" and "Rivadavias" issues. It also includes other very interesting chapters: Pre-stamp mail postal marks, cancels applied on classic issues, and a short but attractive introduction to Argentine...
Lot #3 - Argentina books
Fantastic book on PEN CANCELS ON STAMPS OF THE PROVINCE OF CORRIENTES: DICK, Enrique: "Las plumas de Corrientes", study of the pen cancels of this province, its historial background and much more information! Important study of the different and varied pen cancels on Corrientes stamps, with their particular features, and inks applied at each post office. Using his own classification, the author seeks to unpack the characteristic strokes of...
Lot #4 - Argentina barquitos
GJ.5 to 12, reprints, mint without gum, interesting
Lot #7 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.16, 4r., worn impression, pen cancelled, tear
Lot #9 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.17, 1$ blue, worn impression, with ellipse grid cancel of Buenos Aires, VF
Lot #10 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.17, 1$ blue, worn impression, with dotted ellipse cancel of Buenos Aires, VF
Lot #11 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.17Ac, 1$ worn impression, indigo blue, with variety: "1" without period, with ellipse dotted cancel and rimless datestamp of B.Aires, 3 just margins and one lightly touching, rare!
Lot #12 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.17Ac, 1$, milky blue, with variety "1" without period, with double circle datestamp of Buenos Aires 16/DE/61, 3 margins, rare!
Lot #13 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.17b, 1$ partial double impression, light blue, mint without gum, fantastic!
Lot #14 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.17b, 1$ double blurred partial impression, blue, pen cancel, defect in one margin
Lot #15 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.17c, 1$ blue, variety "1 without period", with blue grid cancel of B.Aires, VF
Lot #16 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.17d, 1$ worn impression, rare, greenish blue, with varieties: "BUENQS" and left frame broken, with double circle datestamp of Buenos Aires, VF
Lot #17 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.18, 2$ red, with dotted ellipse cancel of Buenos Aires, light thin spot, good front!
Lot #18 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.20, 2$ blue, with double circle datestamp of Buenos Aires, thin on back, very good front
Lot #19 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.21, 1$ rose, mint without gum, 3 margins, thins on back
Lot #20 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.21, 1$ worn impression, very pale rose, with double circle datestamp of Buenos Aires, VF
Lot #21 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.21, 1$ rose, with dotted lozenge cancel, defects
Lot #22 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.21, 1$ worn impression, rose, with dotted lozenge cancel of Buenos Aires, good margins, small tear that barely touches the vignette, VF
Lot #23 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.21A, 1$ worn impression, rose-carmine, with ellipse dotted cancel of Buenos Aires, thins on back, good front, rare color!
Lot #24 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.1, Un Real MC, blue, type 3, pen cancelled, pin hole, with 3 good margins
Lot #25 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.3/8, a block of 4, 3 pairs and 13 singles, forgeries or reprints, interesting