Britain, Trinovantes and Catuvellauni. Cunobelin. Gold Stater (5.35 g), ca. AD 1. Trinovantian X. Camulodunum. CA-MV across field, grain ear with interlocking crescents on lower stalk. Reverse: CVNO below, horse rearing right; above, branch. Van Arsdell 2025-1; ABC 2798; SCBC 288. Toned. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $2,500 - 3,000
Pre-Long Beach Auction #91
By: Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc.
Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #91
Ira and Larry Goldberg Auctioneers are proud to present, among other numismatic material, in The Pre-Long Beach Coin and Currency Auction #91, the following topics:
The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins.
Ancient coinage (including Greek, Roman - Republican, Imperatorial and Imperial, Byzantine and large lots of ancient coins).
Medieval Conquests.
World gold coins.
World crowns and minors.
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- The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins (64) Apply The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins filter
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Lot #1701 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Celtic Pannonia. Silver Tetradrachm (14.22g), 2nd-1st centuries BC Superb EF. Imitation of Philip II of Macedon. Celticized head of Zeus bearded right. Reverse: Two horsemen prancing right, one a bearded male the other a youth. Kostial 410. Boldly struck in high relief. A very impressive Celtic issue. Attractive antique tone. Superb Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $4,000 - 5,000
Private purchase from Edward J....
Lot #1702 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Etruria, Populonia. Silver 10 Asses (3.88 g), ca. 300-250 BC EF. Laureate head of Aplu left; behind, X. Reverse: Blank. SNG ANS 26; HN Italy 168. Attractively toned. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $3,000 - 4,000
Private purchase from Tom Cederlind.
Lot #1703 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Campania, Neapolis. Silver Nomos (6.92 g), ca. 275-250 BC Choice VF. Head of nymph left, hair held in thin band, wearing single-pendant earring and necklace; behind, krater. Reverse: NEAΠOΛITΩN, man-headed walking right, head facing; above, Nike flying right, crowning him with wreath; below, A. SBG ANS 418; Sambon 533; HN Italy 586. Nicely toned and unusually well centered. Seldon seen this nice. Choice Very Fine. Estimated...
Lot #1704 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Calabria, Taras. Silver Nomos (7.72 g), ca. 340-335 BC Choice VF. Nude ephebe on horseback right, crowning horse with palm; below, nude youth attending to hoof of horse; in right field, Φ. Reverse: TAPAΣ, Phalanthos riding dolphin left, holding kantharos, shield, and trident; below, E and waves. Fischer-Bossert group 50, 697 (V262/R544, this coin); Vlasto 515 (same dies); SNG Lockett 176 (same obv. die); SNG Fitzwilliam 262 (same obv....
Lot #1705 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Calabria, Taras. Silver Nomos (6.19 g), ca. 280-272 BC Choice VF. Zo…, Apollo. Warrior on horseback left, holding two spears and shield embossed with eight-pointed star; in right field and below horse, magistrates' names: IΩ, TI and AΠOΛΛΩ. Reverse: TAPA[Σ], Phalanthos riding dolphin left, holding grapes and distaff; in right field, magistrate's name: ANΘ. Vlasto 790-1; SNG ANS 1131-3; HN Italy 1013. Dark old cabinet toning. Choice...
Lot #1706 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Lucania, Metapontion. Silver Nomos (8.07 g), ca. 540-510 BC About EF. METAΠ, barley ear of seven grains. Reverse: Incuse barley ear of seven grains. Noe class VII, 137 (same dies); SNG ANS 218; SNG Lloyd 305; BMC 12 (same dies); HN Italy 1481. Cleaned long ago. Well struck on excellent metal and well centered. Attractive antique toning certainly ads to its appeal. About Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $3,000 - 4,000
Lot #1707 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Lucania, Metapontion. Silver Nomos (7.75 g), ca. 340-330 BC EF. Head of Demeter left, wreathed with grain ears, wearing single-pendant earring, and necklace. Reverse: ME-TA, barley ear of seven grains, leaf to right; in left field, long caduceus and ΛY. Johnston class A, 1.5 (same dies); SNG ANS -; SNG Lloyd 371 (same dies); Gulbenkian 79 = Jameson 311 (same rev. die); HN Italy 1556. Die-break on reverse. Boldly struck in high relief....
Lot #1708 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Lucania, Sybaris. Silver Nomos (7.98 g), ca. 550-510 BC Choice VF. VM in exergue, bull standing left, head right. Reverse: Incuse bull standing right, head left. SNG ANS 828-44; Basel 169; HN Italy 1729. Well centered and struck. Cleaned long ago. Dark old collection toning. Choice Very Fine. Estimated Value $2,500 - 3,000
Private purchase from Tom Cederlind.
Lot #1709 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Lucania, Thourion. Silver Nomos (6.45 g), after 280 BC EF. Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with Skylla hurling a stone; on neck guard, EY. Reverse: ΘOYPIΩ[N], bull butting right; in exergue, ΦA. SNG Ashmolean 1004-5; SNG ANS -; HN Italy 1885. Beautiful old cabinet toning. Crisp and sharply struck. Rarely seen this choice. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,300
Lot #1710 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Lucania, Velia. Silver Nomos (7.48 g), ca. 440/435-400 BC EF. Head of Athena left, wearing Attic helmet decorated with griffin; flanking neck, A-Φ. Reverse: YEΛHTΩN, lion prowling right; above, dolphin right bewteen I-Φ. Williams 453 (O225/R317); SNG Munich 881 (same dies); SNG Ashmolean 1343 (same dies); SNG Delepierre 420 (same dies); de Luynes 637 (same dies); Weber 939 (same dies); HN Italy 1307. Well struck on an excellent oblong...
Lot #1711 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Bruttium, Carthaginian occupation. Silver 1/2 Shekel (3.75 g), ca. 215-205 BC EF. Second Punic War issue. Wreathed head of Tanit left. Reverse: Horse standing right; above, solar disk with uraei. Jenkins U1; Robinson p. 44, 3; HN Italy 2016. Attractively toned. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,200
Private purchase from Tom Cederlind.
Lot #1712 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Bruttium, Rhegion. Silver Drachm (4.18 g), ca. 415/0-387 BC EF. Facing lion head. Reverse: PHΓINON, laureate head of Apollo right; behind, olive sprig. Herzfelder 107 (D64/R91); SNG ANS 664-7; SNG Leake 855 (same rev. die); de Luynes 799 (same obv. die); HN Italy 2497. Some porosity noted on the reverse. Pleasant old toning. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $4,000 - 5,000
Lot #1713 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Bruttium, Terina. Silver Nomos (7.58 g), ca. 440-425 BC Choice VF. Head of the nymph Terina left, hair bound with ampyx and wearing necklace, within olive wreath. Reverse: [TEP]-PINAION, Nike seated left on overturned hydria, holding wreath and caduceus. Regling 7 and 9; Holloway & Jenkins 12 (same dies); SNG ANS 801 (same dies); HN Italy 2575. Wonderful strike and old cabinet toning. Choice Very Fine. Estimated Value $3,000...
Lot #1714 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
A 4-piece lot of Sicilian bronze coins. Consists of: Three issues of Akragas, two of which are countermarked, and a bronze of the Mamertinoi. Fine to Very Fine. Estimated Value $300 - 400
Lot #1715 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Sicily, Akragas. Silver Didrachm (8.58 g), ca. 495-480/78 BC About EF. AKRA, eagle standing right. Reverse: Crab. Cf. Jenkins 9 (eagle right); SNG ANS 945. Pleasing uniform antique cabinet toning. About Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $2,000 - 2,500
Private purchase from Tom Cederlind.
Lot #1716 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Sicily, Gela. Silver Didrachm (8.60 g), ca. 490/85-480/75 BC VF. Horseman galloping right, throwing spear. Reverse: CEΛAΣ, forepart of man-headed bull right within circular incuse. Jenkins grp. Ib, 60 (O18/R26); SNG ANS 10 (same obv. die); SNG Lockett 759 (same rev. die). Nice uniform old cabinet toning. Very Fine. Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,200
Private purchase from Tom Cederlind.
Lot #1717 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Sicily, Gela. Silver Tetradrachm (17.22 g), ca. 480/75-475/0 BC Superb EF. Charioteer driving slow quadriga right; above, Nike flying right, crowning horses with wreath. Reverse: ?EΛAΣ, forepart of man-headed bull to right. Jenkins grp. II, 104 (O32/R59); Randazzo 19 (same dies); SNG ANS 22 (same dies); SNG Ashmolean 1727 (same dies); SNG Copenhagen 251 (same dies); Jameson 580 (same dies). Very Rare. Overstruck. An exceptional...
Lot #1718 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Sicily, Himera. Silver Tetradrachm (17.18 g), ca. 440-425 BC VF. Charioteer, holding kentron and reins, driving slow quadriga right; above, Nike flying left, crowning charioteer with wreath. Reverse: Himera standing facing, head left, sacrificing out of patera over altar and raising arm; to right, satyr bathing in fountain beneath lion-headed spout; in upper right field, barley corn. Gutmann-Schwabacher 18 (Q5/H14); Arnold-Biucchi 20 (...
Lot #1719 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Sicily, Kamarina. Silver Tetradrachm (16.92 g), ca. 425-405 BC Choice VF. Athena driving galloping quadriga left; above, Nike flying right, crowning Athena with wreath; in exergue, heron flying left. Reverse: KAMAPINAI-ON, bearded head of Herakles left, wearing lion skin headdress. Westermark & Jenkins 142 (O4/R10); SNG Lloyd 867 (same dies); SNG Munich 401 (same dies); SNG Copenhagen 162 (same dies); Rizzo pl. 5, 9 (same dies);...
Lot #1720 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Sicily, Leontinoi. Silver Tetradrachm (17.17 g), ca. 460-450 BC Superb EF. Laureate head of Apollo right, hair rolled behind neck. Reverse: L-EON-T-I-N-O-N, head of lion right, with jaws open and tongue protruding; behind, tripod; around, three barley grains. Boehringer 33 (same obv. die); SNG ANS 232 (same obv. die); SNG Munich 550 (same dies); Rizzo pl. XXIII, 12 (same obv. die); Kraay-Hirmer pl. 7, 22 (same dies); de Hirsch 442 (...
Lot #1721 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Sicily, Lilybaion. Silver Tetradrachm (17.09 g), ca. 325-305 BC EF. Siculo-Punic issue. 'RSMLQRT' in exergue, charioteer, holding kentron and reins, driving fast galloping quadriga right; above, Nike flying left, crowning charioteer with wreath. Reverse: Head of Arethusa right, wreathed with grain ears, wearing triple-pendant earring, and necklace; around, four dolphins. Jenkins 46 (O16/R35); Hunterian 56 (same dies); BMC 12 (same dies...
Lot #1722 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Sicily, Messana. Silver Tetradrachm (17.05 g), ca. 412-408 BC Choice VF. The nymph Messana driving biga of mules left; above, Nike flying right, crowning Messana with wreath; in exergue, two opposed dolphins. Reverse: MEΣΣANION, hare springing right; below, youthful head of Pan right, and syrinx. Caltabiano 603.8 (D217/R235, this coin); SNG Lockett 829 (this coin); SNG Ashmolean 1077 (same dies); SNG Monaco 657 (same dies). Rare....
Lot #1723 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Sicily, Naxos. Fourree Tetradrachm (13.61 g), ca. 430-420 BC VF. Head of Dionysos right, wearing taenia decorated with ivy-tendrils. Reverse: [NAΞI]O[N], Silenus squatting facing, head left, holding kantharos and thyrsos; to left, stem of ivy. Cf. Cahn 150 (V92/R121); cf. SNG ANS 524. Very Rare. Old find patina. Very Fine.
This interesting ancient fourrée is well known as Campana noted 20 examples of which 16 were...
Lot #1724 - The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins
Sicily, Syracuse. Second Democracy. Silver Tetradrachm (17.10 g), 466-405 BC EF. Ca. 450 BC. Charioteer, holding kentron and reins, driving slow quadriga right; above, Nike flying right, crowning horses with wreath; in exergue, ketos right. Reverse: SVRAKOSI-ON, head of Arethusa right, wearing single-pendant earring and necklace; around, four dolphins. Boehringer 515 (V270/R366); SNG ANS 170 (same rev. die); Rizzo pl. XXXVI, 6 (same...
Ira & Larry Goldberg Auctioneers
Ira and Larry Goldberg are experts in the Numismatic field with over 50 years of experience. In 2010, they were each awarded a Lifetime Achievement for their contributions to the Numismatic... Read More
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