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Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 1126 - europe Albania

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Italian Post Offices 1917/22: Covers (3) and a large piece, all sent registered bearing Italian adhesives, with 1917 part cover to Salonique franked 5 c. green (2), 10 c. rose (2) and 20 c. orange tied by scarce POSTE ITALIANE / HIMARA (ALBANIA) cds's; 1918 cover to Berne with 50 c. violet tied by POSTE ITALIANE / PREMETI cds (March 26) with Reseal Censors at left; 1919 cover to Egypt with 5 c. green (3), 10 c. rose (2) and 20 c. orange tied by bold strikes of HIMARA cds's with Censor strip at left; and 1922 cover to Berne with 40 c. brown (6) tied by VALONA SCALO datestamps (Feb 16) in black. Small imperfections to be expected but a very rare group.

Catalogue 284: Europe & Overseas


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