Doboznyi vegyes sportérem, díjérem és jelvény tétel, közte 1981. Szegedi Pályaavató Verseny 1981' részben zománcozott Br sportérem. Szign.: GJ (80mm); DN 'Összetett Honvédelmi Verseny MHSZ' Br emlékérem füllel (60mm) T:vegyes
Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #280
By: Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.
Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #280
The auction material includes philatelic items with a strong focus on Central Eastern Europe with real rarities but worldwide postal history is equally accented;
Classical Hungarian errors, imperforated issues and worldwide material ie.: Deutsches Reich, Belgium, Romania;
Mixed philatelic auction lots and collections.
There is also an exciting Art and Collectibles section in the auction catalogue including a rich and colourful material with a wide range of decorative items (paintings, graphics, engravings, sculptures, ceramics and chinaware) and an impressive collection of other collectibles;
From rare historical documents, photos, vintage memorabilia (judaica, militaria, scouting, match labels, phone cards, paraphilately etc.) to an extensive material in old books;
A vivid flea market section is waiting for eager vintage treasure hunters.
English/German website, large sized photos, helpful staff.
Prices are in Hungarian Forints.
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Фильтр по
- Afghanistan (4) Apply Afghanistan filter
- ajman (1) Apply ajman filter
- Albania (13) Apply Albania filter
- Algeria (2) Apply Algeria filter
- Andorra (1) Apply Andorra filter
- Andorra French Post (2) Apply Andorra French Post filter
- andorra spanish post (3) Apply andorra spanish post filter
- angola (8) Apply angola filter
- Antigua and Barbuda (9) Apply Antigua and Barbuda filter
- Antigua and Barbuda / Barbuda (4) Apply Antigua and Barbuda / Barbuda filter
- Argentina (6) Apply Argentina filter
- armenia (5) Apply armenia filter
- Art & Collectibles (3291) Apply Art & Collectibles filter
- Ascension (2) Apply Ascension filter
- Australia (5) Apply Australia filter
- Australia - Christmas Island (1) Apply Australia - Christmas Island filter
- australian antarctic territory (2) Apply australian antarctic territory filter
- Austria (41) Apply Austria filter
- Austria (Hungary) (340) Apply Austria (Hungary) filter
- austria levant (1) Apply austria levant filter
- azerbaijan (6) Apply azerbaijan filter
- bahama islands (5) Apply bahama islands filter
- bangladesh (3) Apply bangladesh filter
- bechuanaland (1) Apply bechuanaland filter
- belarus (5) Apply belarus filter
- Belgium (4) Apply Belgium filter
- Belize (5) Apply Belize filter
- Benin (Dahomey) (20) Apply Benin (Dahomey) filter
- bermuda islands (3) Apply bermuda islands filter
- bhutan (4) Apply bhutan filter
- bolivia (1) Apply bolivia filter
- bosnia and herzegovia croatian post mostar (6) Apply bosnia and herzegovia croatian post mostar filter
- bosnia and herzegovina (6) Apply bosnia and herzegovina filter
- bosnia and herzegovina serbian republic (5) Apply bosnia and herzegovina serbian republic filter
- botswana (2) Apply botswana filter
- brasil (5) Apply brasil filter
- british antactic territory (3) Apply british antactic territory filter
- british east-africa and uganda (1) Apply british east-africa and uganda filter
- british indian ocean territory (2) Apply british indian ocean territory filter
- british somaliland (2) Apply british somaliland filter
- british south africa company (5) Apply british south africa company filter
- Bulgaria (14) Apply Bulgaria filter
- Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) (11) Apply Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) filter
- burundi (9) Apply burundi filter
- cambodia (3) Apply cambodia filter
- camerun (1) Apply camerun filter
- Canada (6) Apply Canada filter
- cayman islands (4) Apply cayman islands filter
- central-african republic (9) Apply central-african republic filter
- Chad (6) Apply Chad filter
- Chile (1) Apply Chile filter
- columbia (1) Apply columbia filter
- comoros (8) Apply comoros filter
- Congo (Brazzaville) (8) Apply Congo (Brazzaville) filter
- congo (kinshasa) (4) Apply congo (kinshasa) filter
- Congo (Kinshasa) - Zaire (1) Apply Congo (Kinshasa) - Zaire filter
- Croatia (4) Apply Croatia filter
- Cuba (27) Apply Cuba filter
- Cyprus (2) Apply Cyprus filter
- Czechoslovakia (3) Apply Czechoslovakia filter
- Denmark (1) Apply Denmark filter
- Denmark - Faroe (4) Apply Denmark - Faroe filter
- Denmark - Greenland (1) Apply Denmark - Greenland filter
- Deutsches Reich (77) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Djibouti - French Somaliland (6) Apply Djibouti - French Somaliland filter
- dominica (6) Apply dominica filter
- dominican republic (3) Apply dominican republic filter
- dubai (7) Apply dubai filter
- east-african community (6) Apply east-african community filter
- Ecuador (3) Apply Ecuador filter
- ecuatorial guinea (2) Apply ecuatorial guinea filter
- Egypt (2) Apply Egypt filter
- estonia (4) Apply estonia filter
- Ethiopia (3) Apply Ethiopia filter
- falkland islands (3) Apply falkland islands filter
- Fantasy Issues (23) Apply Fantasy Issues filter
- fiji islands (2) Apply fiji islands filter
- finland (6) Apply finland filter
- Finnland (1) Apply Finnland filter
- France (13) Apply France filter
- French Antarctis (10) Apply French Antarctis filter
- french polynesia (2) Apply french polynesia filter
- FRG (7) Apply FRG filter
- fujeira (2) Apply fujeira filter
- gabon (2) Apply gabon filter
- gambia (4) Apply gambia filter
- GDR (6) Apply GDR filter
- German Colonies (2) Apply German Colonies filter
- German States - Baden (5) Apply German States - Baden filter
- german states - bavaria (2) Apply german states - bavaria filter
- German States - Elsass-Lotharingen (8) Apply German States - Elsass-Lotharingen filter
- German States - Hannover (2) Apply German States - Hannover filter
- German States - Helgoland (1) Apply German States - Helgoland filter
- German States - Oldenburg (2) Apply German States - Oldenburg filter
- German States - Preussen (6) Apply German States - Preussen filter
- German States - Sachsen (2) Apply German States - Sachsen filter
- German States - W (1) Apply German States - W filter
- german world war i occupations (2) Apply german world war i occupations filter
- german world war ii occupations (6) Apply german world war ii occupations filter
- germany - berlin (4) Apply germany - berlin filter
- germany - danzig (2) Apply germany - danzig filter
- germany - french zone (5) Apply germany - french zone filter
- germany - saar (3) Apply germany - saar filter
- germany - soviet zone (1) Apply germany - soviet zone filter
- ghana (7) Apply ghana filter
- Gibraltar (18) Apply Gibraltar filter
- gilbert and ellice islands (2) Apply gilbert and ellice islands filter
- Great Britain (10) Apply Great Britain filter
- great britain - guernsey (3) Apply great britain - guernsey filter
- great britain - jersey (1) Apply great britain - jersey filter
- Greece (8) Apply Greece filter
- Grenada (7) Apply Grenada filter
- guadeloupe (1) Apply guadeloupe filter
- guatemala (2) Apply guatemala filter
- Guinea (20) Apply Guinea filter
- Guinea Bissau (Portuguese Guinea) (13) Apply Guinea Bissau (Portuguese Guinea) filter
- guyana (10) Apply guyana filter
- Honduras (3) Apply Honduras filter
- Hong Kong (10) Apply Hong Kong filter
- Hungary (2998) Apply Hungary filter
- Iceland (3) Apply Iceland filter
- india (1) Apply india filter
- Indian States (1) Apply Indian States filter
- indonesia (1) Apply indonesia filter
- iran (3) Apply iran filter
- Iraq (3) Apply Iraq filter
- ireland (6) Apply ireland filter
- Israel (13) Apply Israel filter
- italian cyrenaica (1) Apply italian cyrenaica filter
- italian eritrea (3) Apply italian eritrea filter
- italian somaliland (2) Apply italian somaliland filter
- Italy (10) Apply Italy filter
- ivory coast (2) Apply ivory coast filter
- jamaica (3) Apply jamaica filter
- Japan (12) Apply Japan filter
- jordan (1) Apply jordan filter
- kenia (11) Apply kenia filter
- kingdom of jemen (9) Apply kingdom of jemen filter
- kirghizia (1) Apply kirghizia filter
- kosovo (4) Apply kosovo filter
- Laos (10) Apply Laos filter
- latvia (3) Apply latvia filter
- Lebanon (1) Apply Lebanon filter
- lesotho (1) Apply lesotho filter
- Liberia (2) Apply Liberia filter
- libya (2) Apply libya filter
- Liechtenstein (17) Apply Liechtenstein filter
- Lithuania (5) Apply Lithuania filter
- Luxembourg (5) Apply Luxembourg filter
- macau (8) Apply macau filter
- Macedonia (16) Apply Macedonia filter
- madagascar (2) Apply madagascar filter
- malawi (1) Apply malawi filter
- maldives (7) Apply maldives filter
- mali (5) Apply mali filter
- Malta (10) Apply Malta filter
- mauritania (6) Apply mauritania filter
- Mauritius (1) Apply Mauritius filter
- Mexico (4) Apply Mexico filter
- micronesia (1) Apply micronesia filter
- mixed worldwide (770) Apply mixed worldwide filter
- mocambique (2) Apply mocambique filter
- moldavia (23) Apply moldavia filter
- Monaco (23) Apply Monaco filter
- mongolia (6) Apply mongolia filter
- montserrat (13) Apply montserrat filter
- monténégro (10) Apply monténégro filter
- nagorno-karabakh (4) Apply nagorno-karabakh filter
- netherlands antillen (1) Apply netherlands antillen filter
- nevis (2) Apply nevis filter
- new caledonia (8) Apply new caledonia filter
- nicaragua (2) Apply nicaragua filter
- niger (5) Apply niger filter
- nigeria (7) Apply nigeria filter
- nordingermanland (1) Apply nordingermanland filter
- north borneo (1) Apply north borneo filter
- north korea (16) Apply north korea filter
- north rhodesia (2) Apply north rhodesia filter
- Norway (8) Apply Norway filter
- numismatics (1207) Apply numismatics filter
- oman (1) Apply oman filter
- pakistan (1) Apply pakistan filter
- panama republic (3) Apply panama republic filter
- papua new guinea (6) Apply papua new guinea filter
- Paraguay (2) Apply Paraguay filter
- penrhyn (8) Apply penrhyn filter
- Peru (4) Apply Peru filter
- philatelic accessories (55) Apply philatelic accessories filter
- philatelic books (51) Apply philatelic books filter
- pitcairn islands (3) Apply pitcairn islands filter
- Poland (24) Apply Poland filter
- Portugal (16) Apply Portugal filter
- Portugal - Azores (5) Apply Portugal - Azores filter
- portugal - madeira (4) Apply portugal - madeira filter
- postcards (2327) Apply postcards filter
- prc china (42) Apply prc china filter
- quatar (1) Apply quatar filter
- Romania (33) Apply Romania filter
- ruanda (1) Apply ruanda filter
- Russia (13) Apply Russia filter
- San Marino (5) Apply San Marino filter
- sao tom (4) Apply sao tom filter
- senegal (1) Apply senegal filter
- serbia (2) Apply serbia filter
- seychelles (1) Apply seychelles filter
- sharjah (3) Apply sharjah filter
- sierra leone (12) Apply sierra leone filter
- slovakia (2) Apply slovakia filter
- slovenia (1) Apply slovenia filter
- South Korea (31) Apply South Korea filter
- south rhodesia (1) Apply south rhodesia filter
- Sovereign Military Order of Malta (10) Apply Sovereign Military Order of Malta filter
- soviet union (42) Apply soviet union filter
- Spain (21) Apply Spain filter
- st. helena (3) Apply st. helena filter
- st. kitts (1) Apply st. kitts filter
- st. kitts-nevis (1) Apply st. kitts-nevis filter
- st. pierre and miquelon (7) Apply st. pierre and miquelon filter
- st. vincent (7) Apply st. vincent filter
- st. vincent / mayreau (3) Apply st. vincent / mayreau filter
- st. vincent grenadines (1) Apply st. vincent grenadines filter
- sudan (2) Apply sudan filter
- surinam (2) Apply surinam filter
- Sweden (5) Apply Sweden filter
- Switzerland (25) Apply Switzerland filter
- syria (11) Apply syria filter
- tajikistan (1) Apply tajikistan filter
- tanzania (5) Apply tanzania filter
- thailand (5) Apply thailand filter
- the netherlands (6) Apply the netherlands filter
- togo (10) Apply togo filter
- tonga (1) Apply tonga filter
- trinidad and tobago (2) Apply trinidad and tobago filter
- tristan da cunha (3) Apply tristan da cunha filter
- tunesia (1) Apply tunesia filter
- Turkey (8) Apply Turkey filter
- turkish cyprus (1) Apply turkish cyprus filter
- tuvalu (3) Apply tuvalu filter
- uganda (2) Apply uganda filter
- ukraine (2) Apply ukraine filter
- United Nations (UN) - New York (5) Apply United Nations (UN) - New York filter
- United States of America (5) Apply United States of America filter
- Uruguay (3) Apply Uruguay filter
- uzbekhistan (1) Apply uzbekhistan filter
- vatican (17) Apply vatican filter
- vietnam (7) Apply vietnam filter
- wallis and futuna (3) Apply wallis and futuna filter
- Yugoslavia (13) Apply Yugoslavia filter
Lot #31184 - numismatics faleristics: medals - orders - badges
Vegyes: 1953. A 'Munka Érdemrend' bronz fokozata, Br kitüntetés mellszalaggal, miniatűrrel szalagsávon, eredeti tokban + 1978. 'Alkotó Ifjúság - Kohó- és Gépipar Ágazati Kiállítás' zománcozott fém emlékplakett, eredeti tokban (115x115mm) + Kuba DN kubai jelentős személyek, 17 db jelvény, közte Jose Martí, Ana Betancourt, Che Guevara T:2
Lot #31185 - numismatics faleristics: medals - orders - badges
Vegyes magyar és külföldi jelvény és kitűző tétel, közte DN 'Fácán - ZOO Budapest' jelvény, DN 'Magyar Természetbarát Szövetség' zománcozott jelvény, 1964. 'Deutschland Treffen der Jugend' jelvény T:vegyes
Lot #31186 - numismatics faleristics: medals - orders - badges
Vegyes sport- és díjérem tétel ~1,6kg súlyban T:vegyes
Lot #31187 - numismatics replicas and counterfeits
Amerikai Egyesült Államok / Észak-Karolina 1778. 4$ bankjegy másolata 'COPY' felirattal T:II
USA / North Carolina 1778. 4 Dollars banknote copy C:XF
Lot #31188 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
5db-os vegyes magyar és külföldi rossz minőségű ezüstpénz tétel, közte 1870GYF 20kr Ag 'Váltó Pénz'; Orosz Birodalom 1915. 15k Ag ékszerré alakítva T:2-,3
Lot #31189 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Vegyes 5db-os medál tétel, közte 1978. 'Szentendrei templom téri Teátriumi játékok' emlékmedál (36x40mm), DN 'Phaisztoszi korong' öntött modern emlékérem (~34mm) T:2,2-
Lot #31190 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
7db-os vegyes magyar és külföldi emlékérem, plakett és jatékpénz, közte DN 'XIVth Olympiad London 1948' öntött emlékérem, másolat (40mm) T:2-3 patina, ph.
7pcs pf various commemorativ medals, plaques and gaming tokens including ND 'XIVth Olympiad London 1948' cast commemorativ medal, copy (40mm) C:XF-F patina, edge error
Lot #31191 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
10db-os magyar és külföldi fémpénz és emlékérem, közte Iván István (1905-1968) 1963. 'Socphilex - Nemzetközi Bélyegkiállítás 1963' ezüstözött Br emlékérem (25mm) + Írország 1969.10P Cu-Ni T:1--3
Lot #31192 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
10db-os vegyes tétel, benne DN 'Tűzoltó' aranyozott Br érem (40mm), Ausztrália 1981. 'Royal Wedding Medal (Királyi esküvői emlékérem' aranyozott emlékérem (32mm), Svájc 1909. 'Lausanne' jelvény, tű nélkül T:2,2-
Lot #31193 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
13db-os vegyes külföldi 19. századi játékpénz és zseton, valamint Szent György érme tétel T:vegyes
13pcs of various tokens, gaming tokens and Saint George medal C:mixed
Lot #31194 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
69db-os vegyes külföldi és magyar érem, emlékérem, zseton és medál tétel, közte Kanada 1977. 'Calgary pánik - Dollar / 'Amíg a nap süt, a folyó folyik, a fű nő... - Az indián kiegyezés 100. évfordulója - Egy Calgary-i dollár értékben' ezüstözött fém bárca T:vegyes
69pcs of various coin, commemorativ medal, jeton and medal including Canada 1977. 'Calgary Stampede - Dollar / 'As long as the Sun shines, the Rivers flow and the Grass grows...
Lot #31195 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Vegyes pénzérme, kitüntetés, jelvény és plakett tétel ~710g súlyban, rendkívül tartalmas tétel, benne 1947. 5Ft Ag 'Kossuth' (2x), 1993-1994. 200Ft 'Deák' és 'MNB' (2x), DN 'Gyakorló Kereskedelmi Középiskola' zománcozott fém jelvény, 1971. 'Vadászati Világkiállítás' I. és III. díja szalag nélkül. Érdemes megtekinteni! T:vegyes
Lot #31196 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Vegyes érme tétel a világ különböző pontjairól ~344g súlyban, közte kanadai, román, olasz, orosz és izraeli érmék T:vegyes
Lot #31197 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Használt, kék színű, gyűrűs érmetartó album ~312 férőhellyel, az albumban magyar és osztrák fémpénzek T:vegyes
Lot #31198 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Használt, kék színű, gyűrűs érmetartó album ~240 férőhellyel, az albumban magyar fémpénzek és hamis/rossz állapotú rómaiak T:vegyes
Lot #31199 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
38db vegyes bankjegy, magyar és külföldi is, közte több darab Németország / Szövetséges megszállás 1944. 20M + Pápa DN csekk 20K-ról, lyukasztással érvénytelenítve, Ausztrália DN 'Ausztráliai Nemzetközösségi Bank' 100$ névértékű csekk, 'MINTA' felülbélyegzéssel T:vegyes
38pcs of banknotes, Hungarian and other countries, including multiple Germany / Allied Occupation 1944. 20 Mark + Hungary / Pápa ND cheque 20 Korona, canceled by holes,...
Lot #31200 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
28db-os vegyes bankjegy tétel, közte pengő-forint, egy finn és sok román papírpénz T:III,III-
Lot #31201 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Vegyes magyar és külföldi fémpénz tétel 1Kg-os súlyban T:vegyes
Lot #31202 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Vegyes magyar és külföldi fémpénz tétel 1Kg-os súlyban T:vegyes
Lot #31203 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Vegyes magyar és külföldi fémpénz tétel 1Kg-os súlyban T:vegyes
Lot #31204 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Vegyes magyar és külföldi fémpénz tétel 1Kg-os súlyban T:vegyes
Lot #31205 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Vegyes magyar és külföldi fémpénz tétel 1Kg-os súlyban T:vegyes
Lot #31206 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Vegyes magyar és külföldi fémpénz tétel 1Kg-os súlyban T:vegyes
Darabanth Auctions
Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More
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