Australia: (18) inc WWI Official History Vol VIII 'The Australian Flying Corps' by EM Cutluck. 1983 Edition & WWII (16) with Penguin reprints (5) inc Behind Bamboo, Coast Watchers & We Were the Rats. Then A Bastard of a Place, The Australians in Papua, ANZAC Fury Battle of Crete 1941 (Thompson), Kokoda (Ham), Tobruk (Fitzsimons) & The White Mouse by Nancy Wake. FB (18) inc Baden-Powell - The Two Lives of a Hero pub 1964, WWII RAF...
Coins & Banknotes Auction 366
By: Status International
Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 366
Status International Auction 366 - Coins & Banknotes - Friday 11th June, 2021
Auction 366 has 3,684 lots catering for all types of collectors with varying types of interests and budgets. There are many desirable single items as well as collections and mixed lots. Items range from $30 to $80,000 so there's something for everybody.
This catalogue contains a great selection of Australian coins including Australian Shipwrecks, Adelaide Pound , Dumps , Proclamation coins, Gold Sovereigns and Half-Sovereigns, pre-decimal coins and Proofs, A major collection of Error Coins, RAM , Perth Mint and NPA products. There are many highlights in the Australian Coins including an Australian 1930 Penny, is graded in VF/gVF , Reserved at $20,000 (Lots 11598). This auction also includes two Adelaide Assay Office Type II Coins and are Reserved at $12,000 and $11,000 (Lots 11213 and 11214). There is also a 1813 New South Wales Dump (fifteen pence). Reserved at $2,500 (Lot 11210). Also the balance of a major collection of Australian Error coins and Varieties (Lots 11796 - 11837) with the highlight a $1 2015 Double Obverse, Unc. Reserved at $3,000. (Lot 11833). A huge range of Australian Half-Sovereigns and Sovereigns (Lots 11216-11534) with many highlights of Rare and high grade examples. Also a huge range of Australasian Tradesman Tokens (Lots12002-12368).
In the Australian Banknotes section includes Pre-Federation, Pre-decimal, Specimens, Decimal, Starnotes, Hay Internment Camp Notes, Varieties and much more. This auction includes the very rare Set of the 1913 -25 Specimen Type A Banknotes being the £1, £5, £20, £50 and £100 banknotes, (Lots 12603 -7) Reserved at $30,000, $35,000, $40,000, $45,000 and $60,000). Also a 1933 £10 Riddle-Heathershaw Specimen Banknote (Lot 12608) Reserved at $30,000.
Great range of World coins and banknotes, including Gold, silver and copper coins, medals and World Banknotes . In the World Coins is a German New Guinea 1895A 20 Mark Bird of Paradise. Prooflike fields. KM-9. Very rare only 1500 minted. Slabbed NGC MS62, only 6 graded higher. A similar coin graded NGC MS63 Lot 699 sold for €34,000 = A$52,800 + commission at Teutoburger Munzauktion at their May 2020 auction. (lot 12853) Reserve $ 35,000. Also in the World Gold is a 1902 Boer War Transvaal, gold 'Veld Pond'. Emergency issue 'ZAR 1902' rev 'EEN POND'. Authorized by acting President Schalk Burger, with dies made by PJ Kloppers, struck at Pilgrim's Rest using equipement from a mining engineering/maintenance workshop (thus its 'Veld' or 'Field' Pond nickname). Slabbed NGC 'AU details, removed from jewelry", which has resulted in surfaces that are a bit bright but still with full details. Quite sharply struck for issue. Fr 4. KM 11. Only 986 minted with a very low survival rate. Attractive high grade example of this famous rarity. (Lot 12943) Reserved at $12,000.
Also included in this Auction sale are many Australian and Overseas Medals and Militaria lots from various vendors. (Lots 10001- 10278) Highlight being Australia: DSM WWII group of 6 to Royal Australian Navy. Distinguished Service Medal KGVI chisel engraved ' AB R PEET PM 5223', 1939/45 & Pacific Stars impressed as issued, War Medal & ASM impressed 'PM5223 R PEET' & Philippines Liberation medal unnamed. Robert Peet enlisted 21 Oct 1942, disch 24 Jan 1946. DSM was awarded for action aboard the cruiser Australia (11) in Jan 1945 in Lingayen Gulf which was hit by a Japanese kamikaze aircraft. Despite half of his crew being killed or disabled by the hit, he joined a scratch crew & continued to direct the weapon at a second kamikaze before it too crashed into the mounting, leaving him badly wounded. [LG May 1 1941 pg 2298]. (Lot 10243) , Reserved at $6,000. Lots of nice lots to look at. Also a nice range of Ancient coins, Medals, Badges, Emphera and Jewellery.
Please note: Due to rising costs, we have had to increase our buyer’s premium from 19.25% to 21.45% inc GST, from this auction forward.
Sale Terms
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Lot #10152 - militaria books
Australia: Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-18, Vol XII, 12th Ed, 1939. Photographic record. VGC. Scarce. Official History of the War (British) Military Operations - Gallipoli, Vol I. Inception to may 1915, hard cover. Fair-Good condition. Minor damage to binding.
Estimate A$150
Lot #10153 - militaria books
Australia: WWII Armed Forces O.A.S. Books written by still serving members & pub by the AWM comp set of all 20 diff with 2nd AIF 'On Active Service' (1941), RAN 'HMAS I-VI' (1942-45), AMF '4' from 'Soldering On' (1942) to 'Stand Easy' (1945), RAAF (4) from 'These Eagles' (1942) to 'Victory Roll' (1945), Communications Branch 'Signals' (1944), VDC 'On Guard' (1944) & 'As You Were' (1946-1950). Most with original paper DJ, 3 still in...
Lot #10154 - militaria books
Australia:: Rare WWII Australian Unit History, 2/24 Inf Bn. First published 1963 by Jacaranda Press Ltd, reprinted 1986. Special Facsimile Ed 2002, hard cover. 25 copies only, 360pgs & annexes. The 2/24th Infantry Battalion, 9th Division, a Victorian unit, raised at Wangaratta in 1940. Served at Tobruk (1941), Tel el Eisa (1942), New Guinea (1943), Tarakan (1945). Suffered more casualties than other 2nd AIF Battalion. 360 killed, 900...
Lot #10155 - militaria books
Australia: WWII 1939-45. Australia In The War of 1939-45 Official AWM publications RAAF set of 4 'Royal Australian Airforce 1939-42' (Gillison), Air War Against Japan 1943-45 (Odgers), Air War Against Germany & Italy (Herington), Air Power Over Europe (Herington) all VGC comp with DJ. (Retail $400). Also 'Pictorial History of Australia of War 1939-45' set of 5 (retail $125). Worn spines, GC, plus 'With The Australians In Korea' (Bartlett...
Lot #10156 - militaria books
Australia: WWII POW Collection (20) inc Prisoners of War From Gallipoli to Korea (Patsy Adam Smith, 600 pgs, hard cover with DJ, pub 1992). The Diggers of Colditz (Jack Champ, one of 19 Aussies imprisoned there, hard cover with DJ, pub 1985). Dangerous Days - A Diggers Great Escape (E Brough, 2009). POW-Australian Prisoners of War in Hitler's Reich (Monteith, pub 2011). Hellfire, The Story of Australia, Japan & the POW's (Forbes, hard...
Lot #10157 - militaria books
Australia: Vietnam War Literature collection with around 15 diff books inc 'The Team Australian Army Advisers in Vietnam 1962-1972' (McNeill), 2 books original hard cover (1984) & revised soft cover (1992) edition (both only good condition). Then Contact (Lex McAulay), Ghost Platoon (Walker), Mine Fields & Miniskirts (McHugh - 2 diff editions, inc omissions & corrections). The Battle of Coral (McAulay), The Battle of Long Tan (...
Lot #10158 - militaria books
Australia:: Official History of the Australian Army Medical Services 1914-1918 by AG Butler, Vol III Problems and Services. Rare. Australian War Memorial 1943. Vol III of the 3 Vol set. Blue hard cover. Fair-Good condition (covers bit loose, foxing). A rare book.
Estimate A$150
Lot #10159 - militaria books
Australia: Biographies (8) 'Charles Kingsford Smith' by Fitzsimons, pub 2009, 'Peter Cosgrove - My story' pub 2006, 'Weary, the life of Sir Edward Dunlop & The War Diaries of Weary Dunlop' pub as single vol 1997. 'My War 1939-45' by Michael 'The Breaker' by Kit Denton (1987 edition) large VX 123, missing frontispiece Self pub 1990. 'Brothers in War' by M Walsh, pub 2006, (brief History of 8 brother who served in WWI inc Gallipoli), '...
Lot #10160 - militaria books
Australia:: Larger 'Coffee Table' size books (12) inc Australians at War - A Pictorial History (McDougall 2002), German Military Aircraft (Philpott 1981), Rust in Peace - South Pacific Battlegrounds Revisited (Adams 1976), Bomber Command 1939-45 (Overy 1997), Spitfire - A Complete Fighting History (Price 1991), This is the SAS (Geraghty 1982), The Art of War (Churcher 2004, pub AWN/SBS) & World War II on Land (Chandler 1990). Then others...
Lot #10161 - militaria books
Australia: Vietnam War: Australian individual biography collection (21) inc All Guts & No Glory, the story of a Long Tan warrior, Bob Buick. Barry Petersen Tiger Men, SE Asia edition & signed by author. An Australian SAS Soldier in Vietnam - Behind Enemy Lines, T O'Farrell. Captain Bullen's War (The Vietnam War Diary) edited by P Ham. Command Vietnam Colonel F Peter Scott. Payne VC by M Colman 2009. The Jungle Dark (biography of Frank...
Lot #10162 - militaria books
Australia: Vietnam War: Australian general history collection (30+) inc Australians in Vietnam, Ian Mackey 1968. The Saving of South Vietnam, K Grenville 1968, inc a chapter written by Brigadier F P (Ted) Serong. Genesis of a Tragedy (Historical Background of the Vietnam War) pub London 1968. The Vietnam Years (from the jungle to the Australian Suburbs) M Caulfield 2007. Vietnam, The American War, Paul Ham 2007. You're Leaving Tomorrow (...
Lot #10163 - militaria books
Australia: Vietnam War Australian Regimental/Unit Histories inc The Team (AATTV) 1962-72, Ian McNeil, pub AWM 1984. Vietnam Task, 5th Battalion RAR 1966-97, PUB 1968. We Too Were ANZACs (6th Battalion RAR 1969-70) by Col B Avery, pub by Slouch Hat 2004. Vietnam Shots (A Photographic Account by McKay & Stewart, pub 2002). Mission Vietnam, RAAF Operations 1964-74 by G Odgers, pub 1974. Long Tan & Beyond, Alpha Company 6 RAR 1966-67 by...
Lot #10164 - militaria books
Australian War Memorial publications (17). 'Guns of the Regiment' by SN Gower, near new with DJ. 'With the Australian's in Korea' (1957); 'Pictorial History of Australia at War 1939-45 Vol II'; 'HMAS' (1942); 'RAAF log'(1943); Victory Roll' (1945), then Army related (11) with 'Jungle Warfare', 'Khaki & Green', 'Soldiering On' (2 of ea) & 'Active Service', 'Stand Easy' & 'As your Were' 1947, 1949 & 1950. Most with original DJ,...
Lot #10165 - militaria books
Books & Pams: Parachute Badges & Insignia of the World, hard cover, 225pgs. Good reference book. Shenandoah 1861-62 Australian Army Journal No 56, January 1954, card cover. Amphibious Warfare + Combined Operations, 1943, card cover by Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Keys. Vehicle Log Book Motor Cycles, 1944, card cover, unissued. WWII British Army Training Booklet, approx 1920pgs, 1939. Protection Against Gas + Air Raids (damaged first...
Lot #10166 - militaria books
Great Britain/Australia. Special Air Service Regiment collection (32) from foundation in WWII to operations in Iraq 2005 inc David Stirling, The Authorised Biography of the Creator of the SAS (Hoe, 500pgs hb pub 1992), Ghost Force, the Secret History of the SAS (Connor, 375pgs hb, pub 1998), Who Dares Wins, The SAS 1950-Gulf War (Geraghty, 600pgs, pub 1983), Eye of the Storm - 25 Years in Action with the SAS (Ratcliffe DCM, 336pgs, pub 2000...
Lot #10167 - militaria books
Great Britain: WWII RAF group of 10 with Bader-The Man & his Men (Burns, 1990). Bomber Crew - Taking on the Reich (Sweetman, 2004). Claims to Fame - The Lancaster A History of the 34 Aircraft that Flew 100+ Missions, (Franks, 1994) Churchill's Few - Battle of Britain Remembered (Willis, 1985). Fight for the Sky - The Story of the Spitfire & Hurricane (Douglas Bader, 1973). Fighter Boys - Saving Britain 1940 (Bishop, 2003. Fly - True...
Lot #10168 - militaria books
Larger-size books (18) with 'A Pictorial History of Australia at War' (1980, 324 pgs); 'Army Australia - an Illustrated History' (Odgers, 1988, 280pgs); 'Diggers - The Australian Army, Navy & Airforce in Eleven Wars 1860 - 1999 (Odgers, 544 pgs); 'Charles Kingsford Smith (1988, 160pgs); 'Heroic Australian Air Stories (1981, 192 pgs); 'The Royal Australian Airforce (Oxford University Press, 2001, missing front fly page o/w as new); '...
Lot #10169 - militaria books
Library Clear out (28) with Hard Cover (11) inc 'Adolf Hitler, My Part in his Downfall' (Milligan, 1971, 1st edition), 'History of the United States Marine Corps' (A.R. Millett, 1980), 'Immediate Action' (McNab, 1995), 'Flames in the Sky, WWII Aerial Battles (Closterman, 1952), 'Naval Ratings Handbook' (1938) & 5 others. Soft Cover (17): 'Nancy Wake' Fitzsimons, 2001), 'Dusty Warriors' (Holmes, 2007), 'Sniper One (SGT Dan Mills, 2007), '3...
Lot #10170 - militaria books
Library reduction - 28 books inc 'The Russian Revolution 1899-1919' (940 pgs, Pipes 1990). 'The Secret War against the Jews' (656 pgs, Aarons & Loftus 1994), 'The Voyage of Their Life - SS Derna & its Passengers (480 pgs, Armstrong 2001), 'The Gehlen Memoirs (General Reinhard Gehlen'. Then a mixture of 'un-orthodox titles' inc 'Beer Glorious Beer' (Cyril Pearl, 1969), 'Aust Cigarette Cards & their Values' (Skinner, 1984), 'Tough...
Lot #10171 - militaria books
Vietnam War USA Point of View (25) inc Vietnam-A History (Karnow 1983), Vietnam-The Ten Thousand Day War (Maclear 1981), American Soldier (General Tommy Franks 2004), A Bright Shining Lie (John Paul Vann) & America in Vietnam (Sheehan 1988), Anatomy of A War (Kolko 1985, Vietnam-Conflict & Controversy (Elliott 1996), Air America from WWII to Vietnam (Robbins 2001), Spies & Commandos-How America Lost the Secret War in North Vietnam...
Lot #10172 - militaria books
WWII Major Battle Histories (14) inc Dunkirk-The British Evacuation (Jackson). D-Day (The Battle of Normandy), Stalingrad & Berlin (The Downfall) all by Antony Beevor. D-Day (Abrose). Armageddon (The Battle for Germany 1941-45) & Nemesis (The Battle for Japan 1944-45) both by Max Hastings. Arnhem (L Clark). Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union (English translation of the original Russian book, P Poselov Editor) pub Moscow 1974 inc...
Lot #10173 - militaria books
WWII: Individual/Campaign Histories 1950s/60s paper-back editions (30) with 'PAN' (14) inc 'Cockleshell Heroes' (Lucas-Phillips), 'Dam Busters' (Brickhill), 'Desert Generals' (Cornelli Barnett), 'Enemy Coast Ahead' (Gu Gibson VC), 'Escape of the Amethyst' (Lucas-Phillips), 'Escape or Die' (Brickhill) & 'Full Circle (Johnnie Johnson). Mixed array (16) inc Spike Milligans Military Memories (boxed set of 5), 'Rats of Rangoon', with Rommel in...
Lot #10174 - militaria germany
Imperial:Imperial Prussia 1898-1918 Reservist Officer Helmet plate. Gilt brass. Voided crown, screw post Lugs to rev retaining their nuts. Silvered brass Reservist Cross 'Mit Gott Fur Konig Und Vaterland 1813' applied to eagles legs by 4 x bend lugs. Small fracture at sceptre & wing tip junction but intact. gVF. Scarce (P)
Estimate A$250
Lot #10175 - militaria germany
Imperial Prussia Drummer's waist belt side-drum support 'TROMMELSCHERE'. Brass Prussian Eagle with 2x hooks at base to support drum. Swivelling bracket to top attached to brown leather frog/belt-loop. VGC. Scarce.
Estimate A$250
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More