1871 Réznyomat 15kr szépen újragumizott, falc nélküli bélyeg (**220.000) / nicely regummed, without hinge
Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #275
By: Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.
Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #275
The auction material includes philatelic items with a strong focus on Central Eastern Europe with real rarities but worldwide postal history is equally accented;
Classical Hungarian errors, imperforated issues and worldwide material ie.: Deutsches Reich, Belgium, Romania;
Mixed philatelic auction lots and collections.
There is also an exciting Art and Collectibles section in the auction catalogue including a rich and colourful material with a wide range of decorative items (paintings, graphics, engravings, sculptures, ceramics and chinaware) and an impressive collection of other collectibles;
From rare historical documents, photos, vintage memorabilia (judaica, militaria, scouting, match labels, phone cards, paraphilately etc.) to an extensive material in old books;
A vivid flea market section is waiting for eager vintage treasure hunters.
English/German website, large sized photos, helpful staff.
Prices are in Hungarian Forints.
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- affar and issa (1) Apply affar and issa filter
- Afghanistan (4) Apply Afghanistan filter
- Albania (7) Apply Albania filter
- Algeria (1) Apply Algeria filter
- angola (3) Apply angola filter
- anguilla (1) Apply anguilla filter
- Antigua and Barbuda (2) Apply Antigua and Barbuda filter
- Antigua and Barbuda / Barbuda (1) Apply Antigua and Barbuda / Barbuda filter
- antigua and barbuda / redonda (1) Apply antigua and barbuda / redonda filter
- Argentina (4) Apply Argentina filter
- armenia (1) Apply armenia filter
- Art & Collectibles (3270) Apply Art & Collectibles filter
- Ascension (1) Apply Ascension filter
- Australia (9) Apply Australia filter
- Australia - Christmas Island (2) Apply Australia - Christmas Island filter
- australian antarctic territory (2) Apply australian antarctic territory filter
- Austria (68) Apply Austria filter
- Austria (Hungary) (207) Apply Austria (Hungary) filter
- austria levant (1) Apply austria levant filter
- austria lombardo-venetia (1) Apply austria lombardo-venetia filter
- Belgium (20) Apply Belgium filter
- Belize (4) Apply Belize filter
- Benin (Dahomey) (1) Apply Benin (Dahomey) filter
- bermuda islands (2) Apply bermuda islands filter
- bhutan (2) Apply bhutan filter
- bolivia (2) Apply bolivia filter
- bosnia and herzegovia croatian post mostar (2) Apply bosnia and herzegovia croatian post mostar filter
- bosnia and herzegovina (1) Apply bosnia and herzegovina filter
- bosnia and herzegovina serbian republic (3) Apply bosnia and herzegovina serbian republic filter
- botswana (2) Apply botswana filter
- brasil (23) Apply brasil filter
- british antactic territory (4) Apply british antactic territory filter
- british indian ocean territory (2) Apply british indian ocean territory filter
- Bulgaria (32) Apply Bulgaria filter
- Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) (4) Apply Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) filter
- Burma - Myanmar (1) Apply Burma - Myanmar filter
- burundi (6) Apply burundi filter
- cambodia (6) Apply cambodia filter
- camerun (1) Apply camerun filter
- Canada (3) Apply Canada filter
- cape verde (1) Apply cape verde filter
- central-african republic (9) Apply central-african republic filter
- Chad (8) Apply Chad filter
- Chile (2) Apply Chile filter
- china taiwan (2) Apply china taiwan filter
- comoros (9) Apply comoros filter
- Congo (Brazzaville) (2) Apply Congo (Brazzaville) filter
- congo (kinshasa) (6) Apply congo (kinshasa) filter
- Congo (Kinshasa) - Zaire (6) Apply Congo (Kinshasa) - Zaire filter
- Cook Islands - Aitutaki (1) Apply Cook Islands - Aitutaki filter
- Costa Rica (1) Apply Costa Rica filter
- Croatia (1) Apply Croatia filter
- Cuba (3) Apply Cuba filter
- Cyprus (1) Apply Cyprus filter
- czech republic (3) Apply czech republic filter
- Czechoslovakia (5) Apply Czechoslovakia filter
- Denmark (14) Apply Denmark filter
- Denmark - Faroe (3) Apply Denmark - Faroe filter
- Denmark - Greenland (33) Apply Denmark - Greenland filter
- Deutsches Reich (22) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- djibouti (1) Apply djibouti filter
- dominica (5) Apply dominica filter
- east-african community (1) Apply east-african community filter
- Ecuador (1) Apply Ecuador filter
- ecuatorial guinea (1) Apply ecuatorial guinea filter
- Ethiopia (1) Apply Ethiopia filter
- Fantasy Issues (91) Apply Fantasy Issues filter
- fiji islands (5) Apply fiji islands filter
- Finnland (1) Apply Finnland filter
- Fiume (1) Apply Fiume filter
- France (21) Apply France filter
- French Antarctis (3) Apply French Antarctis filter
- french polynesia (4) Apply french polynesia filter
- FRG (14) Apply FRG filter
- gabon (1) Apply gabon filter
- gambia (6) Apply gambia filter
- GDR (10) Apply GDR filter
- georgia (1) Apply georgia filter
- German Colonies (5) Apply German Colonies filter
- german states - bavaria (2) Apply german states - bavaria filter
- german world war ii occupations (2) Apply german world war ii occupations filter
- germany - berlin (20) Apply germany - berlin filter
- germany - french zone (5) Apply germany - french zone filter
- germany - saar (2) Apply germany - saar filter
- germany - soviet zone (1) Apply germany - soviet zone filter
- ghana (8) Apply ghana filter
- Gibraltar (8) Apply Gibraltar filter
- Great Britain (10) Apply Great Britain filter
- great britain - guernsey (2) Apply great britain - guernsey filter
- Great Britain - Guernsey-Alderney (1) Apply Great Britain - Guernsey-Alderney filter
- great britain - isle of man (12) Apply great britain - isle of man filter
- great britain - jersey (33) Apply great britain - jersey filter
- Greece (6) Apply Greece filter
- Grenada (3) Apply Grenada filter
- Guinea (24) Apply Guinea filter
- Guinea Bissau (Portuguese Guinea) (16) Apply Guinea Bissau (Portuguese Guinea) filter
- Hong Kong (14) Apply Hong Kong filter
- Hungary (2988) Apply Hungary filter
- Iceland (2) Apply Iceland filter
- Ifni (2) Apply Ifni filter
- india (1) Apply india filter
- indonesia (6) Apply indonesia filter
- Iraq (2) Apply Iraq filter
- ireland (2) Apply ireland filter
- Israel (5) Apply Israel filter
- Italy (12) Apply Italy filter
- ivory coast (3) Apply ivory coast filter
- jamaica (2) Apply jamaica filter
- Japan (7) Apply Japan filter
- Jugoslavia (16) Apply Jugoslavia filter
- kiribati (1) Apply kiribati filter
- Labuan (5) Apply Labuan filter
- Laos (4) Apply Laos filter
- latvia (5) Apply latvia filter
- lesotho (2) Apply lesotho filter
- Liberia (4) Apply Liberia filter
- libya (3) Apply libya filter
- Liechtenstein (17) Apply Liechtenstein filter
- Lithuania (1) Apply Lithuania filter
- macau (1) Apply macau filter
- Macedonia (3) Apply Macedonia filter
- madagascar (2) Apply madagascar filter
- malawi (1) Apply malawi filter
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- malaysia (1) Apply malaysia filter
- maldives (4) Apply maldives filter
- mali (3) Apply mali filter
- Malta (2) Apply Malta filter
- marshall islands (1) Apply marshall islands filter
- mauritania (2) Apply mauritania filter
- Mauritius (2) Apply Mauritius filter
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- mixed worldwide (326) Apply mixed worldwide filter
- mocambique (3) Apply mocambique filter
- Monaco (2) Apply Monaco filter
- mongolia (3) Apply mongolia filter
- namibia (2) Apply namibia filter
- nevis (2) Apply nevis filter
- new hebrides (1) Apply new hebrides filter
- New Zealand (13) Apply New Zealand filter
- nicaragua (6) Apply nicaragua filter
- niger (4) Apply niger filter
- nigeria (1) Apply nigeria filter
- niue (1) Apply niue filter
- nord jemen (1) Apply nord jemen filter
- norfolk-islands (1) Apply norfolk-islands filter
- north borneo (12) Apply north borneo filter
- north korea (11) Apply north korea filter
- Norway (6) Apply Norway filter
- numismatics (1029) Apply numismatics filter
- pakistan (1) Apply pakistan filter
- palau (1) Apply palau filter
- panama republic (1) Apply panama republic filter
- papua new guinea (1) Apply papua new guinea filter
- Paraguay (2) Apply Paraguay filter
- Peru (1) Apply Peru filter
- philatelic accessories (86) Apply philatelic accessories filter
- Philatelic books - catalogues (30) Apply Philatelic books - catalogues filter
- Philippines (1) Apply Philippines filter
- Poland (7) Apply Poland filter
- Portugal (3) Apply Portugal filter
- Portugal - Azores (2) Apply Portugal - Azores filter
- portugal - madeira (1) Apply portugal - madeira filter
- postcards (3283) Apply postcards filter
- prc china (5) Apply prc china filter
- ras al khaima (2) Apply ras al khaima filter
- Romania (34) Apply Romania filter
- ruanda (6) Apply ruanda filter
- Russia (19) Apply Russia filter
- samoa (6) Apply samoa filter
- San Marino (2) Apply San Marino filter
- sao tom (18) Apply sao tom filter
- senegal (5) Apply senegal filter
- serbia (2) Apply serbia filter
- seychelles (1) Apply seychelles filter
- seychelles-zil elwannyen sesel (2) Apply seychelles-zil elwannyen sesel filter
- sierra leone (3) Apply sierra leone filter
- singapore (3) Apply singapore filter
- slovakia (8) Apply slovakia filter
- slovenia (1) Apply slovenia filter
- solomon islands (6) Apply solomon islands filter
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- south african repiblic (1) Apply south african repiblic filter
- South Korea (1) Apply South Korea filter
- south-africa - ciskei (1) Apply south-africa - ciskei filter
- south-africa - transkei (3) Apply south-africa - transkei filter
- south-africa - venda (3) Apply south-africa - venda filter
- soviet union (24) Apply soviet union filter
- Spain (3) Apply Spain filter
- spanish sahara (1) Apply spanish sahara filter
- sri lanka (ceylon) (2) Apply sri lanka (ceylon) filter
- st. kitts (3) Apply st. kitts filter
- st. lucia (3) Apply st. lucia filter
- st. pierre and miquelon (2) Apply st. pierre and miquelon filter
- st. vincent (5) Apply st. vincent filter
- St. Vincent / Bequia (2) Apply St. Vincent / Bequia filter
- st. vincent grenadines (1) Apply st. vincent grenadines filter
- surinam (5) Apply surinam filter
- Sweden (9) Apply Sweden filter
- Switzerland (116) Apply Switzerland filter
- tanzania (5) Apply tanzania filter
- thailand (2) Apply thailand filter
- the netherlands (19) Apply the netherlands filter
- togo (3) Apply togo filter
- Tonga - Niuafo'ou (1) Apply Tonga - Niuafo'ou filter
- turkish cyprus (1) Apply turkish cyprus filter
- turks and caicos islands (1) Apply turks and caicos islands filter
- tuvalu (1) Apply tuvalu filter
- tuvalu-nanumaga (2) Apply tuvalu-nanumaga filter
- tuvalu-nanumea (1) Apply tuvalu-nanumea filter
- tuvalu-nui (1) Apply tuvalu-nui filter
- tuvalu-nukufetau (2) Apply tuvalu-nukufetau filter
- tuvalu-nukulaelae (2) Apply tuvalu-nukulaelae filter
- uganda (9) Apply uganda filter
- ukraine (3) Apply ukraine filter
- united nations (1) Apply united nations filter
- United Nations (UN) - Geneva (1) Apply United Nations (UN) - Geneva filter
- United Nations (UN) - Vienna (4) Apply United Nations (UN) - Vienna filter
- United States of America (3) Apply United States of America filter
- Uruguay (2) Apply Uruguay filter
- vatican (8) Apply vatican filter
- vietnam (1) Apply vietnam filter
- wallis and futuna (1) Apply wallis and futuna filter
- zambia (3) Apply zambia filter
Lot #2 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1914 Hadisegély (I.) próbanyomat sor R! Certificate: Visnyovszki (160.000)
Lot #3 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1867 50kr kék '(GELDANWEISU)NG AGRAM' (150.000) (kis beszakadás / small tear)
Lot #4 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1950 Gyermek (I) 60f 'UTÁNPÓTLÁSUNK A JÖVŐ HARCAIHOZ' (150.000)
Lot #5 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1874 Távirda 2 Ft vágott!
Lot #6 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1898 5kr 4-es tömbben, jobb felső érték falcos, elektrotip és sztereotip vegyesen az összefüggésben, rendkívül ritka! Certificate: Visnyovszki
Lot #7 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1926 Pengő-fillér (I) A sor ívszéli négyestömbökben / Mi 411-426 margin block of 4 (100.000) (apró ráncok / small creases)
Lot #8 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1871 Kőnyomat 5kr rendkívül jó minőségben újragumizott falcos bélyeg (*90.000) / nicely regummed, hinged
Lot #9 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1871 Réznyomat 10kr szépen újragumizott használatlan, falcos bélyeg (*90.000) / nicely regummed, hinged
Lot #10 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1949 Puskin kisív (középső vízszintes fogazás 1 bélyeg szélesen szétnyílt / aparted perforation)
Lot #11 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1949 Lánchíd (III.) blokk, kifogástalan (75.000)
Lot #12 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1919 Magyar tanácsköztársasági arcképek sor fogazatlan próbanyomat párok
Lot #13 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1867 25kr 'PEST' (kis papírelvékonyodás / thin paper)
Lot #14 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1950/1953 Ötéves terv (II) sor nyolcastömbökben, 2 stecklapon (64.000)
Lot #15 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1928 Pengő-fillér (II) A sor 1f és 3f kivételével ívsarki négyestömbökben / Mi 441-454 block of 4 (60.000) (apró ráncok / small creases)
Lot #16 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1933 Repülő sor, szép! (65.000)
Lot #17 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1968 Bélyegnap AJÁNDÉK blokk, kifogástalan állapotban (60.000)
Lot #18 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1988 Repüléstörténet 1Ft hajtott százas ív, képoldal fényes, hátoldal matt (50.000)
Lot #19 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1947 Roosevelt blokkpár (50.000) (apró hibák / minor faults)
Lot #20 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1871 Réznyomat 5kr használatlan, szépen újragumizott falcmentes bélyeg (**50.000)
Lot #21 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1948 Lánchíd (I.) + (II.) blokk
Lot #22 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1871 Kőnyomat 2kr teljes nyomtatványon 'SZEGED' - 'HAJNIK' Orbán fotó attest (50.000)
Lot #23 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1991 Hologramos címer blokk fekete sorszámmal (40.000)
Lot #24 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1949 Alkotmány (I) sor négyestömbökben, 2-2 bélyegen makkos vízjel (46.000)
Lot #25 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1871 Réznyomat 25kr jó minőségben újragumizott falcos bélyeg bélyeg (*40.000) / nicely regummed, hinged
Darabanth Auctions
Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More
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