1945 Naval School Centenary M/S SG #988a, lightly cancelled on cover to USA, minor blemishes, Cat £200+.
Sale #43
By: Phoenix Auctions Pty Ltd
Phoenix Auctions Pty Ltd Sale #43
Welcome to our first sale of 2016, which contains our usual captivating range of material which should appeal to a wide spectrum of collectors.
Highlights in in our British Commonwealth and Foreign Section include a stunning collection of Egypt Interpostal Seals, also early Canada & Provinces and a selection of scarcer Perak Surcharges, plus Japanese Forces WWII postal stationery.
Australia & Colonies features our usual strong offering of KGV Heads & Roos including a fine First Wmk £2 CTO, plus many varieties and an extensive selection of pre-Commomonwealth South Australia postmarks. Australian postal history and postal stationery are well represented as well as an impressive selection of FDCs with some exceptionally rare items on offer.
The auction starts on 29th January 2016 at 10:30am Australian Eastern Summertime.
We look forward to servicing your bids.
David and the team at Phoenix Auctions.
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