Thematik: Flora-Obst + Früchte / flora-fruits: 1990, subtropical fruits, 1000 x Michel no. 135/138 m
1990, subtropical fruits, 1000 x Michel no. 135/138 mint never hinged in folded sheets. Catalogue value 5500 Euro.
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Special Auction 26.- 28. May 2020 Day 3 Collections - Thematics and Picture Post Cards
By: Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Special Auction 26.- 28. May 2020 Day 3 Collections - Thematics and Picture Post Cards
Attractive collections from Thematics & Picture Post Cards. As a Covid19 stimulus we accept underbids up to 50% - so smart bidding is recomended. Remember - you may have competitors.
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Фильтр по
- ansichtskarten (28) Apply ansichtskarten filter
- Ansichtskarten: Alle Welt (7) Apply Ansichtskarten: Alle Welt filter
- Ansichtskarten: Deutschland (2) Apply Ansichtskarten: Deutschland filter
- ansichtskarten: künstler / artists (1) Apply ansichtskarten: künstler / artists filter
- ansichtskarten: motive / thematics (3) Apply ansichtskarten: motive / thematics filter
- thematik: alkohol / alcohol (1) Apply thematik: alkohol / alcohol filter
- thematik: antarktis / antarctic (2) Apply thematik: antarktis / antarctic filter
- Thematik: Architektur / architecture (1) Apply Thematik: Architektur / architecture filter
- thematik: astrologie / astrology (2) Apply thematik: astrologie / astrology filter
- thematik: astronomie / astronomy (4) Apply thematik: astronomie / astronomy filter
- thematik: ballon-luftfahrt / balloon-aviation (4) Apply thematik: ballon-luftfahrt / balloon-aviation filter
- Thematik: Bauwerke / buildings, edifice (1) Apply Thematik: Bauwerke / buildings, edifice filter
- Thematik: Bauwerke-Brunnen / buildings-wells (1) Apply Thematik: Bauwerke-Brunnen / buildings-wells filter
- Thematik: Bergsteigen / Mountaineering (1) Apply Thematik: Bergsteigen / Mountaineering filter
- thematik: bäume / trees (5) Apply thematik: bäume / trees filter
- Thematik: Chemie / chemistry (2) Apply Thematik: Chemie / chemistry filter
- thematik: comics / comics (3) Apply thematik: comics / comics filter
- Thematik: Druck / printing (1) Apply Thematik: Druck / printing filter
- thematik: druck-dichter / printing-poets (1) Apply thematik: druck-dichter / printing-poets filter
- thematik: druck-dürer / printing-dürer (1) Apply thematik: druck-dürer / printing-dürer filter
- thematik: druck-literatur / printing-literature (1) Apply thematik: druck-literatur / printing-literature filter
- thematik: eisenbahn / railway (14) Apply thematik: eisenbahn / railway filter
- thematik: europa-uno / europe-uno (2) Apply thematik: europa-uno / europe-uno filter
- Thematik: Feste, Jubiläen / festivals, anniversary (1) Apply Thematik: Feste, Jubiläen / festivals, anniversary filter
- thematik: film / film (1) Apply thematik: film / film filter
- thematik: film-kino / film-cinema (2) Apply thematik: film-kino / film-cinema filter
- thematik: flaggen / flags (2) Apply thematik: flaggen / flags filter
- Thematik: Flora, Botanik / flora, botany, bloom (28) Apply Thematik: Flora, Botanik / flora, botany, bloom filter
- Thematik: Flora-Kakteen / flora-cactus (1) Apply Thematik: Flora-Kakteen / flora-cactus filter
- Thematik: Flora-Obst + Früchte / flora-fruits (4) Apply Thematik: Flora-Obst + Früchte / flora-fruits filter
- thematik: flora-orchideen / flora-orchids (5) Apply thematik: flora-orchideen / flora-orchids filter
- thematik: flora-rosen / flora-roses (2) Apply thematik: flora-rosen / flora-roses filter
- Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation (13) Apply Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation filter
- thematik: frieden / peace (1) Apply thematik: frieden / peace filter
- Thematik: Geschichte, Kultur / history, culture (2) Apply Thematik: Geschichte, Kultur / history, culture filter
- Thematik: Gold-Schmuck / gold-jewellry (2) Apply Thematik: Gold-Schmuck / gold-jewellry filter
- thematik: intern. organisationen / international organizations (1) Apply thematik: intern. organisationen / international organizations filter
- Thematik: internat. Organisationen-Lions Club / internat. Organizations-Lions Club (1) Apply Thematik: internat. Organisationen-Lions Club / internat. Organizations-Lions Club filter
- thematik: internat. organisationen-rotarier / internat. organizations-rotary club (6) Apply thematik: internat. organisationen-rotarier / internat. organizations-rotary club filter
- thematik: jagd / hunting (1) Apply thematik: jagd / hunting filter
- thematik: judaika / judaism (1) Apply thematik: judaika / judaism filter
- thematik: kinder / children (6) Apply thematik: kinder / children filter
- thematik: kunst / art (2) Apply thematik: kunst / art filter
- thematik: kunsthandwerk / arts and crafts (6) Apply thematik: kunsthandwerk / arts and crafts filter
- Thematik: Königtum, Adel / royalty, nobility (6) Apply Thematik: Königtum, Adel / royalty, nobility filter
- thematik: landkarten / maps (2) Apply thematik: landkarten / maps filter
- thematik: landwirtschaft / agriculture (2) Apply thematik: landwirtschaft / agriculture filter
- thematik: leuchttürme / lighthouses (4) Apply thematik: leuchttürme / lighthouses filter
- Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters (56) Apply Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters filter
- thematik: marke auf marke / stamp on stamp (3) Apply thematik: marke auf marke / stamp on stamp filter
- Thematik: Medizin, Gesundheit / medicine, health (10) Apply Thematik: Medizin, Gesundheit / medicine, health filter
- Thematik: Messen-Weltausstellungen / fairs, world exhibitions (2) Apply Thematik: Messen-Weltausstellungen / fairs, world exhibitions filter
- thematik: militär / military (2) Apply thematik: militär / military filter
- thematik: mineralien / minerals (3) Apply thematik: mineralien / minerals filter
- thematik: musik / music (1) Apply thematik: musik / music filter
- thematik: musik-komponisten / music-composers (6) Apply thematik: musik-komponisten / music-composers filter
- thematik: musik-musikinstrumente / music instruments (3) Apply thematik: musik-musikinstrumente / music instruments filter
- thematik: mühlen / mills (2) Apply thematik: mühlen / mills filter
- thematik: nahrung / food (1) Apply thematik: nahrung / food filter
- Thematik: Nahrung-Genuss / food-delicacy (1) Apply Thematik: Nahrung-Genuss / food-delicacy filter
- Thematik: Nahrung-Kaffee / food-coffee (1) Apply Thematik: Nahrung-Kaffee / food-coffee filter
- thematik: nahrung-obst / food-fruits (2) Apply thematik: nahrung-obst / food-fruits filter
- Thematik: Nahrung-Tee / food-tea (1) Apply Thematik: Nahrung-Tee / food-tea filter
- thematik: napoleon (3) Apply thematik: napoleon filter
- Thematik: Numismatik / numismatics (4) Apply Thematik: Numismatik / numismatics filter
- thematik: numismatik-geld / numismatics-cash (1) Apply thematik: numismatik-geld / numismatics-cash filter
- thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games (75) Apply thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games filter
- Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Churchill / personalities - Churchill (4) Apply Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Churchill / personalities - Churchill filter
- Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Gandhi / personalities - Gandhi (1) Apply Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Gandhi / personalities - Gandhi filter
- Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Kennedy / personalities - Kennedy (11) Apply Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Kennedy / personalities - Kennedy filter
- Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Prinzessin Diana / personalities - Princess Diana (2) Apply Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Prinzessin Diana / personalities - Princess Diana filter
- thematik: persönlichkeiten / personalities (11) Apply thematik: persönlichkeiten / personalities filter
- thematik: pfadfinder / boy scouts (13) Apply thematik: pfadfinder / boy scouts filter
- Thematik: Philatelie - Tag der Briefmarke / stamp days (1) Apply Thematik: Philatelie - Tag der Briefmarke / stamp days filter
- thematik: philatelie / philately (1) Apply thematik: philatelie / philately filter
- thematik: pilze / mushrooms (3) Apply thematik: pilze / mushrooms filter
- thematik: politik / politics (14) Apply thematik: politik / politics filter
- Thematik: Porzellan-Keramik / porcelain-ceramics (1) Apply Thematik: Porzellan-Keramik / porcelain-ceramics filter
- thematik: post / post (4) Apply thematik: post / post filter
- thematik: postautomation / postal mecanization (1) Apply thematik: postautomation / postal mecanization filter
- thematik: raumfahrt / astronautics (70) Apply thematik: raumfahrt / astronautics filter
- thematik: religion / religion (9) Apply thematik: religion / religion filter
- thematik: rotes kreuz / red cross (4) Apply thematik: rotes kreuz / red cross filter
- thematik: rundfunk-radio / broadcasting-radio (1) Apply thematik: rundfunk-radio / broadcasting-radio filter
- thematik: schiffe / ships (6) Apply thematik: schiffe / ships filter
- Thematik: Schiffe-Kriegsschiffe / ships-battle ships (2) Apply Thematik: Schiffe-Kriegsschiffe / ships-battle ships filter
- thematik: schiffe-segelschiffe / ships-sailing ships (7) Apply thematik: schiffe-segelschiffe / ships-sailing ships filter
- Thematik: Seefahrer, Entdecker / sailors, discoverers (22) Apply Thematik: Seefahrer, Entdecker / sailors, discoverers filter
- Thematik: Sehenswürdigkeiten / sights (1) Apply Thematik: Sehenswürdigkeiten / sights filter
- Thematik: Sehenswürdigkeiten-Freiheitsstatue / sights- statue of liberty (3) Apply Thematik: Sehenswürdigkeiten-Freiheitsstatue / sights- statue of liberty filter
- thematik: spiele-schach / games-chess (5) Apply thematik: spiele-schach / games-chess filter
- thematik: sport / sport (12) Apply thematik: sport / sport filter
- Thematik: Sport-Baseball / sport-baseball (4) Apply Thematik: Sport-Baseball / sport-baseball filter
- thematik: sport-boxen / sport-boxing (1) Apply thematik: sport-boxen / sport-boxing filter
- Thematik: Sport-Fußball / sport-soccer, football (41) Apply Thematik: Sport-Fußball / sport-soccer, football filter
- thematik: sport-golf / sport-golf (2) Apply thematik: sport-golf / sport-golf filter
- thematik: sport-leichtathletik / sports-athletics (1) Apply thematik: sport-leichtathletik / sports-athletics filter
- thematik: sport-pferdesport / sport equestrian sports (1) Apply thematik: sport-pferdesport / sport equestrian sports filter
- thematik: sport-radsport / sport-cycling (4) Apply thematik: sport-radsport / sport-cycling filter
- Thematik: Sport-Ringen / sport-wrestling (1) Apply Thematik: Sport-Ringen / sport-wrestling filter
- thematik: sport-tennis / sport-tennis (1) Apply thematik: sport-tennis / sport-tennis filter
- thematik: sport-turnen / sport-gymnastics (1) Apply thematik: sport-turnen / sport-gymnastics filter
- thematik: sport-wassersport / sport-water sports (2) Apply thematik: sport-wassersport / sport-water sports filter
- thematik: sport-wintersport / sport-winter sports (1) Apply thematik: sport-wintersport / sport-winter sports filter
- Thematik: Tabak / tobacco (1) Apply Thematik: Tabak / tobacco filter
- thematik: tanz / dancing (3) Apply thematik: tanz / dancing filter
- thematik: technik-telefon / technic-telephone (6) Apply thematik: technik-telefon / technic-telephone filter
- thematik: technik-telekommunikation / technique-telecommunication (5) Apply thematik: technik-telekommunikation / technique-telecommunication filter
- Thematik: Tiere, Fauna / animals, fauna (27) Apply Thematik: Tiere, Fauna / animals, fauna filter
- thematik: tiere- exotische tiere / animals-exotic animals (3) Apply thematik: tiere- exotische tiere / animals-exotic animals filter
- thematik: tiere-affen / animals-monkeys (8) Apply thematik: tiere-affen / animals-monkeys filter
- thematik: tiere-dinosaurier / animals-dinosaur (7) Apply thematik: tiere-dinosaurier / animals-dinosaur filter
- thematik: tiere-elefanten / animals elephants (1) Apply thematik: tiere-elefanten / animals elephants filter
- Thematik: Tiere-Eulen / animals-owls (1) Apply Thematik: Tiere-Eulen / animals-owls filter
- thematik: tiere-fische / animals-fishes (17) Apply thematik: tiere-fische / animals-fishes filter
- thematik: tiere-hunde / animals-dogs (9) Apply thematik: tiere-hunde / animals-dogs filter
- thematik: tiere-hühnervögel / animals-gallinaceus birds (1) Apply thematik: tiere-hühnervögel / animals-gallinaceus birds filter
- thematik: tiere-insekten / animals-insects (5) Apply thematik: tiere-insekten / animals-insects filter
- thematik: tiere-katzen / animals-cats (5) Apply thematik: tiere-katzen / animals-cats filter
- Thematik: Tiere-Meeressäuger (u.a. Wale) / animals-aquatic mammals (8) Apply Thematik: Tiere-Meeressäuger (u.a. Wale) / animals-aquatic mammals filter
- thematik: tiere-meerestiere / animals-sea animals (14) Apply thematik: tiere-meerestiere / animals-sea animals filter
- thematik: tiere-meerestiere-muscheln / animals-sea animals-shells (14) Apply thematik: tiere-meerestiere-muscheln / animals-sea animals-shells filter
- thematik: tiere-nutztiere / animals-farm animals (1) Apply thematik: tiere-nutztiere / animals-farm animals filter
- thematik: tiere-pferde / animals-horses (3) Apply thematik: tiere-pferde / animals-horses filter
- thematik: tiere-raubtiere / animals-predacious cats (5) Apply thematik: tiere-raubtiere / animals-predacious cats filter
- thematik: tiere-reptilien / animals-reptiles (6) Apply thematik: tiere-reptilien / animals-reptiles filter
- Thematik: Tiere-Schalwild / animals- stag,chamois… (1) Apply Thematik: Tiere-Schalwild / animals- stag,chamois… filter
- thematik: tiere-schildkröten / animals-turtles (2) Apply thematik: tiere-schildkröten / animals-turtles filter
- thematik: tiere-schmetterlinge / animals-butterflies (17) Apply thematik: tiere-schmetterlinge / animals-butterflies filter
- thematik: tiere-säugetiere / animals-mammals (2) Apply thematik: tiere-säugetiere / animals-mammals filter
- thematik: tiere-vögel / animals-birds (40) Apply thematik: tiere-vögel / animals-birds filter
- thematik: tiere-wassertiere / animals-aquatic animals (2) Apply thematik: tiere-wassertiere / animals-aquatic animals filter
- thematik: tiere-wasservögel / animals-water birds (3) Apply thematik: tiere-wasservögel / animals-water birds filter
- thematik: tiere-zootiere / animals-zoo animals (4) Apply thematik: tiere-zootiere / animals-zoo animals filter
- thematik: tourismus / tourism (1) Apply thematik: tourismus / tourism filter
- Thematik: Trachten / costumes (1) Apply Thematik: Trachten / costumes filter
- Thematik: Umweltschutz / environment protection (2) Apply Thematik: Umweltschutz / environment protection filter
- thematik: upu / united postal union (6) Apply thematik: upu / united postal union filter
- thematik: verkehr / traffic (8) Apply thematik: verkehr / traffic filter
- thematik: verkehr-auto / traffic-car (2) Apply thematik: verkehr-auto / traffic-car filter
- thematik: verkehr-straßenbahn / traffic-tramway (1) Apply thematik: verkehr-straßenbahn / traffic-tramway filter
- thematik: vulkane / volcanoes (1) Apply thematik: vulkane / volcanoes filter
- Thematik: Wappen / emblems (1) Apply Thematik: Wappen / emblems filter
- Thematik: Wasser / water (1) Apply Thematik: Wasser / water filter
- thematik: weihnachten / christmas (17) Apply thematik: weihnachten / christmas filter
- thematik: wwf (1) Apply thematik: wwf filter
- thematik: zeppelin / zeppelin (3) Apply thematik: zeppelin / zeppelin filter
- thematische philatelie (14) Apply thematische philatelie filter
Lot #6300 - Thematik: Flora-Obst + Früchte / flora-fruits
Lot #6301 - thematik: flora-orchideen / flora-orchids
Thematik: Flora-Orchideen / flora-orchids: FLORA-ORCHIDEEN: Nicaragua 1961/62, 4 versch. Werte aus d
FLORA-ORCHIDEEN: Nicaragua 1961/62, 4 versch. Werte aus der Orchideen-Serie (Zwangszuschlags-Marken), je in progressiven Phasendrucken (4 bis 5 Phasen) und je 1x UNGEZÄHNT, insges. 17 Stücke, dargestellt sind: Lycaste macrophylla, Stanhopea ecornuta, Sobralia pleiantha und Oncidium ascendens, montiert auf Courvoisier-Archivblatt, aus dem...
Lot #6302 - thematik: flora-orchideen / flora-orchids
Thematik: Flora-Orchideen / flora-orchids: 1958 (ab ca.), ALLE WELT, viel Guyana, Sammlung mit ca. 4
1958 (ab ca.), ALLE WELT, viel Guyana, Sammlung mit ca. 400 Stck zum Thema "Orchideen", dabei einige Werte mit Wald und Blumen, viele seltene Orchideen mit verschiedenen Arten. Dabei Probedrucke, 2, 4, 10 und 25er Markenbogen ungezähnt und gezähnt, Stempel, Cachets, Marken, Briefe, FDCs, SST. 1 Luftpostbrief von Togo, 1 GA-Karte Japan....
Lot #6303 - thematik: flora-orchideen / flora-orchids
Thematik: Flora-Orchideen / flora-orchids: 1973, BURUNDI: Orchids complete set of seven airmail stam
1973, BURUNDI: Orchids complete set of seven airmail stamps in a lot with about 550 sets mostly in complete sheets, mint never hinged and scarce, Mi. 892/98, € 11.825,-- + (COB PA255/61, € 12.100,-- +)
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Lot #6304 - thematik: flora-orchideen / flora-orchids
Thematik: Flora-Orchideen / flora-orchids: 1990/2000 (ca.), assortment of 100 positions incl. specia
1990/2000 (ca.), assortment of 100 positions incl. specialities on presentation cards. Retail price $2389.
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Lot #6305 - thematik: flora-orchideen / flora-orchids
Thematik: Flora-Orchideen / flora-orchids: 1990/2000 (ca.), assortment of 112 positions incl. specia
1990/2000 (ca.), assortment of 112 positions incl. specialities on presentation cards. Retail price $3467.
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Lot #6306 - thematik: flora-rosen / flora-roses
Thematik: Flora-Rosen / flora-roses: 1960/2000 (approx), various countries. Bouquet of 96 roses (col
1960/2000 (approx), various countries. Bouquet of 96 roses (collection of 96 items) inclusive proofs and specialities, som plete sets, FDCs, russian picture postal stationaries, etc, on presentation cards. Intended retail price more than US$2.000.
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Lot #6307 - thematik: flora-rosen / flora-roses
Thematik: Flora-Rosen / flora-roses: 1966, Sharjah-Khor Fakkan, Roses, perforated set, MNH holding o
1966, Sharjah-Khor Fakkan, Roses, perforated set, MNH holding of at least 1.760 complete sets within mini sheets. Michel nos. 54/59 A, 7.040,- €++
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #6308 - Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation
Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation: 1960/2000 (approx), various countries. Accumu
1960/2000 (approx), various countries. Accumulation of 74 items showing a great variety of the AIRPLANES topic inclusive proofs and other specialities, on presentation cards. Mint, NH. Retail price $3,295.
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Lot #6309 - Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation
Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation: ab 1960, accumulation of 150 items from diffe
ab 1960, accumulation of 150 items from different countries, showing lots of various types of airplanes from the beginning to nowadays, very nice coloured pieces, mostly proofs, some letters and postcards, FDC's, there are also illustrations of famous flight pioneers like Lindbergh, Vlaicu, etc. Intended retail price US$ 5.636.-
Lot #6310 - Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation
Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation: 1978, Samoa. Lot containing 10 IMPERFORATE se
1978, Samoa. Lot containing 10 IMPERFORATE sets "Progress in aviation" (4 values) showing "Boeing 737 of the Polynesian Aviation Company", "Biplane Kitty Hawk", "Kingsford Smith Focker Monoplane" and "Concorde supersonic airliner". In all 40 imperforate stamps. Mint, nh.
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Lot #6311 - Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation
Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation: 1979, GUINEA: History of Aviation complete se
1979, GUINEA: History of Aviation complete set of eight (monoplanes, biplane, Spirit of St. Louis, Boeing 727, Concorde etc.) in a lot with 200 sets mostly in compl. folded sheets, mint never hinged, Mi. 850/57 A, € 2.800,-- +
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Lot #6312 - Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation
Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation: 1983, Niue. Lot containing 10 IMPERFORATE set
1983, Niue. Lot containing 10 IMPERFORATE sets "200 years of aviation" (6 values) showing "Montgolfière (1783)", "Wright Flyer (1903)", "Airship 'Graf Zeppelin' (1928)", "Boeing 247 (1933)", "Apollo VIII (1968)" and "Space shuttle". In all 60 imperforate stamps. Mint, nh.
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Lot #6313 - Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation
Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation: 1998, Gibraltar: 80 years of Royal Air Force
1998, Gibraltar: 80 years of Royal Air Force (historical plains), 1100 copies of the souvenir sheet mint never hinged (Michel block no. 33, cat. value 6600.- €)
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Lot #6314 - Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation
Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation: 1999, Portugal: 75 years airforce, complete s
1999, Portugal: 75 years airforce, complete set of six in sheets with 50 stamps each, in an investment lot of 750 sets mint never hinged ( 2347/52, cat. val. 5.400,- €)
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Lot #6315 - Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation
Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation: 1999, Portugal: first long-distance fligt Por
1999, Portugal: first long-distance fligt Portugal-Macau, complete set of two in sheets with 50 stamps each, in an investment lot of 750 sets mint never hinged ( 2333/34, cat. val. 3.000,- €)
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Lot #6316 - Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation
Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation: 2002, GUINEA-BISSAU: AVIATION, souvenir sheet
2002, GUINEA-BISSAU: AVIATION, souvenir sheet, investment lot of 1000 copies mint never hinged ( Bl. 378, cat. val. 6.500,- €)
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Lot #6317 - Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation
Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation: 2002, Portugal: 50 years airforce, complete s
2002, Portugal: 50 years airforce, complete set of six in sheets with 50 stamps each, in an investment lot of 500 sets mint never hinged ( 2595/2600, cat. val. 5.500,- €)
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Lot #6318 - Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation
Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation: 2003, Angola: "100 YEARS FIRST ENGINE POWERED
2003, Angola: "100 YEARS FIRST ENGINE POWERED FLIGHT WRIGHT BROTHERS" miniature sheet, investment lot of 2000 copies mint never hinged ( 1694 , cat. val. 11.000 ,-€)
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Lot #6319 - Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation
Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation: 2003, Papua New Guinea. Lot of 2,500 stamps "
2003, Papua New Guinea. Lot of 2,500 stamps "4k Wilbur Wright pilots Model A, Pau, France, 1909" from the set "Powered Flight, Centenary" in 100 sheets of 25. Mint, NH. Postage 10,000 KINA equals about 4,000 USD / 3,003 EUR. Michel catalogue value 7,000 EUR. (Mi #1011)
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Lot #6320 - thematik: frieden / peace
Thematik: Frieden / peace: 1986, Tunisia. International Year of Peace. Complete issue (1 value) in 2
1986, Tunisia. International Year of Peace. Complete issue (1 value) in 2 IMPERFORATE blocks of 25 showing "Doves of peace". In all 50 imperforate stamps. Mint, nh.
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Lot #6321 - Thematik: Geschichte, Kultur / history, culture
Thematik: Geschichte, Kultur / history, culture: 1992, ARGENTINA: Historical Memories complete set o
1992, ARGENTINA: Historical Memories complete set oft three 0.38p. stamps incl. 'Lucia Norberto Mansilla (General with battle-ship, battle of Vuelta de Obligado)', 'Jose Manuel Estrada (Poet with book)' and Jose Ignacio Garmendia (General with medals) in a large lot with 1.000 sets in complete (folded) sheets, mint never hinged, Mi. 2135/...
Lot #6322 - Thematik: Geschichte, Kultur / history, culture
Thematik: Geschichte, Kultur / history, culture: 2001, Portugal: Arab cultural heritage, complete se
2001, Portugal: Arab cultural heritage, complete set of six in sheets with 50 stamps each, in an investment lot of 200 sets mint never hinged ( 2490/95, cat. val. 2.400,- €)
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Lot #6323 - Thematik: Gold-Schmuck / gold-jewellry
Thematik: Gold-Schmuck / gold-jewellry: 1981, TUNISIA: Jewellery complete set of three with 150m. ea
1981, TUNISIA: Jewellery complete set of three with 150m. earring ('Mneguech'), 180m. medallion ('Mahfdha') and 200m. cape ('Essalta') in a lot with about 1.500 sets mostly in large blocks to folded part sheets, mint never hinged, Mi. 1016/18, € 4.950,-- +
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Lot #6324 - Thematik: Gold-Schmuck / gold-jewellry
Thematik: Gold-Schmuck / gold-jewellry: 1992, BERMUDA: Columbus Age of Exploration complete set of s
1992, BERMUDA: Columbus Age of Exploration complete set of six (mostly jewellery) in a lot with 95 sets mostly in part sheets, mint never hinged, Mi. 611/16, € 1.520,--
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Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG is an established dealer in Germany. For many years the company published direct sale list of stamps and covers from all the world. In 2006 they... Read More
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