Collections and Lots Europe CEPT, 1958-71, one stock book full of CEPT Europe stamps, all MNH, very fresh and exquisite collection, XF!. Estimate 1.000€.
Estimate €1000
3 rd classicphil Auction - VIENNA- AUSTRIA
By: classicphil GmbH - Matthias Fukac
classicphil GmbH - Matthias Fukac 3 rd classicphil Auction - VIENNA- AUSTRIA
JUST STAMPS - Welcome to the 3st classicphil auction Vienna. We offer you a choice selection of 2085 classic stamps with low starting prices. The focus is Australian States, British Commonwealth, CHINA, Indian States, Malaysia, Thailand, Brasil, Peru and Saudi Arabia. Here you find affordable gems at reasonable prices.
At Fleming's Selection Hotel Wien-City/Josefstädter Str. 10-12/1080 Vienna
Europe, Saudi Arabia, GB, BC - Caribbean, USA, Canada and South America
14. October - 09:00 am - 01:00 pm CET
Australia with G.R.I, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia and States, BC - Africa
14. October - 09:00 am - 08:00 pm CET
Philippines, China with Provinces, Liberated Areas and Foreign Colonies
(German/French/British), India with Convention and Feudatory States
14. October - 09:00 am - 01:00 pm CET
15. October - 09:00 am - 08:00 pm CET
Auction schedule and index
Each day lunch is at 12:00 - 01:00 pm CET and two coffee breaks at 10:30 - 11:00 am and 04:00 - 04:30 pm CET
Europe, Saudi Arabia, GB, BC - Caribbean, USA, Canada and South America
14. October - 01:00 pm CET until the end - Lot # 10001 - 10669 - Page 4 - 133 in our catalogue
Australia with G.R.I, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysian States, BC - Africa/MAURITIUS
15. October - 09:00 am CET until the end - Lot # 20001 - 20778 - Page 134 - 273 in our catalogue
Philippines, China with Provinces, Liberated Areas and Foreign Colonies
(German/French/British), India with Convention and Feudatory States
16. October - 09:00 am CET until the end - Lot # 30001 - 30638 - Page 274 - 403 in our catalogue
Sale Terms
Refine Your Search
Фильтр по
- Australia (224) Apply Australia filter
- british africa (145) Apply british africa filter
- British Caribbean (70) Apply British Caribbean filter
- British Commonwealth (3) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- China (283) Apply China filter
- Collections and Lots British Commonwealth Afrika (1) Apply Collections and Lots British Commonwealth Afrika filter
- collections and lots british commonwealth general (8) Apply collections and lots british commonwealth general filter
- Collections and Lots British Commonwealth Oceania (1) Apply Collections and Lots British Commonwealth Oceania filter
- europe (313) Apply europe filter
- french colonies (11) Apply french colonies filter
- germany (63) Apply germany filter
- Hong Kong (17) Apply Hong Kong filter
- india (313) Apply india filter
- indonesia (19) Apply indonesia filter
- Japan (5) Apply Japan filter
- Malayia (306) Apply Malayia filter
- middle east (60) Apply middle east filter
- Netherland colonies (2) Apply Netherland colonies filter
- netherlands indies japanese occupation sumatra (1) Apply netherlands indies japanese occupation sumatra filter
- New Zealand, Oceania (42) Apply New Zealand, Oceania filter
- North America (33) Apply North America filter
- Philippines (25) Apply Philippines filter
- Portugese colonies (3) Apply Portugese colonies filter
- south africa (16) Apply south africa filter
- south america (97) Apply south america filter
- South Korea (1) Apply South Korea filter
- Switzerland (13) Apply Switzerland filter
- thailand (10) Apply thailand filter
Lot #10001 - europe Collections and Lots Europe CEPT
Lot #10002 - europe collections and lots europe
Collections and Lots Europe, 1850-1950, stock book with better items for the retailer, comprising ITALY, SWISS, FRANCE, ANDORRA and some classic stamps, very good quality, F-SUP!. Estimate 2.500€.
Estimate €2500
Lot #10003 - europe estonia
Estonia, 1921-37, small lot of (11), including 2 full CARITAS sets (1936 and 1937), all MH, VF!. Estimate 130€. SG 32A, 46, 47, 108-111, 130-132
Estimate €130
Lot #10004 - europe estonia
Estonia, 1921-31, very fine lot with (35) stamps, many complete sets and good singles such as SG 140-143 as block of (4) with cancel, SG 51-55A with cancel, SG 51-55B MNH, SG 47 b (Surch vermillion) with cancel, SG 49-50A/B MH, SG 48 MH, SG 91-94, MH, F-VF!. Estimate 1.000€.
Estimate €1000
Lot #10005 - europe estonia
Estonia, 1938-39, 4 Miniatur Sheets - 2x Social Relief Fund (1938 and 1939), 1x Centenary of Estonian Literary Society, 1x Centenary of Pärnu, MS138 light crease on top left, all MNH, VF!. Estimate 375€. SG MS138, MS143a, MS147a, MS151a
Estimate €375
Lot #10006 - europe latvia
Latvia, 1919, 5 R., olive brown/orange, block of (4), imperforated (!), proof on thin paper, ex Hoffmann, rare, VF!. Estimate 600€. Mi. 31b
Estimate €600
Lot #10007 - europe latvia
Latvia, 1918, 10-20s, 15-30s., set of (2) and 8-68s - 40-190s impferorated, set of (4), all MH, F-VF. Estimate 340€. SG 181A, 182A, 243B-246B
Estimate €340
Lot #10008 - europe latvia
Latvia, 1932, 2 complete sets in both variants A and B (perf. and imperf.), Air Charity and Air Charity - Pioneers of Aviation, (16 stamps), all MH, VF!. Estimate 500€. SG 219A-221B, 226A-230B
Estimate €500
Lot #10009 - europe Lithuania
Lithuania, 1919, 50 s on 3 k., - 50 s. on 70 k., set of (8), only SG 1 missing, Russian occupation stamps with opt 1 issued in Grodno on envelope with lilac cancel, VF! . Estimate 790€. SG 2-9
Estimate €790
Lot #10010 - europe Lithuania
Lithuania, 1918, 10 s., black, 15 s., black, (2), Type II, fresh unused as issued, F-VF!. Estimate 220€. SG 1 B, 2 B
Estimate €220
Lot #10011 - europe Lithuania
Lithuania, 1924, 2 c. + 2 c., - 1 l. + 1 l., set of (17), only 10 c. with different wmk and 25 c. with wmk missing, all MH, fresh, VF! . Estimate 350€. SG 227-245
Estimate €350
Lot #10012 - europe Lithuania
Lithuania, 1938, 5 c. + 5 c., - 60 c. + 15 c., 2 sets, (8), First National Olympiad Fund and Scouts and Guides National Camp Fund, minor light creases, MNH, F-VF!. Estimate 210€. SG 420-427
Estimate €210
Lot #10013 - europe Lithuania
Lithuania, 1919-38, 5 complete sets, (31), all with cancellation, First Berlin issue, 15th Anniv of Independence with perf and imperf., Orphan's fund, Olympiad Fund, VF!. Estimate 220€.
Estimate €220
Lot #10014 - europe Belgium
Belgium, 1849-58, Lot of imperforated issues (18), margins ample to touching, VF! . Estimate 900€.
Estimate €900
Lot #10015 - europe Belgium 1865-66 Leopold 1st - new type (COB 17-21)
Belgium 1865-66 Leopold 1st - new type (COB 17-21), 1865/67, 1 Fr., violet, with rhombic numeric (60) cancel, P 14, VF!. Estimate 140€. Mi. 18 B
Estimate €140
Lot #10016 - europe Belgium
Belgium, 1932, 10 c. + 10 c. - 10 fr. - 40 fr., envelope with full set of (9), Cardinal Mercier, luxury cancelled with GRAND-LEEZ - 24.VII.1932, fresh, XF!. Estimate 530€. Scott B114-B122
Estimate €530
Lot #10017 - germany old german states hanover
Old German States Hanover, 1861, 3 Gr., mittel- bis (dkl’ocker)braun, König Georg V., riesiger Bogenteil (15 Stück) von unten links, unten 26 mm Rand, links 12 mm Rand, unten ca 1 cm Einriss und ein Bug unten links - beide berühren keine Marke (!), oben Bug, leichte Unebenheiten ansonsten eine spektakuläre Einheit, G-VF!. Estimate 1.000€. Mi. 19
Estimate €1000
Lot #10018 - germany Old German States Heligoland
Old German States Heligoland, 1867-1890, small but very fine collection from Helgoland, starting 1867-90 on 5 album pages, fresh, used and unused (LPOG-MH), many signed top values present (most signed Lemberger), top values include Mi 1 I, 2x 2, 4, 6e/g, 7d, 8 F, 11, 13b (block of (4)), 14a-e, 18a-c, 2x 19Aa, 20A, many luxury cancels and beautiful items, used, MH, F-XF!. Estimate 10.000€.
Estimate €10000
Lot #10019 - germany Old German States Oldenburg
Old German States Oldenburg, 1852, 1/30 Th., schwarz auf blau, waagrechtes Paar, Type III/I, wunderschöner blauer Abschlag, Kastenstempel VAREL, Kabinett, XF!. Estimate 300€. Mi. 2 III
Estimate €300
Lot #10020 - germany Old German States Oldenburg
Old German States Oldenburg, 1859/61, 1 Gr., schwarz auf blau, waagrechtes Paar auf gelbem Briefstück, zwei blaue Stempel VAREL, Luxus, XF!. Estimate 400€. Mi. 6a
Estimate €400
Lot #10021 - germany Old German States Oldenburg
Old German States Oldenburg, 1859/61, 1 Gr., schwarz auf blau, waagrechtes Paar, blauer Stempel OLDENBURG, Kabinettstück, XF!. Estimate 300€. Mi. 6a
Estimate €300
Lot #10022 - germany German Empire, 1872 Small shield issue
German Empire, 1872 Small shield issue, 1872, 1 Gr., rosa, Ganzsachenausschnitt (aus U1) auf Briefstück mit Luxusentwertung SCHMALLENINGKEN, XF!. Estimate 300€. Mi. GAA 1
Estimate €300
Lot #10023 - germany German Empire
German Empire, 1872, 30 Gr., (grau)ultramarin, handschriftliche Entwertung und zarter Ortsstempel, Loch im Briefstück (betrifft die Marke nicht), VF!. Estimate 1.200€. Mi. 13
Estimate €1200
Lot #10024 - germany German Empire
German Empire, 1900, 5 M., grünschwarz/bräunlichkarmin, Type IV - Nachmalung mit Rot und Deckweiß, ungebraucht ohne Falz, VF!. Estimate 480€. Mi. 66
Estimate €480
Lot #10025 - germany German Empire, Germania w.o. watermark
German Empire, Germania w.o. watermark, 1902, 2 bis 80 Pfg., postfrische Prachterhaltung **, alle ungezähnt mit einheitlichem unteren Bogenrändern, alle mit Prüfstempel Richter und diese durchwegs außerhalb des Markenbilds angebracht, Bewertung im Michel Katalog JE Marke 650 Euro ohne Unterrand, der 5 und 40 pfg.-Wert weisen minimale Wellen in den Rändern auf, die keinen Mangel darstellen, ein außergewöhnlicher Prachtsatz für die gehobenen...