Area del Danubio – Imitazione della tetradramma di Thasos – Testa laureata di Dioniso a s. - R/ Ercole stante a d. – Sear 215 var. AG (g 12,98)
Coin On-Line Auction #17
By: Nomisma Spa
Nomisma Spa Coin On-Line Auction #17
Nomisma spa is proud to present its Numismatic On-Line Auction #17, which will close on January 24th, 2017. It offers the following topics:
Ancient coins (Greek, Roman Republic, Roman Empire, Byzantine and Ancient lots).
Italian mints coins.
House of Savoy and
House of Savoy medals.
Italian Republic coins.
World coins.
Numismatic books.
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Фильтр по
- ancient coins lots (14) Apply ancient coins lots filter
- Byzantine Coins (15) Apply Byzantine Coins filter
- coins of italian republic (8) Apply coins of italian republic filter
- foreign coins (87) Apply foreign coins filter
- greek coins (88) Apply greek coins filter
- italian mints (101) Apply italian mints filter
- medals (15) Apply medals filter
- Numismatic Books (63) Apply Numismatic Books filter
- roman coins empire (129) Apply roman coins empire filter
- roman coins republic (53) Apply roman coins republic filter
- Savoia and Regno d'Italia coins (162) Apply Savoia and Regno d'Italia coins filter
- Savoia Medals (23) Apply Savoia Medals filter
- vatican coins and medals (101) Apply vatican coins and medals filter
Lot #2 - greek coins
HISPANIA Arsaos Dracma (204-154 a.C.) Testa a d. – R/ Cavaliere a d. – Sear 25 AG (g 3,05)
Lot #3 - greek coins
HISPANIA Osca Dracma (204-154 a.C.) Testa a d. – R/ Cavaliere a d. – Sear 28 AG (g 4,16)
Lot #4 - greek coins
HISPANIA Kese Sestante (III-II sec. a.C.) Testa a d. – R/ Delfino – Cal. 445 AE (g 2,10)
Lot #5 - greek coins
HISPANIA Kese Quadrante (II sec. a.C.) Testa a d. – R/ Ippocampo – Cal. 463 AE (g 2,05)
Lot #6 - greek coins
GALLIA Massalia Obolo (circa V sec. a.C.) Testa a d. – R/ Ruota – Sear 72 AG (g 0,65)
Lot #7 - greek coins
CAMPAGNIA Neapolis Didramma (325-241 a.C.) Testa di ninfa a s. – R/ Toro a d. – cfr. S.Cop. 141 AG (g 6,70) Graffietti e screpolature
Lot #8 - greek coins
CAMPAGNIA Neapolis Didramma (325-241 a.C.) Testa di ninfa a s. – R/ Toro a d. – cfr. S.Cop. 451 e segg. AG (g 6,72)
Lot #9 - greek coins
CAMPAGNIA Teate Quadrante (circa 217 a.C.) Testa di Atena a d. – R/ Civetta stante di fronte – cfr. S.Cop. 696 AE (g 12,42)
Lot #10 - greek coins
TARANTO Didramma (281-272 a.C.) Cavaliere a d. – R/ Taras sul defino a s. – S.Cop. 840 e segg. AG (g 6,63)
Lot #11 - greek coins
TARANTO Didramma (281-272 a.C.) Cavaliere a d. – R/ Taras sul defino a s. – S.Cop. 873 e segg. AG (g 6,44)
Lot #12 - greek coins
TARANTO Didramma (272-235 a.C.) Cavaliere a s. – R/ Taras sul defino a s. – S.Cop. 915 AG (g 6,22)
Lot #13 - greek coins
LUCANIA Velia Didramma (IV-III secolo a.C.) Testa elmata a d. – R/ Leone andante a d. – S.Cop. 1573 e segg. AG (g 7,59)
Lot #14 - greek coins
LUCANIA Thurium - Statere (IV sec. a.C.) Testa elmata di Atena a d. - R/ Toro cozzante a d. – S.Cop. 1454 e segg. AG Sigillato qBB da Raffaele Negrini. Graffi al R/
Lot #15 - greek coins
SICILIA Agrigento - Trias (V sec. a.C.) – Sear 1020 AE (g 5,12)
Lot #16 - greek coins
SICILIA Siracusa - Tetradramma (485-478 a.C.) – Biga a d. – Testa di ninfa a d. - Sear 914 AG (g 17,10)
Lot #17 - greek coins
SARDEGNA Monetazione sardo-puniche - AE (300-264 a.C.) Testa di Kore a s. - R/ Testa di cavallo a d. – AE (g 16,30)
Lot #18 - greek coins
SARDEGNA Monetazione sardo-puniche - AE (300-264 a.C.) Testa di Kore a s. - R/ Cavallo stante a d. – AE (g 6,11)
Lot #19 - greek coins
SARDEGNA Monetazione sardo-puniche - AE (300-264 a.C.) Testa di Kore a s. - R/ Testa di cavallo a d. – Cfr. Piras 1 AE (g 4,40)
Lot #20 - greek coins
TESSAGLIA Larissa Dracma (440-400 a.C.) Uomo che lotta on un toro a s. – R/ Cavallo a d. – S.Cop. 108 e segg. AG (g 6,00)
Lot #21 - greek coins
TESSAGLIA Phalanna Dracma (400-344 a.C.) Testa a d. – R/ Cavallo a d. – S.Cop. 199 AG (g 5,35) RR Graffi al R/
Lot #22 - greek coins
TRACIA Apollonia Pontica Dracma (450/400 a.C.) Testa della Gorgone di fronte – R/ Ancora e gambero – Sear 1655 AG (g 2,86)
Lot #23 - greek coins
TRACIA Apollonia Pontica Diobolo (450/400 a.C.) Testa della Gorgone di fronte – R/ Ancora e gambero – Sear 1655 AG (g 1,15)
Lot #24 - greek coins
TRACIA Istros Didramma (IV sec. a.C.) Due teste contrapposte – R/ Aquila su delfino – Sear 1669 AG (g 4,95)
Lot #25 - greek coins
TRACIA Istros AE (IV sec. a.C.) Testa a d. – R/ Aquila su delfino – Sear 1672 AE (g 3,66)
Nomisma S.p.A.
About every three months we draw up and print an auction catalogue: the catalogue is avalailable in our online shop or you can browse it online. Registration is needed in order to bid in our... Read More
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