8 Reales. 1759. MÉXICO. M.M. 26,83 grs. Columnario. (Pequeños golpecitos). Cal-344. MBC+.
Coin Public Auction
By: Soler Y Llach
Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction
From the Ancient world Greek and Sasanian Coins, Roman Aureus and Al Andalus Dinars. Also Gold from the Habsburg and Bourbons, Double Thalers and Banknotes
Roman Republican Denarius, Al Andalus and Islamic Coins, Scarce and Rare Coins from the Spanish House of Bourbons and Pesetas with a very high quality
Ancient Greece, Celtiberian, Roman, Byzantin, & Medieval Coins.
Spanish Monarchy all regime from Ferdinand & Isabella, Charles, Reaper´s War, Napoleonic Occupation of Catalonia to Elisabeth II.
Provisonal Government, Cantonalism, Amadeo, Alfonso.
Catalonian Union, II Republic, Civil War, to king Juan Carlos I.
Local paper money of the civil war.
World Coins with Germany & States, United States, Austria, Portugal and more.
Orders to be sent until the day of the auction at 14:00 hours.
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- Charles VII - Pretender (2) Apply Charles VII - Pretender filter
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- Local issues of the Civil War (7) Apply Local issues of the Civil War filter
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- Provisional Government and I Republic (5) Apply Provisional Government and I Republic filter
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Lot #351 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
8 Reales. 1759. MÉXICO. M.M. 26,89 grs. Columnario. Cal-344. MBC.
Lot #352 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1747. MADRID. J.B. 1,73 grs. (Rayitas). Cal-242. MBC-/MBC.
Lot #353 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1748. MADRID. J.B. 1,33 grs. Variante de peluca. Cal-244. MBC-/MBC.
Lot #354 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1749. MADRID. J.B. 1,74 grs. Cal-245. MBC.
Lot #355 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1751. MADRID. J.B. 1,74 grs. Variante de peluca. Cal-247. MBC-/MBC.
Lot #356 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1752. MADRID. J.B. 1,76 grs. Cal-249. MBC.
Lot #357 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1754. MADRID. J.B. Cal-251. MBC.
Lot #358 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1755. MADRID. J.B. 1,75 grs. (Cuño oxidado.). Cal-252. MBC.
Lot #359 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1756. MADRID. J.B. 1,74 grs. Variante por cabeza más grande. (Rayitas). Cal-253. MBC-.
Lot #360 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1757. MADRID. J.B. 1,74 grs. Cal-255. MBC.
Lot #361 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1758. MADRID. J.B. 1,76 grs. (Pequeñas roturas de cuño). Cal-249. EBC.
Lot #362 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1758. MADRID. J.B. 1,76 grs. Cal-256. MBC+.
Lot #363 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1759. MADRID. J. 1,58 grs. Cal-258. MBC.
Lot #364 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1747. SEVILLA. P.J. 1,74 grs. Cal-260. MBC.
Lot #365 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1750. SEVILLA. P.J. 1,64 grs. Cal-263. MBC-.
Lot #366 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1751. SEVILLA. P.J. 1,75 grs. Cal-264. MBC-.
Lot #367 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1753. SEVILLA. P.J. 1,75 grs. Cal-266. MBC-/MBC.
Lot #368 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1755. SEVILLA. P.J. 1,75 grs. Pequeñas contramarca flor de 4 pétalos en reverso. (Ligeras rayitas. Limpiada). Cal-268. MBC+.
Lot #369 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1756. SEVILLA. J.V. 1,76 grs. Variante de peluca. Cal-269. MBC.
Lot #370 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1757. SEVILLA. J.V. 1,77 grs. (Limpiada). Cal-273. EBC-.
Lot #371 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1758. SEVILLA. J.V. 1,73 grs. Estrellas acotando ceca y ensayador. Cal-275. MBC-/MBC.
Lot #372 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
1/2 Escudo. 1759. SEVILLA. J.V. 1,74 grs. Cal-276. MBC.
Lot #373 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
4 Escudos. 1751. LIMA. J. 13,52 grs. MUY RARA. Cal-94 mismo ejemplar. EBC.
Lot #374 - Spanish Monarchy ferdinand vi
8 Escudos. 1754. LIMA. J.D. (Ha estado en aro). MUY ESCASA. Cal-21; XC-581. (MBC).
Soler Y Llach
SOLER Y LLACH Subastas Internacionales, S.A. was founded in October 1989 by two families closely linked to the world of collecting: SOLER y LLACH initially specialized in stamp collecting auctions... Read More
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