Viennafil Auktionen

Закрытые аукционы
Dec 16, 2020 Europe/Vienna

Viennafil Auktionen 63rd LIVE AUCTION

Wednesday Dec 16, 2020 10:00 to Friday Dec 18, 2020 19:00 Europe/Vienna

Despite this difficult time, are very pleased to have been able to put together an interesting offer with the focus on Austria, Italy and collections. We would like to highlight the collection "Postal relations between the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia 1844/1867", the second part of the collection "Terre Redente" with great rarities, "Cape of Good Hope" and as usual a significant offer from Lombardy-Venetia and Austria. 

The auction is composed by more than 3.900 lots: 
- Old Italian States more than 450 lots 
- Italy more than 800 lots 
- Lombardy-Venetia 400 lots 
- Austria more than 1.000 lots 
- Europe and Overseas more than 600 lots 
- Cape of Good Hope 80 lots 
- more than 500 collections from private individuals 

Auction Sessions:
December 16th, 2020
Session 1: Lots 1-478 at 10:00 CET Antichi Stati Italiani
Session 2: Lots 479-1265 at 14:00 CET Area Italiana
Session 3: Lots 1266-1323 at 18:00 CET Collezione dell’Area Italiana - Sammlungen von Italien
December 17th, 2020
Session 1: Lots 1324-1721 10:00 CET Lombardo-Veneto - Lombardei Venetien
Session 2: Lots 1722-2225 13:30 CET Kaiserreich Österreich
Session 3: Lots 2226-2570 16:30 CET Österreich 1919-2020
December 18th, 2020
Session 1: Lots 2571-3087 10:00 CET Österreichische Gebiete
Session 2: Lots 3088-3485 14:00 CET Europa und Übersee
Session 3: Lots 3486-3919 16:00 CET Sammlungen


About The Seller

Viennafil Auktionen

Unsere Schwerpunkte liegen bei klassischen Marken sowie postgeschichtlichen Belegen der Länder Österreich, Italien, Deutschland und Osteuropa, bei den Motiven in der Raketen- u. Luftpost bzw.... Read More

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