1967 W1 Long Live Chairman Mao's Thought complete set (Scott 938,944a,948a, - Mi 966-976), strips unfolded, single stamps MNH, strips fresh MNH. VF-F. Cat € 6000.Estimate. $2000 - $3000
Auction #41
By: Romano House of Stamp sales ltd
Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Auction #41
Dear friends and collectors,
Welcome to our 41st auction. Holy Land items.
This auction can be viewed only at www.romanoauctions.com.You can browse the catalog or download any section by PDF.
Many more images are shown on the website,
The Auction has most specialties well represented. Especially noteworthy are the sections of Holy Land Forerunners, Jewish Colonies, Mandate Stamps & used abroad, 1948 Interim Safed 1948 - 10m local Imperforate Proof of Settes, Doar Ivri, 1948 1st Festivals, 1950 1st Air Mail, Holocaust mail & Worldwide Philately. China, India A-Z, Banknotes and Coins & Medals.
Please FAX or E-mail your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to include their FAX, or E-mail & telephone numbers and/or email addresses on their bid sheets.
With all good and sincere wishes,
Mira & Moshe ROMANO
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- German Colonies, China : Jiaizhou Bay (Kiautschou) (1) Apply German Colonies, China : Jiaizhou Bay (Kiautschou) filter
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Lot #249 - world wide philately
GIBRALTAR - 1925-32 new colours high value definitive set complete to £5 Vaiolet and black, SG ...View more102/108, with both 1s shades, very fine mint, only very lightly hinged. Superb fresh colours. (8 stamps) £4500
Lot #250 - world wide philately
GIBRALTAR - 1921-27 new colours high value definitive set complete to 8s dull purple and green, SG 89/97 97a/99a/101, very fine mint, only very lightly hinged. Superb fresh colours. (11 stamps) £400
Lot #251 - world wide philately
Malta, 1930 Postage & Revenue set, used (209 hinged) hingedfine M, SG.193/209. (17) Cat. £325
Lot #252 - world wide philately
A set of 15 lipid items. 1946 3 letters from GB prisoner of war, 1868 4 letters from France. 1843 Six Letters to Parfihtalia. Another interesting group.
Lot #253 - world wide philately
Malta, 1926-27 Postage Defin set FU (1s few pulled perfs), also 1928 6d Air FU, SG.157/172. (17) Cat. £350Malta, 1928 Postage & Revenue optd set, VFU, SG.174/192. hinged and used (19) Cat. £275
Lot #254 - world wide philately
FALKLAND ISLANDS, Stanley, from Bro. VENANTIIUS ROOZENDAAL St. MARY'S CHURCH PORT STANLEY FALKLAND ISLAND 1957, 1Sh & 53p K.E and Q. E. Tied by Stanley Falkland Islands 25. Oct. 1957, stamps registered, sent to Amsterdam Hollland fresh and Very Fine
Lot #255 - world wide philately
Test object: Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (SHS), or Yugoslavia, set of last colors.Description: Issues of the post office in Zagreb, special stamps for declaration of independence, value levels 10, 20, 25, and 45 fillers, unimagined on white paper, with wide margins, each individually canceled as a letter with stamp ZAGREB November 29, 1919, according to Michel catalog set 51 / 54, jeboch U (toothless) P. Signed on the back with...
Lot #256 - world wide philately Argentina
ARGENYINE 1945/2000 collection in 2 hingeless Lighthoure albums almost complete of u/m mint stps, blocks & few mini shets + 1860 unissued 10c Green full pane of 96 imperf stps. Mi I:vf (hundreds).
Lot #257 - world wide philately Australia
AUSTRALIA, 1915, lot of 4 Kangaroo stamps MiNr: 21-24 Wm.3, from 2d, 2 1/2d, 6d, 9d, all original gum hinged Cat Euro 1760. VF
Lot #258 - world wide philately Austria, Austrian Military post K.K Danou
1861, Oesterreich, postage stamps-issue in 1861, 3 pieces, 2 Kreuzer money + 3 pieces 3 Kr light green + reverse 2 pieces of the same brand (as rekoporto), together on roccoco letter to Vienna; Michel no. 18 (5) + 19 (5). In my opinion it is (photo is enclosed) genuine, but not signed. Attached photo certificate by DR. ULRICH FERCHENBAUER.
Lot #259 - world wide philately china (taiwan)
1913 Various POSTAGE STAMPS and PROOFS, include 1st & 2nd Peking Print, also 1923-33 Second Peking Print, COVER w/Image of FARMER and date "1914" and Chinese Writing, One 1913 LONDON PRINT
Lot #260 - world wide philately China (People's Republic)
1877-1950, China stamps collection of single stamps, in pairs in fourths in sixths and 10ths most stamps with overprints.
Lot #261 - world wide philately China (People's Republic)
PRC China 1963 S57 Landscapes of Huangshan complete set (MiNr: 744-759), oll used Cat. €260
PRC China 1962 S53, S55 (MiNr: 714-719 720-725) unused Cat. €54
Lot #262 - world wide philately China (People's Republic)
1967, 18 years of PRC: Mao - the sun of a revolution, Mao and people of the world, issued during the cultural revolution. Themes: famous people, art/ culture, politics. People's Republic of CHINA [PRC]. Face values: 8 F, 8 F; Stamps set Mi.993-994 all original gum MNH. Cat €250 SUPERB
Lot #263 - world wide philately China (People's Republic)
China 1965 stamps full set of 11-C116 Mi 903-913, SC 863 Sports used CTO a- display original title Listed for sale for the benefit of a charity. used VF
Lot #264 - world wide philately China (People's Republic)
China complete set of P R China 1965 stamps S74 Chinese army, Scott 842-849 CTO NH / LH- display the original title Sold for the benefit of a charity. Used VF
Lot #265 - world wide philately China (People's Republic)
1877-1950, China stamps collection of single stamps, in pairs in fourths in sixths and 10ths most stamps with overprints.
Lot #266 - world wide philately China (People's Republic)
China 1979 J42M Postage Stamp Exhibition of PRC in Hongkong 中国邮票展 S/S CTO. (MiNo: 21). E 330.
Lot #267 - world wide philately China (People's Republic)
Selection of ** complete sets 1974-75 in a small stockbook incl. many medium priced ones e.g. Mi. Nos 1207-1211, 1216, 1212-1218, 1225-1227, 1228-1231, 1238-1241, 1249-1251, 1252-1254, 1255-1259, etc. Good quality. all original gum (never hinged), Cat €345
Lot #268 - world wide philately China (People's Republic)
Selection of ** complete sets 1974-76 in a small stockbook incl. many medium priced ones e.g. Mi. Nos 1175-1188, 1260-1264, 1281-1284, 1285-1287, 1288-1290, 1291-1295 etc. Good quality. all original gum (never hinged), Cat €220.
Lot #269 - world wide philately China (People's Republic)
Selection of ** complete sets 1976-78 in a small stockbook incl. many medium priced ones e.g. Mi. Nos 1296-1299, 1300-1302, 1303-1308, 1309-1312, 1313-1319, 1320-1321, 1322-1324, 1325-1338, 1339-1342, etc. Good quality. all original gum (never hinged), Cat €236
Lot #270 - world wide philately China (People's Republic)
Selection of ** complete sets 1977-78 in a small stockbook incl. many medium priced ones e.g. Mi. Nos 1343-6, 1347-9, 1350-2, 1353-4, 1355-8, 1367-72 (x2), 1364-6, 1373-4 (x2), 1375-80, 1381-2, 1383-5, 1386-8, 1389-90, 1391-3, 1394-8, etc. Good quality. all original gum (never hinged), Cat €303
Lot #271 - world wide philately China (People's Republic)
PRC china 1967, „Mao and his theses (II)” issued during cultural revolution time. On stamps: Congress of Chinese Communist Party and Mao portraited in different situations - with the people, greeting the Red Guards, among the Cultural Revolutionaries. Themes: famous people, politics. People's Republic of CHINA [PRC]. Face values: 4 F, 8 F (x 4); Stamps set Mi.977-981 all original gum MNH. Cat €730 SUPERB.
Lot #272 - world wide philately China (People's Republic)
Selection of ** complete sets 1968 - 1970, China - Mint never hinged stamps (MNH). Mi nr.: 1028, 1044-46, 1055-1056 Serie: 980, Chinese Classical Novel – The journey to the west. MiNr:1555/62. Selected Paintings of Baishi. MiNr:1565/80. Facial Makeups in Beijing Poera MiNr: 1582/89 all SUPERB . Catalog Value €65. Total. €452
Romano Sale House of Stamps Ltd.
The Romano Sale House was established in early 1998. After years in the stamp business, as Images/Auctioneers and sole suppliers of LINDNER philatelic accessories in Israel, Romano Sale House has... Read More
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