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Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 1185 - europe Albania

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Eagle Overprints 1913: Fine group of twelve covers/cards including three opttoman  20 pa. stationery cards used, of which one registered an uprated, small mourning letter with fine three colour franking (Mi. 6-8) sent reigstered from "Vlone 25.9.1913" to Corfu (APS cert. 2009), small envelope from Elbasan franked with horizontal pair of 1913 10 pa. on 20 pa. rose (signed Diena) to Vlone as well as newspaper wrapper (faults) franked with Double Eagle 20 pa. rose (signed Freyse) from "Vlone 7.9.13" to Zagreb.

Catalogue 284: Europe & Overseas


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